


2010-09-08 17:33:54 | 投資日記



GDP of Japan is approximately 520 trillion JPY. On the other hand, the total amount of profit after tax is around 40 trillion JPY. The number of working population is 65 million while the total population is almost 127 million in Japan.

Therefore, if there is no imbalance of salary between worker and capitalist, we can calculate that there is a capitalist and 12 workers who support one capitalist income. The number of worker against a capitalist is much more than the assumption because the balance of income is imbalance,indeed. However, this is almost the near scale. This is the dream of capitalism. Why don't you be a capitalist and hire the labors and make them work for ya?


2010-09-08 08:48:28 | 投資日記




High profitable company has lower fluctuation than average profitable company through economic cycle. High profitable company has some dominances against competitors and customers so that they can get more profit than other. Unless the advantages disappear, it is possible to keep the profitability.

For example, let's assume the average company has 5% as annual profit to asset, while the profitable company has more than 10% of those. The average company attempts to avoid deficit in downturn of economic cycle and usually,succeeds in this mission. The manager could keep the declining within 5%. By contrast, the high profitable company also struggle with the economic cycle. They also keep the decline within 5% as same as average company.

While average company's ROA decreases from 5% to 0%, the high profitable company keeps the ROA 5%. Going to zero or keeping in 5% is big difference. By the way, the profit rate returns in economic upturn.

Thus, we can say that high profitable company are usable as a defensive stock. At least, the effect from economic cycle is smaller than average.