

Daily Vocabulary(2021/12/06)

2021年12月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
27866.tied up(忙しくて)手が離せない・〜に拘束されている)  to be very busy, so that you cannot do anything else
She’s tied up in a meeting at the moment. May I ask what this call is about? 
27867.How should I know? (私に分かるわけないでしょ / 知らないよ)used to say that it is not reasonable to expect that you should know something
How should I know? Why would you even ask me that?You’re such a jerk! 
27868.Who knows?(誰にも分からないよ)used to say that you do not know the answer to a question
Who knows? I guess only time will tell. 
27869.track(何番線)American English the particular track that a train leaves from or arrives at 
Take the train from track 3. 
Then, transfer to the Red Line