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2025-02-05 | ブログ




文章23 「平和」をカタチにする方法は? 関西大学



Sentence 23 How to give shape to "peace"?  Kansai University

People use [rhetoric] when they want to express their inner thoughts well in words. For example, imagine someone who never stands out, but somehow feels warm when you're around them. The person doesn't dramatically brighten the atmosphere of the place, but just by being there, a gentle atmosphere gently envelops the place. Try to describe that person using the [metaphor] "She is Komorehida." The metaphor of "sunlight filtering through the trees" evokes gentle images of the light shining through the young leaves, the greenery seeped through by the light, and the pleasantly warmed soil. This rhetoric makes it possible for both the artist and the audience to grasp her existence on a level different from logical language. The function of metaphor makes it possible for humans to evoke [representation].

Also, our world is not only composed of things that can be pointed out with specific words. For example, it is possible to point to the stationery that is used to erase what is written with a pencil with the word "eraser", but similarly it is not possible to point to "peace" with a concrete word. This is because "peace" is an abstract concept. So we use symbols to represent abstract things. For example, the concept of "peace" is represented by a concrete object called "Dove". Words do not only have the direct function of specifically pointing out things that exist in the world. The word ``dove'' expresses the ``dove'' of an animal that actually exists, and at the same time, it also means the ``dove'' in each person's image, and even ``peace''. Relations with things are inherently indirect, and this is where the duality and ambiguity of meaning arise.



1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 田舎に住んでいたので,彼女は都市での生活になじめなかった.
(in, lived, the country, having), she couldn't adjust to city life.
2) 私は駅でジョンに会って,彼と買い物に行った.
(met, at, having, the station, John), I went shopping with him.
3) 何度も読んだので,私はその詩を暗記できる.
(read, many, it, having, times), I can learn the poem by heart.
4) しばらくフランスにいたので,彼はフランス語を話せる.
(France, for, been, a, having, in, while), he can speak French.
5) 今まで飛行機に乗ったことがなかったので,その子どもはおびえた.
(before, not, taken, having, an airplane), the child was scared.

2. 日本語に合うように次の各文を完成しなさい.
1) 写真を撮り終えると,彼はカメラをケースにしまった.
__________________________, he put the camera back into its case.
2) 10キロ歩いたので,のどが渇いた.
________________________________________________, I felt thirsty.
3) ピクニックに行ったので,私たちは疲れている.
__________________________________________________, we are tired.
*4) かぎが見つからなかったので,家に入れなかった.
_________________________________, I couldn't get into the house.

3. 戦争を経験した母の愛
Having gone through World War II and suffered from poverty, Mother always devoted herself to taking care of her children. It was typical of her generation. Our generation sometimes think our parents did not follow their feelings enough. We have an easier life and we are more educated as a result of our parents' hard work.


