

Daily Vocabulary(2019/05/27)

2019年05月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
23501.overlook(見落とす、見逃す) to forgive someone’s mistake, bad behaviour etc and take no action 
Could you overlook my mistake this time?
23502.refer to (言及する、参照する)to mention or speak about someone or something 
Don't refer to him again..
23503.season(味付けをする、味を調える)to add salt, pepper etc to food you are cooking 
Season the ingredients with salt and pepper.
23504.powerless (無力な、無能な、弱い、無気力な、力がなくて )unable to stop or control something because you do not have the power, strength, or legal right to do so 
We are powerless against the virus..
23505.balance(残高)probably dishonest or illegal,protected from the sun or producing shade 
I check my account balance with my smart  phone?.

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