


2022年04月13日 | 爺英語

The people at Starbucks Coffee Japan are continuing the shift away from single-use plastic.
They're set to make more changes in April in time for a new law to encourage waste reduction and plastic recycling.
Starbucks officials say their outlets will start serving cold drinks for eat-in customers without plastic lids.
They'll test the change at about 100 stores from April 18 before expanding it to shops nationwide in the summer.
The company switched from plastic to paper cups for cold drinks in 2020.
Other coffee chains have also been phasing out plastic in the lead-up to the new law.
Excelsior Caffe switched to paper cups for cold drinks to go. And Tully's Coffee Japan is planning similar steps.

 shift away from  ~からの転換
 single-use 使用回数が1度限りの、使い捨ての 
 phase out   段階的に廃止する 
 lead-up  準備、前振り 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/04/13)

2022年04月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
28501.I suppose(多分〜だと思う)
I suppose everything is going to be all right. 
28502.blast(吹き飛ばす) a sudden strong movement of wind or air/an explosion, or the very strong movement of air that it causes
I blasted through the to-do list and got everything done by noon 
28503.I'd like to return(〜を返品したいのですが)
Excuse me, I'd like to return this hat. 
28504.I'd like to exchange ~ for ~(〜を〜と交換したいのですが) the act of giving someone something and receiving something else from them 
I'd like to exchange this shirt for a bigger one. 
28505.I'd like a refund(返金してもらいたいのですが) an amount of money that is given back to you if you are not satisfied with the goods or services that you have paid for
I'd like a refund on this. It's a defective item.