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2024-05-29 | ブログ



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※さくらのスカイプ/LINE ID 「 skredu 」




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※スカイプ相談には、お客様にもスカイプ( Skype )ソフト無料のダウンロードとヘッドセット( 1000 円程度)のご用意が必要です。





プロの講師(京都大学、東京大学など) さくら教育研究所

2024-05-29 | ブログ











2024-05-29 | ブログ










A system that allows you to receive individual guidance at a cram school while staying at home. At Sakura Institute of Education, we provide correspondence-based instruction.

We will listen to your dreams and hopes for the future, think about what kind of learning you need, and set goals. Please feel free to consult with us as it will be held in individual discussions. Each student has a different instruction plan.

Use school textbooks to solidify the basics. In addition to school textbooks, use reference books and abundant original teaching materials to challenge applied problems. Intensive repetition of test coverage to improve scores in regular tests. Guidance by examination measures along the school of choice. High-level guidance for entrance exams for difficult schools, etc.

In any case, Sakura Educational Institute provides guidance that deeply considers how students who receive guidance can reach their hopes and realize their dreams. Thorough instruction by professional instructors is provided at least three times a month. It's a long class of 100 minutes, so it's possible to fully understand what you don't understand within this time.

All you need is Skype. You can study from anywhere according to the level of the lecturer's class, and you can ask questions on time by Skype instruction. With Skype, you don't have to worry about phone bills, and the instructor will answer your questions directly, so you can learn with peace of mind.

There are many parents who are worried about the fact that students of middle and high school age attend cram schools. When I said I was going to cram school, I was actually playing. Parents of girls will be even more concerned. You can study in the comfort of your own home while being calmly guided. One of the great attractions of Sakura Educational Research Institute is that you can learn at home at a high quality as if you were being taught by a private tutor.

I think this is a very good method for students who want to listen carefully to the lectures of professional instructors and take the exam without getting sidetracked. I hope that parents will support their children as they pursue their dreams.


2024-05-29 | ブログ





2024年 東京大学・理科一類・理科二類・理科三類 183名 合格

2024年 京都大学・医学部・医学科 18名 合格

2024年 慶応大学・医学部・医学科 54名 一次合格

2024年 一橋大学・法学部・経済学部・他 79名 合格

2024年 有名大学・推薦合格(国立医学部・早慶含む) 263名 合格


2023年 東京大学・理科一類・理科二類・理科三類 158名 合格

2023年 京都大学・医学部・医学科 21名 合格

2023年 慶応大学・医学部・医学科 39名 一次合格

2023年 一橋大学・法学部・経済学部・他 64名 合格

2023年 有名大学・推薦合格(国立医学部・早慶含む) 287名 合格


2022年 東京大学・法学部・文一類 63名 合格

2022年 京都大学・医学部・医学科 27名 合格

2022年 慶応大学・医学部・医学科 45名 一次合格

2022年 一橋大学・法学部・経済学部・他 78名 合格

2022年 有名大学・推薦合格(国立医学部・早慶含む) 192名 合格





2024年 東京・日比谷高校 69名 合格

2024年 大阪・北野高校 74名 合格

2024年 愛知・岡崎高校 52名 合格


2023年 東京・日比谷高校 62名 合格

2023年 大阪・北野高校 70名 合格

2023年 愛知・岡崎高校 35名 合格


2022年 東京・日比谷高校 74名 合格

2022年 大阪・北野高校 66名 合格

2022年 愛知・岡崎高校 39名 合格





2024年 開成中学校 67名 合格

2024年 灘中学校 48名 合格


2023年 開成中学校 54 合格

2023年 灘中学校 35名 合格


2022年 開成中学校 51名 合格

2022年 灘中学校 33名 合格





2024-05-29 | ブログ

さくらのスカイプ/LINE ID 「 skredu 」

メール info@skredu.mods.jp  bs@skredu.mods.jp 

HPアドレス https://skredu.wixsite.com/edu-sakura

Tel 050-5242-5096(総合)
Tel 050-5242-5105(小中学生)
Tel 050-5242-5335(高校生以上) 
Tel 050-5242-5570(一般社会人・大学生)




2024-05-27 | ブログ

Exercises 7

1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 家のほこりが私のアレルギー(症状)と,何か関係があるのかもしれない.
Housedust (something, with, do, have, to, my allergies, may).
2) 食べ物は記憶力と何か関係があるのだろうか.
Does food (to, our memory, with, have, anything, do)?
*3) 彼女は不幸にもインフルエンザにかかった.
She (to, with, the misfortune, be infected, influenza, had).

2. 日本語に合うように次の各文を完成しなさい.
1) それは彼女の成功とほとんど関係がない.
It ___________________________________________________ her success.
2) 子どもたちはその火事には何の関係もなかった.
The children ____________________________________________________ .
3) 地球温暖化は温室効果ガスとおおいに関係がある.
Global warming _________________________ the greenhouse effect gas.
*4) 彼は親切にも私のかばんを運んでくれた.
He _______________________________________________________________.

Valentine's Day, February 14, is the feast day of St. Valentine. But the saint's life seems to have had nothing to do with the present custom of sending valentines. Perhaps the custom goes back to ancient Rome, where young men and women exchanged greeting cards on February 14 in honor of gods and goddesses.


文章13 新しい学説は、どのように起こるのか? 広島大学



Sentence 13 How does the new theory arise?  Hiroshima University

The earth revolves around the sun. But what would you think if you were told that the sun really revolves around the earth? Would you answer that such a thing is absurd, impossible? Or do you think it might be true? In fact, about 400 years ago, the opposite happened. The astronomer Copernicus proposed the heliocentric theory that the earth revolves around the sun. Until then, the Ptolemaic theory systematized by Ptolemy around the 2nd century (around the 2nd century) was the dominant view of the world officially recognized by the Catholic Church, and ordinary people believed that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the earth. I believed. At the time the heliocentric theory was announced, the power of the church was so strong that Bruno, who supported the heliocentric theory, was executed. On the other hand, various discoveries by Galileo Galilei and Kepler in the early 17th century proved that the earth, which until then was believed to be stationary, actually revolves around the sun. Such a situation in which even the way of thinking of the world itself changes 180 degrees is called a [paradigm shift].

Another theory that has brought about such a paradigm shift is the theory of evolution. In particular, the idea of evolution in Darwin's Origin of Species, published in the middle of the nineteenth century, caused a great response because it also referred to the origin of mankind. In contrast to Christian doctrine up until then, where God was said to have created human beings in the image of God, Darwin's theory explains other [organic] bodies and human beings with the same concept of evolution. because it was Although there are still some Christians who deny evolution, Darwin's theory has been revised and developed by the next generation of scientists and is now recognized as the dominant idea. It can be said that the shift in paradigm brought about by the Scientific Revolution heralded the coming of an era of universal science.




2024-05-06 | ブログ





