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2024-10-15 | ブログ


Exercises 6

1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 赤ん坊をひとりぼっちにしておくのは軽率だと思う.
I think it (a baby, leave, thoughtless, alone, to).
2) だれも部屋にいないなんて変だと思った.
I thought (there, strange, was, it, in the room, that, no one).
3) 英語のつづりかたを暗記するのは難しいとわかっている.
I find (spelling, memorize, it, difficult, to, English).
4) その質問に答えるのは簡単だとわかった.
(the, easy, found, question, I, it, answer, to).
*5) 君は当然昼ごはんを済ませたと思っていたよ.
I (granted, you, took, that, had eaten, it, for, your lunch).

2. 次の各文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) I feel it my duty to take care of my parents.
2) I find it interesting to read science fiction.
3) I think it necessary that we cooperate with each other.
4) I consider it possible that she gets a driver's license.
*5) Don't take it for granted that every foreigner can speak English.

3. ペンギンは鳥か?
The first people to see penguins found it difficult to classify them, although their interest in these creatures was only as food. Were they animals or birds? In fact, the penguin is a swimming and diving bird which lost the power of flight early in its evolution.


文章6  国家というフィクション? 東京大学



Sentence 6 A fiction called a nation?  The University of Tokyo

The people of [medieval] Europe did not have the concept of a nation or a national consciousness. They lived with a deep faith in the Christian God, and their sense of values was strongly influenced by religion. However, the concept of nationalism, or nationalism, that emerged in the late eighteenth century liberated people from religion and class systems. [Secularization] liberates people from religious rule and faith in religion, and unites them as a nation under their ethnic language, culture, and traditions. And the feeling of worshiping the culture and traditions of one's own country will replace the faith that had hitherto been directed towards religion. In addition, as class differences disappeared, they began to actively participate in national affairs. Nation, which is the original meaning of the word nationalism, means people or state, but nationalism is exactly the concept of organizing people under the ``nation-state''.

The idea that peoples with the same language, history, and culture belong to one nation only appeared in modern times. However, the fact that the concept of the nation-state is a product of the modern era also means that the nation, the state, and the history and traditions that have been used to unify them have also been created. What does it mean to be in the traditions, cultures and institutions created to give legitimacy to nationalism and nation-states? For example, creating a nation as a single unity based on one language and one culture easily leads to the movement to exclude multilingual and multicultural people from their own nations. Moreover, even in the international community, neglecting the rights and interests of other peoples may cause conflicts between peoples and nations. We must be conscious of the fact that the concept of a state or a nation, which has only vague substance, contains dangers.



