晴(Fine) 温度(Temperature)1-5℃ 湿度(Humidity)20-35% 風速(Windvelocity) 1-4m/s
午前 来客がありました。午後 都市計画審議会の正副会長の打合せを行い、そして決裁をする。正副議長の打合せを行う。:その後、市側より説明を2件受けました。
I had a visitor in the morning.
I performed the meeting of the chairman and vice chairman of " the council for city planning" and approve documents.
In the afternoon.
I performed a meeting of chairperson and vice chairperson.
I received two explanation afterwards from a city side.
午前 来客がありました。午後 都市計画審議会の正副会長の打合せを行い、そして決裁をする。正副議長の打合せを行う。:その後、市側より説明を2件受けました。
I had a visitor in the morning.
I performed the meeting of the chairman and vice chairman of " the council for city planning" and approve documents.
In the afternoon.
I performed a meeting of chairperson and vice chairperson.
I received two explanation afterwards from a city side.