


2019年05月15日 | 爺英語

The fishing industry is taking a hit in Hokkaido, northern Japan, due to sea lions with big appetites. Fishermen say that they are worried about losses caused by herds of them eating their catches.
More than 50 Steller sea lions up to three meters long were seen lying on a coastal levee or jumping into water a few kilometers from a port in Ishikari Bay.
They are called "sea gangsters" in Hokkaido, because they are hurting the local fishing industry at the peak offlounder season. Losses totaled more than 10 million dollars for the year through March 2017.
A fisherman says that he brought in just a fraction of an average haul on Thursday morning as sea lions ate the fish inside the fishing nets.
He says he needs about 25,000 dollars to buy or repair nets damaged by the creatures.
Fishers are only allowed to hunt a fixed number of sea lions as they are designated as a near-threatened speciesin the northern Pacific. .
coastal levee防波堤、防潮堤     a special wall built to stop a river flooding 
fraction ごく少量、ほんの僅か    a very small amount of something  
haul (1回の網の)漁獲量 the amount of fish caught in one net or in one period of time 
designate 指定する     to choose someone or something for a particular job or purpose 

Daily Vocabulary(2019/05/15)

2019年05月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
23441.CV(履歴書)  (curriculum vitae) a short written document that lists your education and previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job 類義語 resume American English 
Your photo must be attached to your CV.
23442.varnish (ニス)a clear liquid that is painted onto things, especially things made of wood, to protect them, or the hard shiny surface produced by this 
You need to apply at least two coats of varnish to the table.
23443.annual happening once a year 類義語 yearly 
I went to the annual Hamamatsu Festival.
23444.senior citizens (高齢者)someone who is over 60 years old or who is retired 
Medical improvements have led to an increase in the overall population of senior citizens. 
23445.elderly (高齢者 / お年寄り / 年配の方 )used as a polite way of saying that someone is old or becoming old 
Japan is in need of more nursing care to care for the increasing elderly population.

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