

Daily Vocabulary(2019/01/09)

2019年01月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
22826.medication(薬、薬物治療)medicine or drugs given to people who are ill
I'm on medication for my liver.
22827manicure(手のお手入れ)a treatment for the hands that includes cutting and polishing the nails
I got a manicure for the party tonight.
22828.preclude(妨げる、起こらないようにする)to prevent something or make something impossible
Her low test scores preclude her from entering the college.
22829.recess(休憩)a short period of time between lessons at a school when children can go outdoors and play
We usually take an hour's recess for lunch.
22830.extract(抜き取る、抽出する)o carefully remove a substance from something which contains it, using a machine, chemical process etc
I extracted the oil from freshly picked roses.

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