

Daily Vocabulary(2019/05/30)

2019年05月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
23516.distinct(はっきりした、明瞭な) an injury to your body that is made by a weapon such as a knife or a bullet
She spoke very quietly, but every word was distinct and precise
23517.abstract (抽象的な)
Her explanation was vague and abstract.
23518.concrete(具体的な、有形の )definite and specific → abstract 
Can you give me a concrete example?
23519.deceive(だます、欺く)to make someone believe something that is not true → deception 
You deceive me for months.
23520.tease(からかう、いじめる) to laugh at someone and make jokes in order to have fun by embarrassing them, either in a friendly way or in an unkind way 
I don't like being teased about my clothes.

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