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2024-09-26 | ブログ




文章21 言語が世界を分節する? 千葉大学



Sentence 21 Language divides the world?  Chiba University

Can we imagine a world without language? If you were to lose language and you were to reflect your own face in a mirror, the face reflected in the mirror would not be recognized as a human face, and would consist of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Elements will only appear as something vague. A world without language is chaotic and obscure. Language has the function of [segmenting] such an obscure and continuous world. For example, people only recognize something reflected in a mirror as a face by language. The same is true for the eyes and nose, and in order to express the difference between the two shining spheres above the face and the two holes below it, the words "eyes" and "nose" and their associated [concepts] are born. It will be. In other words, human beings did not recognize eyes and noses as separate things from the beginning and then gave them the names of eyes and noses. In contrast to the function of naming things, language was the first to articulate the chaotic world, and from there, things and concepts were born.

Another major characteristic of language is that the sound "me" evokes concepts. This is equivalent to a red light meaning stop. In this way, since language includes the part of expression that appears outside (the sound ``me'') and the content that is expressed (the ``eye'' of a human and the ``bud'' of a plant) as indivisible things, [ symbol]. This notion of sign also extends to culture. For example, the understanding that the utterance ``me'' refers to ``eyes'' or ``buds'' is valid only in a cultural area that uses the Japanese language, and in this cultural area, ``me'' means ``eyes''. This is because there is a net-like relationship between the "eyes" and things other than the "eyes" (such as the "nose" mentioned above). We can say that we belong to such a networked system.


1. 左右を結び付けて意味の通る文にしなさい.
1) Listen to me carefully (a) with tears running down his cheeks.
2) He said “goodbye” to me (b) with your mouth full.
3) He went out (c) with your book closed.
*4) Michael always studies (d) with the radio on.
*5) You shouldn't speak (e) with the door unlocked.

2. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 彼は最後の質問に声を震わせて答えた.
He (his, question, trembling, last, answered, the, voice, with).
2) 健は家族に囲まれて病院で亡くなった.
Ken (surrounding, in, family, him, with, his, died, the hospital).
3) 彼らはユニホームを泥だらけにして試合をした.
They (covered, with, the game, mud, played, uniforms, with, their).
4) 手品師は目を閉じたまま数字を言い当てた.
The magician (eyes, number, closed, with, guessed, his, the).
*5) 彼女はおみやげをスーツケースにいっぱい詰めてハワイから帰国した.
She (full, with, returned, of, Hawaii, her suitcase, souvenirs, from).

3. マンモス発見
In 1900, while hunting in the north of Asia, a Russian stumbled over the body of a huge animal. It was frozen in the ice, with only its head sticking out. It was far too big for the man to dig out or move by himself. Instead, he cut off the tusks, and took them back to sell.