曇 (Cloudy) 温度(Temperature)20-22℃ 湿度(Humidity)75-85% 風速(Wind velocity1-2m/s
Mr.Fukuda (71) was chosen as the president of the 22nd Liberal Democratic Party.
Mr. Fukuda got 330 votes, but Mr. Aso (67) got well with 197 votes, too.
It was anxious that Mr. Aso came off from post of three top-ranking officials of the party.
Mr. Ibuki got the Liberal Democratic Party new chief secretary.
Mr. Fukuda advances the government administration greatly with Mr. Ibuki.
I think in particular that there is a change about welfare relations.
Mr. Abe Cabinet resigns in a cabinet meeting of 25th.
Fukuda is appointed in the Diet the 91st Prime Minister .and starts a new cabinet.
Mr.Fukuda (71) was chosen as the president of the 22nd Liberal Democratic Party.
Mr. Fukuda got 330 votes, but Mr. Aso (67) got well with 197 votes, too.
It was anxious that Mr. Aso came off from post of three top-ranking officials of the party.
Mr. Ibuki got the Liberal Democratic Party new chief secretary.
Mr. Fukuda advances the government administration greatly with Mr. Ibuki.
I think in particular that there is a change about welfare relations.
Mr. Abe Cabinet resigns in a cabinet meeting of 25th.
Fukuda is appointed in the Diet the 91st Prime Minister .and starts a new cabinet.