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2024-09-30 | ブログ



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2024-09-30 | ブログ




文章18 自分らしさとは何か? 一橋大学




Sentence 18 What is your personality?  Hitotsubashi University

"Everyone wants to live in their own way, isn't it?" In other words, you want to be a free and independent way of life, a self with original values that are not imitative. In order to get closer to that ideal self, we want to make progress every day. So what is your individuality?

First of all, people have an [ego] that makes them aware of themselves. In this way, there is a world that surrounds the self, and there is the ego as the subject that recognizes the world. In the object of the world, there is nature, and there are humans as [others]. It is impossible to fully understand the other, but by being aware of the other we learn to act rationally and to objectify ourselves. By recognizing that others are incomprehensible others, that is, by recognizing otherness, objectivity and sociality come to be incorporated into the ego. Furthermore, as we make choices and decisions about life that are different from those of others in society, we become aware of our own [identity]. For example, having a sense of belonging, such as "I am Japanese," or having self-respect, such as "I am a poet," leads to self-awareness, or identity.

Many young people spend a period of [moratorium] at universities, etc. before becoming responsible members of society, and this period is also a good time to search for their own identity. Nonetheless, there are cases where, for some reason, we deviate from the process of establishing the ego. One example is those who become hikikomori because they are mentally ill because they are unable to objectify society and others. They have [frustration] that they can't form their own identity such as self-value in society. It is also an issue for society as a whole to transform such a state of dissatisfaction and tension in a positive direction.



1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 悪天候で足止めされたので,船は3時間遅れて出航した.
(weather, by, prevented, bad), the ship left three hours late.
2) 雪で覆われていると,その山は荘厳に見える.
(looks, with, the mountain, snow, covered, majestic).
*3) 1982年生まれなので,生徒たちは東京オリンピックのことをあまり知らない.
(1982, in, born), the students don't know much about the Tokyo Olympic Games.

2. 日本語に合うように次の各文を完成しなさい.
1) やさしい英語で書かれているので, その本は2,3日で読める.
_________________________, the book can be read in a few days.
2) クリスマスパーティーに招待されたので,彼女はわくわくしている.
_____________________________________________, she is excited.
*3) 注意深く観察すると, その光はUFOではないようだった.
__________________________, the light didn't look like an UFO.
*4) 出口の前で立っている間, 彼がそばにいることに気づかなかった.
____________________________________, I didn't notice that he was beside me.

3. 海洋ほ乳類の呼吸
Marine mammals spend their whole lives at sea. How can they sleep and not die from being under water for too long? Equipped with a unique breathing system, whales and dolphins must keep part of their brain alert to make each breath happen. Their systems require conscious control.




2024-09-30 | ブログ










A system that allows you to receive individual guidance at a cram school while staying at home. At Sakura Institute of Education, we provide correspondence-based instruction.

We will listen to your dreams and hopes for the future, think about what kind of learning you need, and set goals. Please feel free to consult with us as it will be held in individual discussions. Each student has a different instruction plan.

Use school textbooks to solidify the basics. In addition to school textbooks, use reference books and abundant original teaching materials to challenge applied problems. Intensive repetition of test coverage to improve scores in regular tests. Guidance by examination measures along the school of choice. High-level guidance for entrance exams for difficult schools, etc.

In any case, Sakura Educational Institute provides guidance that deeply considers how students who receive guidance can reach their hopes and realize their dreams. Thorough instruction by professional instructors is provided at least three times a month. It's a long class of 100 minutes, so it's possible to fully understand what you don't understand within this time.

All you need is Skype. You can study from anywhere according to the level of the lecturer's class, and you can ask questions on time by Skype instruction. With Skype, you don't have to worry about phone bills, and the instructor will answer your questions directly, so you can learn with peace of mind.

There are many parents who are worried about the fact that students of middle and high school age attend cram schools. When I said I was going to cram school, I was actually playing. Parents of girls will be even more concerned. You can study in the comfort of your own home while being calmly guided. One of the great attractions of Sakura Educational Research Institute is that you can learn at home at a high quality as if you were being taught by a private tutor.

I think this is a very good method for students who want to listen carefully to the lectures of professional instructors and take the exam without getting sidetracked. I hope that parents will support their children as they pursue their dreams.


2024-09-30 | ブログ





2024年 東京大学・理科一類・理科二類・理科三類 183名 合格

2024年 京都大学・医学部・医学科 18名 合格

2024年 慶応大学・医学部・医学科 54名 一次合格

2024年 一橋大学・法学部・経済学部・他 79名 合格

2024年 有名大学・推薦合格(国立医学部・早慶含む) 263名 合格


2023年 東京大学・理科一類・理科二類・理科三類 158名 合格

2023年 京都大学・医学部・医学科 21名 合格

2023年 慶応大学・医学部・医学科 39名 一次合格

2023年 一橋大学・法学部・経済学部・他 64名 合格

2023年 有名大学・推薦合格(国立医学部・早慶含む) 287名 合格


2022年 東京大学・法学部・文一類 63名 合格

2022年 京都大学・医学部・医学科 27名 合格

2022年 慶応大学・医学部・医学科 45名 一次合格

2022年 一橋大学・法学部・経済学部・他 78名 合格

2022年 有名大学・推薦合格(国立医学部・早慶含む) 192名 合格





2024年 東京・日比谷高校 69名 合格

2024年 大阪・北野高校 74名 合格

2024年 愛知・岡崎高校 52名 合格


2023年 東京・日比谷高校 62名 合格

2023年 大阪・北野高校 70名 合格

2023年 愛知・岡崎高校 35名 合格


2022年 東京・日比谷高校 74名 合格

2022年 大阪・北野高校 66名 合格

2022年 愛知・岡崎高校 39名 合格





2024年 開成中学校 67名 合格

2024年 灘中学校 48名 合格


2023年 開成中学校 54 合格

2023年 灘中学校 35名 合格


2022年 開成中学校 51名 合格

2022年 灘中学校 33名 合格





2024-09-30 | ブログ

さくらのスカイプ/LINE ID 「 skredu 」

メール info@skredu.mods.jp  bs@skredu.mods.jp 

HPアドレス https://skredu.wixsite.com/edu-sakura

Tel 050-5242-5096(総合)
Tel 050-5242-5105(小中学生)
Tel 050-5242-5335(高校生以上) 
Tel 050-5242-5570(一般社会人・大学生)




2024-09-29 | ブログ



文章24 なぜ割り箸(ばし)は二度使わない? 早稲田大学



Sentence 24 Why don't you use chopsticks twice?  Waseda University

"There is a culture in Japan that abhors the contamination of clean things." For example, in the case of disposable chopsticks, few people would feel comfortable reusing used items. No matter how much you wash your chopsticks and there are no sanitary problems, you still feel that the chopsticks are dirty. This is an example of how we have the notion of cleanliness = purity and dirt = impureness as a major value standard in our actions. Dirty chopsticks after use are considered unclean, and using them has even become a psychological [taboo]. Speaking of taboos, eating cannibalism and banning women are well-known, but in present-day Japan, the act of pinching rice with your hands is taboo. It is said that there were no chopsticks in Himiko's time, so it seems that the concept of purity and impurity related to chopsticks came from the continent. On the other hand, in India, it is common sense to pick and eat rice with the right hand, and eating with the left hand, which is considered unclean, is taboo. Cultural anthropology and ethnology study these cultural differences.

Speaking of chopsticks, we use special ones made of plain wood during the New Year. New Year's dishes that you don't usually eat are served. It can be said that this is a symbolic event to decorate a special day that is different from everyday life (ke). The so-called hare and ke in [folklore studies] are terms that mean such special days and days that are not. By the way, the word “Haregi” was derived from Hare. People wear their best clothes and visit shrines and temples for the New Year's visit. Large temples and shrines where people gather are generally located in the center of towns, like temple towns that develop around them. It is also a place of purification suitable for the stage of hare. In many cases, the wealthy class lived around the temples and shrines, while the common people lived far away from the temples and shrines. This can be said to be an example of the relationship between [center and periphery].


1. 次の各文の( )内の語を適当な形に直しなさい.
1) I remember (play) in this park when I was a boy.
2) She'll never forget (meet) Mark for the first time.
3) Don't forget (brush) your teeth before going to bed.
*4) We stopped (discuss) the matter because it had already been resolved.

2. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 5年前に君とフランスに行ったのを覚えている.
I (with, France, going, you, remember, to) five years ago.
2) 忘れずに犬にえさをやってください.
Please (feed, to, the dog, remember).
3) 彼はスーパーで牛乳を買い忘れた.
He (to, at, forgot, buy, milk, the supermarket).
*4) メアリーは試しにドアを2回ノックしたが,だれも出なかった.
Mary (knocking, twice, tried, the door), but nobody answered.

3. 視力とニンジン
I was never interested in food as a child, but I do remember being encouraged to eat plenty of carrots to help me to see in the dark. This folklore is supported by sound science. The nutrient beta carotene filling carrots converts to vitamin A in the body and vitamin A is important for night vision.



2024-09-29 | ブログ




  6) 夜遅くまで起きてユーチューブの動画を見てしまった。
   I (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) watching videos on YouTube.
  7) 就職してから外食が増えた(←働き始めてからより多く外食をしている)。
   Since I started working, I've been (   ) (   ) more often.
  8) 昨日は寝坊してしまい、学校までずっと走らなければならなかった。
   Yesterday I woke up late, so I had to run (   ) (   ) (   ) to school.
  9) チャーリーは今外出中です。昼までには戻ります。
   Charlie (   ) (   ) right now. He'll be back by noon.
 10) 昨晩怖い夢を見た。
   I (   ) (   ) scary (   ) last night.



文章17 心と身体は別のもの? 東北大学




Sentence 17 Mind and body are separate things?  Tohoku University

"I wonder how humans have progressed." From an evolutionary perspective, there is a world of inorganic substances in the universe, from which living things were born, animals and plants branched out, and species and species evolved in a more complex way. Human beings also emerged from such an evolutionary process of life from simple to complex. In other words, this is the idea of [monism] that one substance develops into a more complex and higher dimension.

Then, can human progress be understood only through this kind of monistic way of thinking? Let's focus on the individual here. Physiological development usually makes a person physically mature. In other words, if you continue your daily life such as eating and sleeping, your body will naturally grow. And so, in a biological sense, humans stop progressing at about the age of twenty. However, it is very inadequate to see human progress only from the one-dimensional point of view of physiological development. For example, if we consider the substantive progress of human beings as a [dualism] of the body and the spirit, we need to consider the growth of the spirit in contrast to the physiological development of the body.

Descartes considered the mind and body (material) to be independent and independent, and this is the [mind-body dualism] that has been preached since the modern era. In this way of thinking, the world is recognized by regarding the mind as [subjective] and the body as [objective]. It is an objective fact that the growth of the body is completed at the age of twenty. What about the spirit? Will the spirit be perfected in the prime of life in the 40s and 50s, when people often do big jobs, and in old age when they are physically weaker? Is there really a yardstick for measuring the stages of human spiritual progress? If there is, it will be something with a highly subjective, solipsistic metric. This is because subjectivity is the only phenomenon that a subjective human subject believes to rely on.



2024-09-29 | ブログ





2024-09-28 | ブログ


Exercises 14

1. 次の各文の不定詞の用法は ①感情の原因 ②判断の根拠・理由 ③結果 ④形容詞の修飾のうち,どれを表すか答えなさい.
1) She was sad to hear about his death.
2) I'm sorry to hear that he cannot go with us.
*3) His telephone number is easy to remember.
*4) My grandfather lived to be ninety-nine.
*5) They must be rich to own two cars.
*6) He got up early, only to find out it was a holiday.

2. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 僕のプレゼントを気に入ってもらえてうれしいです.
I'm (you, to, know, my present, liked, that, glad).
*2) エレベーターを「リフト」と言うとは彼女は英国人に違いない.
She (“a lift”, an elevator, be, call, to, must, British).
*3) コンタクトレンズは,落とすと見つけにくい.
When you drop a contact lens, (to, is, hard, find, it).
*4) そんなおかしなことをするなんて,ブラウン氏は賢いはずがない.
Mr. Brown (wise, cannot, do, such a crazy thing, be, to).

3. イギリス英語に驚く外国人学習者
When foreign learners of English first come to the British Isles, they are usually surprised to discover how little they understand of the English they hear. For one thing, people seem to speak faster than they expected. For another, the English that most people speak seems to be different in many ways from the English they have learned.


文章5 理性で説明できないものとは? 同志社大学



Sentence 5 What is it that cannot be explained by reason?  Doshisha University

[Modernization] was accompanied by major changes in various areas. Democracy was established, and the invention of revolutionary technology changed the way people worked and lived, as well as the economic system. In addition, the human beings who make up modern society are thought to have reason and rational judgment, and "modern rationalism" was born out of this. This doctrine is greatly influenced by various modern sciences. For example, with the advent of Galileo and Descartes, who established modern science, everything in the natural world surrounding human beings was considered to be measurable numerically. For people in the Middle Ages, the world was a mixture of ordinary spaces in which people lived and extraordinary spaces such as sacred places. But under the modern worldview, medieval space was divided and made measurable. In addition, the production and spread of mechanical clocks has created a uniform and measurable time in every region of the world, resulting in the loss of the medieval sense of time that was integrated with the rhythm of nature. In this way, human reason and rationality, which modern times respected, brought about [homogenization of time and space] in the world, and even the idea that humans have the power to control nature and the world was born. Modern rationalism pursued universal truths for all peoples of the world through the power of human reason and intellect, and tried to illuminate the world with the light of truth.

However, humans are also beings with emotions and psychology that cannot be measured by reason alone. For example, the unconscious realm deep within consciousness plays an important role in our mental life. There is no doubt that human beings exist in the coexistence of the rational and the irrational, and being aware of this fact leads to doubting the obviousness of things and developing new ideas. deaf.





2024-09-26 | ブログ




文章21 言語が世界を分節する? 千葉大学



Sentence 21 Language divides the world?  Chiba University

Can we imagine a world without language? If you were to lose language and you were to reflect your own face in a mirror, the face reflected in the mirror would not be recognized as a human face, and would consist of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Elements will only appear as something vague. A world without language is chaotic and obscure. Language has the function of [segmenting] such an obscure and continuous world. For example, people only recognize something reflected in a mirror as a face by language. The same is true for the eyes and nose, and in order to express the difference between the two shining spheres above the face and the two holes below it, the words "eyes" and "nose" and their associated [concepts] are born. It will be. In other words, human beings did not recognize eyes and noses as separate things from the beginning and then gave them the names of eyes and noses. In contrast to the function of naming things, language was the first to articulate the chaotic world, and from there, things and concepts were born.

Another major characteristic of language is that the sound "me" evokes concepts. This is equivalent to a red light meaning stop. In this way, since language includes the part of expression that appears outside (the sound ``me'') and the content that is expressed (the ``eye'' of a human and the ``bud'' of a plant) as indivisible things, [ symbol]. This notion of sign also extends to culture. For example, the understanding that the utterance ``me'' refers to ``eyes'' or ``buds'' is valid only in a cultural area that uses the Japanese language, and in this cultural area, ``me'' means ``eyes''. This is because there is a net-like relationship between the "eyes" and things other than the "eyes" (such as the "nose" mentioned above). We can say that we belong to such a networked system.


1. 左右を結び付けて意味の通る文にしなさい.
1) Listen to me carefully (a) with tears running down his cheeks.
2) He said “goodbye” to me (b) with your mouth full.
3) He went out (c) with your book closed.
*4) Michael always studies (d) with the radio on.
*5) You shouldn't speak (e) with the door unlocked.

2. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 彼は最後の質問に声を震わせて答えた.
He (his, question, trembling, last, answered, the, voice, with).
2) 健は家族に囲まれて病院で亡くなった.
Ken (surrounding, in, family, him, with, his, died, the hospital).
3) 彼らはユニホームを泥だらけにして試合をした.
They (covered, with, the game, mud, played, uniforms, with, their).
4) 手品師は目を閉じたまま数字を言い当てた.
The magician (eyes, number, closed, with, guessed, his, the).
*5) 彼女はおみやげをスーツケースにいっぱい詰めてハワイから帰国した.
She (full, with, returned, of, Hawaii, her suitcase, souvenirs, from).

3. マンモス発見
In 1900, while hunting in the north of Asia, a Russian stumbled over the body of a huge animal. It was frozen in the ice, with only its head sticking out. It was far too big for the man to dig out or move by himself. Instead, he cut off the tusks, and took them back to sell.