

Daily Vocabulary(2021/12/09)

2021年12月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
27891.show off(見せびらかす) to try to make people admire your abilities, achievements, or possessions – used to show disapproval → show-off
Just because you're god at soccer, you don't have to show off
27892.talk down(見下した態度で話す、上から目線で話す)o talk to someone as if they are stupid, although they are not 類義語 patronize
My boss talks down to  us like we're babies
27893.stingy(けちな) informal not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean
Don't be stingy with the butter on the popcorn. 
27894.till(耕す)to prepare land for growing crops 類義語 cultivate 
When do you start tilling the rice field?
27895.faction(派閥)a small group of people within a larger group, who have different ideas from the other members, and who try to get their own ideas accepted
The party has broken into four factions.