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中学数学・図形問題 15 大阪府・愛知県・高校入試問題(さくら教育研究所)

2023-06-21 | ブログ






1. 次の各文の( )内の語を現在分詞または過去分詞に直しなさい.
1) The soccer ball came (fly) over the fence, and broke the window.
2) Kate stood (wait) for her friend.
3) He seemed (excite) to watch the baseball game.
*4) The students went (swim) in the lake last summer.
*5) Mother kept (talk) on the phone.

2. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) その少女は横になって本を読んでいた.
(lay, girl, reading, the, a book).
2) ビルはその映画を見るのは退屈そうだった.
Bill (bored, looked, the film, watching, with).
3) マイクはなくした財布のことで気が動転しているようだ.
Mike (wallet, upset, his, seems, about, lost).
4) 両親はその知らせにがっかりした.
(parents, the, disappointed, news, felt, my, at).
*5) 少年は星を見つめ続けた.
The little boy (the, kept, stars, at, gazing).

3. 芸術の評価
In order to have any rating scale at all, we must be willing to assume that there are fixed, timeless values in art; that the true worth of a given work is a stable thing, independent of time and circumstances. Perhaps such values exist. We do know, however, that opinions about works of art have kept changing, not only today,but throughout the history.

慶応大学・理工学部・数学 91(さくら教育研究所) 開講中!

2023-06-21 | ブログ




