おもしろき ー熊本、鹿児島、宮崎で過ごした日々🌟🌟🌟

おもしろきことのなき世をおもしろく!Carpe Diem. 人間万事塞翁が馬。人生いろいろあるから、おもしろい!

Thank you!

2013年01月03日 01時49分31秒 | 充実、感謝


I am going to write in English today because I have much Time to do so.
Now I'm walking home after drinking with my friend Hanao.

We talked much about so many things with each other.
We enjoyed singing karaoke.
If he had not been here, I would have been at home all the time.

I appreciate that.

Sometimes when I am too free, I feel lonely.

Everyone may think so.

Anyway do'nt forget about this.

I'm here in this world,because all of you are here in this place.

Thank you for being around.


