


2019年01月02日 | Daily Vocabulary

You might already know this, but Japan has unwritten rules on how to ride escalators. Most people stand on one side and leave the other side open for those in a rush. But a campaign is now underway in Tokyo Station to change that idea in the name of safety.

(Railway staff)
"Do not walk on the escalator, stand in two lines."

The Tokyo office of East Japan Railway, or JR East, started the promotion on Monday at one of the capital's busiest transport hubs. About 1,500 escalator incidents were reported in Japan in 2013 and 2014.
During the campaign, workers are asking passengers to stand still on escalators. The goal is to prevent falls and make escalator use more efficient. Signs and messages on floors, walls, and handrails, instruct commuters on the new rules.
Officials hope that all passengers will embrace the new safety rules by the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

transport hub交通拠点

Daily Vocabulary(2019/01/02)

2019年01月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
22791.sushi roll(巻きずし)a reduction in the usual price of something
Kodama, a Japanese restaurant in Manhattan, New York, created these new sushi rolls.
22792.focus on(~は … に焦点を合わせる、注目して;力を入れて;焦点をあてる)
Focus on speed more than the quality.
22793.Who do you think you are?(あなた何様のつもり)
Who do you think you are?
22794.unpredictable(予報できない、何をしでかすか予測できない、気まぐれな) changing a lot so it is impossible to know what will happenfont
The prospects of Japan's economy are unpredictable.
22795.hot chocolate(ココア)a hot drink made with chocolate powder and milk or water
I'm on a diet, so I'ii just have some hot chocolate with you.

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