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さあ、本気で勉強はじめるぞ!(さくら教育研究所)Strike while the iron is hot.

2024-11-03 | ブログ

Exercises 1

1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 友だちとピクニックに行くのは楽しい.
(fun, to, a picnic, it, with, is, go, on, friends).
2) よい辞書を選ぶことは大切だ.
(dictionary, is, choose, it, to, important, good, a).
3) 彼を信用しないのはまちがいだった.
(him, it, trust, was, to, wrong, not).
*4) 私には6時に起きるのは容易ではない.
(easy, me, for, isn't, get up, to, it) at six.
*5) 親切にも彼は私に誕生日プレゼントをくれた.
(kind, was, me, him, it, give, of, to) a birthday present.

2. 次の各文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) It is hard to read her handwriting.
2) It is romantic to eat dinner by candlelight.
3) It is stupid not to listen to others' opinions.
*4) It is possible for you to get there by car or train.
*5) It was impolite of him not to accept your offer.

3. 迷惑なクラクション
Why do you have to bother to look out the window to find out a driver's horn has nothing to do with you when the driver blows the horn in your neighborhood? As a matter of fact, there are ten times at most in a whole year when it's necessary for a driver to blow the horn.


文章1  民主主義の原理とは? 大阪大学




Sentence 1 What are the principles of democracy?  Osaka University

In Europe from the 17th century to the 18th century, revolutions led by citizens (civil revolutions) occurred one after another, such as the Puritan Revolution and the Glorious Revolution in England and the French Revolution. Through these revolutions, people sought a place to live in the city, freed from the shackles of feudalism and the bondage of 'communities' that had been bound by blood and territorial ties. People who have built a modern civil society as free and equal individuals and who have assumed various roles will contribute to the development of democracy in the political arena.

 Democracy originated from the establishment of a social system ruled by the people in the city-states of ancient Greece. The principles of democracy in city-states called polis were freedom, equality, and popular participation in politics, which also gave rise to the principle of majority voting through the process of debate and persuasion. In modern times, with the realization of universal suffrage in the latter half of the nineteenth century, an unprecedented number of people participated in politics. Furthermore, in the twentieth century, ``totalitarianism'' emerged, which manipulates a huge number of the masses under a fixed ideology. Totalitarianism suppresses democracy, but on the surface it pretends to be pseudo-democracy. In other words, by praising the dictator and manipulating the consciousness of the masses using the mass media, the masses are made to perceive that the will of the majority, including their own, is correctly reflected in politics.

However, as was the case with the political participation of the people in ancient Greece, the majority rule was originally established after going through the process of debate and persuasion, based on the freedom of individual thought and speech. In today's world, where an immeasurable number of people participate in politics, we must reconsider the principles of democracy in order not to repeat the mistakes of the past caused by totalitarianism.







2024-11-03 | ブログ










2024-11-03 | ブログ


Exercises 6

1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 赤ん坊をひとりぼっちにしておくのは軽率だと思う.
I think it (a baby, leave, thoughtless, alone, to).
2) だれも部屋にいないなんて変だと思った.
I thought (there, strange, was, it, in the room, that, no one).
3) 英語のつづりかたを暗記するのは難しいとわかっている.
I find (spelling, memorize, it, difficult, to, English).
4) その質問に答えるのは簡単だとわかった.
(the, easy, found, question, I, it, answer, to).
*5) 君は当然昼ごはんを済ませたと思っていたよ.
I (granted, you, took, that, had eaten, it, for, your lunch).

2. 次の各文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) I feel it my duty to take care of my parents.
2) I find it interesting to read science fiction.
3) I think it necessary that we cooperate with each other.
4) I consider it possible that she gets a driver's license.
*5) Don't take it for granted that every foreigner can speak English.

3. ペンギンは鳥か?
The first people to see penguins found it difficult to classify them, although their interest in these creatures was only as food. Were they animals or birds? In fact, the penguin is a swimming and diving bird which lost the power of flight early in its evolution.


文章6  国家というフィクション? 東京大学



Sentence 6 A fiction called a nation?  The University of Tokyo

The people of [medieval] Europe did not have the concept of a nation or a national consciousness. They lived with a deep faith in the Christian God, and their sense of values was strongly influenced by religion. However, the concept of nationalism, or nationalism, that emerged in the late eighteenth century liberated people from religion and class systems. [Secularization] liberates people from religious rule and faith in religion, and unites them as a nation under their ethnic language, culture, and traditions. And the feeling of worshiping the culture and traditions of one's own country will replace the faith that had hitherto been directed towards religion. In addition, as class differences disappeared, they began to actively participate in national affairs. Nation, which is the original meaning of the word nationalism, means people or state, but nationalism is exactly the concept of organizing people under the ``nation-state''.

The idea that peoples with the same language, history, and culture belong to one nation only appeared in modern times. However, the fact that the concept of the nation-state is a product of the modern era also means that the nation, the state, and the history and traditions that have been used to unify them have also been created. What does it mean to be in the traditions, cultures and institutions created to give legitimacy to nationalism and nation-states? For example, creating a nation as a single unity based on one language and one culture easily leads to the movement to exclude multilingual and multicultural people from their own nations. Moreover, even in the international community, neglecting the rights and interests of other peoples may cause conflicts between peoples and nations. We must be conscious of the fact that the concept of a state or a nation, which has only vague substance, contains dangers.




私にはできる! ~さくら教育研究所:skredu~

2024-11-02 | ブログ


「impossible(不可能)」なことなど何もない。この言葉自体がそう言っている。「I’m possible(私にはできる)」と。
Exercises 2

1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 彼が日本語を話すとは驚きだ.
(he, is, speak, that, it, should, Japanese, surprising).
2) 彼女が彼の態度に腹を立てるのも当然だ.
(natural, she, attitude, should, at, be, that, it's, angry, his).
3) ペンを使おうと鉛筆を使おうとかまいません.
(matter, use, a pen, doesn't, it, whether, you, or, a pencil).
4) 彼がどこで幼年時代を過ごしたかは明らかでない.
(spent, clear, is, he, his, childhood, it, not, where).

2. 次の各文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) It's no wonder that the singer is popular among young people.
2) It's possible that there is life on other planets.
3) It is not certain that all the passengers were rescued.
4) It makes no difference whether the train is delayed or not.
5) It's a mystery how the burglars got into the house.
6) It is not clear who broke the vase.

3. ヘビに対する誤解
Many people are very afraid of snakes. It is true that poisonous snakes can make you ill or even kill you, but there are actually very few poisonous snakes. Most snakes are harmless. In fact, they are usually afraid of people. If you meet a snake in your garden, it will probably slide quickly away.


文章3 労働の倫理とは? 青山学院大学



Sentence 3 What is work ethics?  Aoyama Gakuin University

The Roman Catholic Church, which holds the papacy, had a monopoly on enormous wealth, such as by selling indulgences to the people for profit. In the sixteenth century, however, the Reformation took place to correct the moral corruption and abuses of the medieval Catholic Church. Luther and others criticized the papacy by establishing a Protestant church against the Catholic church, saying that people's faith should be based on a correct understanding of the Bible. Furthermore, the Reformation had a social spread. Protestant ethics such as abstinence, diligence, and moderation spread widely among people outside the church, and people worked diligently in service to their employers instead of serving God, and thrifted their wealth. The fact that more wealth would accumulate with the capitalist was also justified by the ethic that God protected the weak from the lure of money. The Reformation and the "capitalist" establishment of the economy happened almost simultaneously, but the Protestant ethic also gave a justification for the inequality between capitalists and workers. Coupled with the industrial revolution that followed, the capitalist system was established.

On the other hand, [socialism] criticizes inequality in capitalism. Under the capitalist system, workers without private property offer their labor as a commodity to capitalists, but socialism believes that this deprives workers of their humanity. By putting wealth under the control of society rather than privately owned by some capitalists, he tried to distribute wealth equally among people, restore the humanity of workers, and build an ideal society. However, in the real world, problems such as monopolization of wealth and loss of the principle of competition have arisen, and as seen in the example of the Soviet Union, socialism collapses without fulfilling its ideal function.






2024-11-02 | ブログ







塾・予備校の比較 ***(さくら教育研究所:skredu)

2024-11-02 | ブログ












次は、君の番だ!  Go! It's your turn!(さくら教育研究所:skredu)

2024-11-01 | ブログ



If you aim for the new world of running high jump, you can not make world new even if you fly tens of thousands times, making the height of the bar the new world high.
Forever with successive mistakes, eliminate motivation for practice.
Begin with the height you can fly.
And I will raise the bar 1 cm at a time.
Coach's advice will fix bad parts little by little.
Creativity and ingenuity are born.
There are also many successful experiences.
If this is the case there is a new possibility of the world.



1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) アクセントから判断すると,彼は大阪出身に違いない.
(Osaka, from, must, his accent, he, be, from, judging).
2) 一般的に言って,北海道には梅雨がない.
(in Hokkaido, speaking, we, have, don't, generally, the rainy season).
3) 厳密に言うと,その問題は未解決のままだ.
(speaking, remains, strictly, unsolved, the problem).
*4) 雪が降っていたので,ブーツを履かなければならなかった.
(boots, it, snowy, we, being, wear, had to).
*5) 子どもが病気になったので,彼らは旅行に行けなかった.
(sick, they, go, couldn't, their children, a trip, being, on).

2. 次の各文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) Frankly speaking, this movie is boring.
2) Speaking of him, he has gone to Hong Kong.
3) Considering her age, she is quite healthy.
*4) It being cold, I caught a cold.
*5) Olivia was on the sofa watching TV, the water boiling in the kitchen.

3. 日本人はおふろ好き
Regarding hotel rooms, American tourists are, generally speaking, "view-conscious" while the Japanese are "bath-conscious." Americans are unhappy if they cannot command a nice view from their room but Japanese are unhappy if they don't find a deluxe bathtub in their room.







2024-11-01 | ブログ




文章18 自分らしさとは何か? 一橋大学




Sentence 18 What is your personality?  Hitotsubashi University

"Everyone wants to live in their own way, isn't it?" In other words, you want to be a free and independent way of life, a self with original values that are not imitative. In order to get closer to that ideal self, we want to make progress every day. So what is your individuality?

First of all, people have an [ego] that makes them aware of themselves. In this way, there is a world that surrounds the self, and there is the ego as the subject that recognizes the world. In the object of the world, there is nature, and there are humans as [others]. It is impossible to fully understand the other, but by being aware of the other we learn to act rationally and to objectify ourselves. By recognizing that others are incomprehensible others, that is, by recognizing otherness, objectivity and sociality come to be incorporated into the ego. Furthermore, as we make choices and decisions about life that are different from those of others in society, we become aware of our own [identity]. For example, having a sense of belonging, such as "I am Japanese," or having self-respect, such as "I am a poet," leads to self-awareness, or identity.

Many young people spend a period of [moratorium] at universities, etc. before becoming responsible members of society, and this period is also a good time to search for their own identity. Nonetheless, there are cases where, for some reason, we deviate from the process of establishing the ego. One example is those who become hikikomori because they are mentally ill because they are unable to objectify society and others. They have [frustration] that they can't form their own identity such as self-value in society. It is also an issue for society as a whole to transform such a state of dissatisfaction and tension in a positive direction.



1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 悪天候で足止めされたので,船は3時間遅れて出航した.
(weather, by, prevented, bad), the ship left three hours late.
2) 雪で覆われていると,その山は荘厳に見える.
(looks, with, the mountain, snow, covered, majestic).
*3) 1982年生まれなので,生徒たちは東京オリンピックのことをあまり知らない.
(1982, in, born), the students don't know much about the Tokyo Olympic Games.

2. 日本語に合うように次の各文を完成しなさい.
1) やさしい英語で書かれているので, その本は2,3日で読める.
_________________________, the book can be read in a few days.
2) クリスマスパーティーに招待されたので,彼女はわくわくしている.
_____________________________________________, she is excited.
*3) 注意深く観察すると, その光はUFOではないようだった.
__________________________, the light didn't look like an UFO.
*4) 出口の前で立っている間, 彼がそばにいることに気づかなかった.
____________________________________, I didn't notice that he was beside me.

3. 海洋ほ乳類の呼吸
Marine mammals spend their whole lives at sea. How can they sleep and not die from being under water for too long? Equipped with a unique breathing system, whales and dolphins must keep part of their brain alert to make each breath happen. Their systems require conscious control.




2024-10-31 | ブログ




文章23 「平和」をカタチにする方法は? 関西大学



Sentence 23 How to give shape to "peace"?  Kansai University

People use [rhetoric] when they want to express their inner thoughts well in words. For example, imagine someone who never stands out, but somehow feels warm when you're around them. The person doesn't dramatically brighten the atmosphere of the place, but just by being there, a gentle atmosphere gently envelops the place. Try to describe that person using the [metaphor] "She is Komorehida." The metaphor of "sunlight filtering through the trees" evokes gentle images of the light shining through the young leaves, the greenery seeped through by the light, and the pleasantly warmed soil. This rhetoric makes it possible for both the artist and the audience to grasp her existence on a level different from logical language. The function of metaphor makes it possible for humans to evoke [representation].

Also, our world is not only composed of things that can be pointed out with specific words. For example, it is possible to point to the stationery that is used to erase what is written with a pencil with the word "eraser", but similarly it is not possible to point to "peace" with a concrete word. This is because "peace" is an abstract concept. So we use symbols to represent abstract things. For example, the concept of "peace" is represented by a concrete object called "Dove". Words do not only have the direct function of specifically pointing out things that exist in the world. The word ``dove'' expresses the ``dove'' of an animal that actually exists, and at the same time, it also means the ``dove'' in each person's image, and even ``peace''. Relations with things are inherently indirect, and this is where the duality and ambiguity of meaning arise.



1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 田舎に住んでいたので,彼女は都市での生活になじめなかった.
(in, lived, the country, having), she couldn't adjust to city life.
2) 私は駅でジョンに会って,彼と買い物に行った.
(met, at, having, the station, John), I went shopping with him.
3) 何度も読んだので,私はその詩を暗記できる.
(read, many, it, having, times), I can learn the poem by heart.
4) しばらくフランスにいたので,彼はフランス語を話せる.
(France, for, been, a, having, in, while), he can speak French.
5) 今まで飛行機に乗ったことがなかったので,その子どもはおびえた.
(before, not, taken, having, an airplane), the child was scared.

2. 日本語に合うように次の各文を完成しなさい.
1) 写真を撮り終えると,彼はカメラをケースにしまった.
__________________________, he put the camera back into its case.
2) 10キロ歩いたので,のどが渇いた.
________________________________________________, I felt thirsty.
3) ピクニックに行ったので,私たちは疲れている.
__________________________________________________, we are tired.
*4) かぎが見つからなかったので,家に入れなかった.
_________________________________, I couldn't get into the house.

3. 戦争を経験した母の愛
Having gone through World War II and suffered from poverty, Mother always devoted herself to taking care of her children. It was typical of her generation. Our generation sometimes think our parents did not follow their feelings enough. We have an easier life and we are more educated as a result of our parents' hard work.




2024-10-31 | ブログ






社会 日本史・世界史・政治経済・地理、、



入試問題の傾向と対策:国語 現代文・古文・漢文

Twitter @skredu
Twitter @skredu_english

大学入試の理科 物理・化学・生物



2024-10-30 | ブログ



文章24 なぜ割り箸(ばし)は二度使わない? 早稲田大学



Sentence 24 Why don't you use chopsticks twice?  Waseda University

"There is a culture in Japan that abhors the contamination of clean things." For example, in the case of disposable chopsticks, few people would feel comfortable reusing used items. No matter how much you wash your chopsticks and there are no sanitary problems, you still feel that the chopsticks are dirty. This is an example of how we have the notion of cleanliness = purity and dirt = impureness as a major value standard in our actions. Dirty chopsticks after use are considered unclean, and using them has even become a psychological [taboo]. Speaking of taboos, eating cannibalism and banning women are well-known, but in present-day Japan, the act of pinching rice with your hands is taboo. It is said that there were no chopsticks in Himiko's time, so it seems that the concept of purity and impurity related to chopsticks came from the continent. On the other hand, in India, it is common sense to pick and eat rice with the right hand, and eating with the left hand, which is considered unclean, is taboo. Cultural anthropology and ethnology study these cultural differences.

Speaking of chopsticks, we use special ones made of plain wood during the New Year. New Year's dishes that you don't usually eat are served. It can be said that this is a symbolic event to decorate a special day that is different from everyday life (ke). The so-called hare and ke in [folklore studies] are terms that mean such special days and days that are not. By the way, the word “Haregi” was derived from Hare. People wear their best clothes and visit shrines and temples for the New Year's visit. Large temples and shrines where people gather are generally located in the center of towns, like temple towns that develop around them. It is also a place of purification suitable for the stage of hare. In many cases, the wealthy class lived around the temples and shrines, while the common people lived far away from the temples and shrines. This can be said to be an example of the relationship between [center and periphery].


1. 次の各文の( )内の語を適当な形に直しなさい.
1) I remember (play) in this park when I was a boy.
2) She'll never forget (meet) Mark for the first time.
3) Don't forget (brush) your teeth before going to bed.
*4) We stopped (discuss) the matter because it had already been resolved.

2. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 5年前に君とフランスに行ったのを覚えている.
I (with, France, going, you, remember, to) five years ago.
2) 忘れずに犬にえさをやってください.
Please (feed, to, the dog, remember).
3) 彼はスーパーで牛乳を買い忘れた.
He (to, at, forgot, buy, milk, the supermarket).
*4) メアリーは試しにドアを2回ノックしたが,だれも出なかった.
Mary (knocking, twice, tried, the door), but nobody answered.

3. 視力とニンジン
I was never interested in food as a child, but I do remember being encouraged to eat plenty of carrots to help me to see in the dark. This folklore is supported by sound science. The nutrient beta carotene filling carrots converts to vitamin A in the body and vitamin A is important for night vision.