

Daily Vocabulary(2021/12/13)

2021年12月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
27901.assess(評価する) to make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it 類義語 judge/to calculate the value or cost of something
The technique is being tried in classrooms to assess what effects it may have 
27902.Ever since I was a kid, my parents always told me to shoot for the stars. (高望みする)
Ever since I was a kid, my parents always told me to shoot for the stars.
27903.shoulder-length(肩までの長さの)shoulder-length hair hangs down to your shoulders
My hair is now shoulder-length and will have to stay that way. 
27904.spiky(大くぎのような、先端のとがった、怒りっぽい)hair that is spiky is stiff and stands up on top of your head 
His hair was dyed black now, and it was spiky. 
27905.goatee(やぎひげ)a small pointed beard on the end of a man’s chin
His hair is thick but cut quite short and he has a short goatee beard.