

Daily Vocabulary(2019/05/17)

2019年05月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
23451.That being said (そうは言っても / というわけで )
I hate running. That being said, I still run once a week to stay in shape.
23452.sleep on it  (〜について一晩よく考える )spoken to not make a decision about something important until the next day 
I'll sleep on it and get back to you tomorrow morning. 
23453.seriously consider(〜を前向きに検討する )
We are seriously considering placing an ad on your site.
23454.Thank you for your consideration (ご検討の程よろしくお願い致します )
Thank you for your time and consideration.
23455.bland (もの柔らかな、人当たりがよい、穏やかな、落ち着いた、温和な、口当たりのよい、さっぱりした、気の抜けた、おもしろみのない、無感情の )without any excitement, strong opinions, or special character 類義語 dull food that is bland has very little taste 類義語 tasteless 
He’s a nice guy but his personality is kind of bland.
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