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私にはできる! ~さくら教育研究所:skredu~

2024-07-16 | ブログ


「impossible(不可能)」なことなど何もない。この言葉自体がそう言っている。「I’m possible(私にはできる)」と。
Exercises 2

1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 彼が日本語を話すとは驚きだ.
(he, is, speak, that, it, should, Japanese, surprising).
2) 彼女が彼の態度に腹を立てるのも当然だ.
(natural, she, attitude, should, at, be, that, it's, angry, his).
3) ペンを使おうと鉛筆を使おうとかまいません.
(matter, use, a pen, doesn't, it, whether, you, or, a pencil).
4) 彼がどこで幼年時代を過ごしたかは明らかでない.
(spent, clear, is, he, his, childhood, it, not, where).

2. 次の各文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) It's no wonder that the singer is popular among young people.
2) It's possible that there is life on other planets.
3) It is not certain that all the passengers were rescued.
4) It makes no difference whether the train is delayed or not.
5) It's a mystery how the burglars got into the house.
6) It is not clear who broke the vase.

3. ヘビに対する誤解
Many people are very afraid of snakes. It is true that poisonous snakes can make you ill or even kill you, but there are actually very few poisonous snakes. Most snakes are harmless. In fact, they are usually afraid of people. If you meet a snake in your garden, it will probably slide quickly away.


文章3 労働の倫理とは? 青山学院大学



Sentence 3 What is work ethics?  Aoyama Gakuin University

The Roman Catholic Church, which holds the papacy, had a monopoly on enormous wealth, such as by selling indulgences to the people for profit. In the sixteenth century, however, the Reformation took place to correct the moral corruption and abuses of the medieval Catholic Church. Luther and others criticized the papacy by establishing a Protestant church against the Catholic church, saying that people's faith should be based on a correct understanding of the Bible. Furthermore, the Reformation had a social spread. Protestant ethics such as abstinence, diligence, and moderation spread widely among people outside the church, and people worked diligently in service to their employers instead of serving God, and thrifted their wealth. The fact that more wealth would accumulate with the capitalist was also justified by the ethic that God protected the weak from the lure of money. The Reformation and the "capitalist" establishment of the economy happened almost simultaneously, but the Protestant ethic also gave a justification for the inequality between capitalists and workers. Coupled with the industrial revolution that followed, the capitalist system was established.

On the other hand, [socialism] criticizes inequality in capitalism. Under the capitalist system, workers without private property offer their labor as a commodity to capitalists, but socialism believes that this deprives workers of their humanity. By putting wealth under the control of society rather than privately owned by some capitalists, he tried to distribute wealth equally among people, restore the humanity of workers, and build an ideal society. However, in the real world, problems such as monopolization of wealth and loss of the principle of competition have arisen, and as seen in the example of the Soviet Union, socialism collapses without fulfilling its ideal function.




