


2014-09-18 20:21:48 | Telegraph (UK)
どっちかというと、ウェールズが独立したり北アイルランドがいなくなっちゃう方が寂しいと思うのは、嫌い嫌いも好きのうちなのか、本当にI don't care.なのか、去るモノは放置プレーなのか。
とりあえずThe TelegraphのLIVEでモニターするです。

お、フランスのJean-Luc Melenchon氏という2012年に極左政党からフランス大統領選挙に出馬したという方のコメントが…。
断然YESだそうで、その理由「すっとこらんどはAncien Regimeの時代からフランスの同盟」。

Scotland may find it has no EU, no currency and not much oil
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:19PM BST 17 Sep 2014
Much of Scotland's projected oil wealth will no longer exist due to spectacular advances in energy science taking place at elite universities


By the time an independent Scotland is allowed into the European Union - perhaps in the early 2020s, perhaps later unless Spain, Italy and others relent - the world's oil industry will already be in structural decline.


Much of Scotland's projected oil wealth will no longer exist, rendered obsolete by spectacular advances in energy science taking place at elite universities in the US, backed by the US Energy Department and the Pentagon. Both Washington and Beijing were shocked out of complacency by the 2008 oil crisis, but few seem to have noticed this in Scotland.


There is a strangely dated feel to the claims and counter-claims of the Yes and No sides on the scale of Scotland's reserves, as if we are still living in the 20th century.


Is it 24bn barrels, enough to fund a Nordic welfare model for "many, many decades to come", as Alex Salmond heroically insists? Or nearer 16bn, as Sir Ian Wood cautions, and most oil veterans endorse?


This debate seems to assume that China's oil demand will continue to grow at a torrid pace - when it is cooling already - and that global prices will stay high enough to justify extracting crude from many of the marginal fields in the North Sea, where operating costs have already jumped fivefold since 2002.


A rosy report by Aberdeen's Centre for Research in Energy Economics and Finance gives the game away. "Even the most bearish commentators on the oil market would agree that by 2050 real oil prices are likely to be much higher," it said.


Actually, the "most bearish" think that a large part of the global oil industry will go bankrupt long before then, ruined by debt-driven projects in marginal regions that will never be viable, undercut by the plunging cost of solar power and the revolutionary prospect of cheap battery storage.


Younger analysts at the cutting-edge of global energy are already talking a different language, warning of "stranded assets" in the oil and gas industry. Sanford Bernstein calls it the new order of "global energy deflation", a one-way street as technology eats into oil dominance.


Once the curse of "intermittency" is conquered by energy storage - and Harvard is less than three years away - the switch to solar will become a stampede for pure commercial reasons, in large parts of the world, without need for subsidies. This will depress demand for oil through a complex global chain of fuel substitution. Mark Lewis, from Kepler Cheuvreux, expects the crunch to hit around 2025.


There is a high risk that Scotland would by then be reeling from years in a cruel purgatory, stuck outside the EU, without full access to the single market or the British market, unable to sell services freely south of the border even if the rest of UK wishes to carry on as before. The ghastliness of this hardly bears thinking about.


The EU is a flexible enterprise of course, with an army of clever lawyers. It can always find ways to get around technicalities, creating a place for Scotland by use of Article 47 of the EU Treaties instead of Article 48. The Scots could join by treaty amendment instead of Accession (the normal route). Scotland already adheres to the 190,000 pages of the legal Acquis.


The question is whether powerful players within the EU machinery wish to make it easy. Some have strong motives to ensure that Scotland's experiment is an abject failure, a salutary lesson to all others.


Spain's leader, Mariano Rajoy, told the Cortes on Wednesday there is "very little chance" that breakaway states will be let into the EU, and his country has a veto, so his comment is self-fulfilling. "Everybody in Europe thinks these are processes enormously negative. Europe came together to integrate states, not to split them apart," he said.


His government says it will deploy "all means at its disposal" to stop the Catalans going ahead with their pre-secession vote on November 9, even if this means stripping Catalonia of self-government. This is taking an alarming direction. Barcelona barrios are preparing civil resistance.


Professor JHH Weiler, head of the European University Institute, speaks for much of the EU elite in taking a "dim view of the Scotland case", warning that the EU has a legitimate right to defend its model against a destructive chain-reaction. Claims to a "distinct national identity" do not in themselves justify secession from a democratic state.


"It is ethically demoralising to see the likes of Scotland and Catalonia reverting to an early 20th century post-First World War mentality, when the notion that a single state could encompass more than one nationality seemed impossible," he said.


Mr Weiler accuses Scotland of arguing over "utilitarian" advantage, a material gripe over what is in it for them. This exhibits a spirit that is "diametrically contrary to the historical ethos of European integration", he says. It disqualifies Scotland "morally and politically" from membership of an enterprise that depends on give and take, and a willingness to work out reasonable differences in extremis.


"Why would there be an interest to take into the Union a polity such as an independent Scotland predicated on a regressive and outmoded nationalist ethos which apparently cannot stomach the discipline of a multinational nation?" he asks.


You may not agree with Mr Weiler, but this is the voice of the EU power structure. It is what the Scots are up against if they vote to break up the Union, and what Britain is up against too as it tries to pick up the pieces on Scotland's behalf.


The separatist camp have come to believe their own myth that Europe is behind them, that everybody is rooting for the underdog, swept along by Celt romanticism. They seem to have no inkling of what lies in store.


Scotland's EU foes have every pretext needed to delay accession, since the Scottish government says it will not comply with the EU Treaty requirement to join the euro. It is true that Sweden still has the Krona almost 20 years on, but that argument goes nowhere. Stockholm genuinely intended to join the euro in 1995, and no country wanted to keep Sweden out.


We may therefore face a calamitous impasse, becoming yet more calamitous if Westminster persists in denying Mr Salmond his sterling union, if it clings to academic pieties knowing that this risks a Scottish default, a breakdown of working relations between Edinburgh and London, and a financial bloodbath for the whole United Kingdom.


We can all agree that it is not a good idea for two countries with their own sovereign treasuries to share a currency, especially since Scotland's economy will be leveraged to the global commodity cycle for the first few years, prone to asymmetric shocks.


Yet to deny Scotland a sterling union on the basis of a technical objection would be pedantic, and against our own interests. Nor does the eurozone crisis prove that such a venture is impossible, as often claimed. Austria has no difficulty sharing the euro with Germany.


The EMU debacle shows only that currency unions are very hard to manage without fiscal union, the more so if cultures are incompatible, and if growth and inflation rates are misaligned. It is not beyond the wit of man to fashion an arrangement for England and Scotland that is sui generis, one that binds the nations back together in a high degree of intimacy. You might even say that this is a political imperative.


Former Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan says there is "no conceivable, credible way the Bank of England is going to sit there as a lender of last resort to a new Scotland". Unfortunately, that is exactly what Westminster should accept, even if it galls to concede anything to a Scottish leader holding a gun to our heads. The imminent flight of RBS across the border greatly mitigates the problem, in any case.


Rump Britain does not have the luxury of arrogance. What has become ever clearer over past two weeks is that the UK itself is in the crosshairs, at high risk of capital flight and a loss of faith in British debt.


Japan's Nomura is advising its clients to short Gilts and take out protection on British banks, insurers and pension funds on the derivatives markets, warning that the dissolution of a 300-year-old Union would be a "cataclysmic shock".


Britain is already skating on thin ice, with stretched debt ratios and a current account deficit near 5pc of GDP, the worst in the OECD club, and the worst ever in peacetime. The country plugs the gap by sucking in foreign capital, including loans - a recipe for trouble.


Albert Edwards, from Societe Generale, says the deficit is an "abomination of the highest order", more serious even than it looks once adjusted for the economic cycle. He said the loss of 90pc of UK North Sea oil - worth £39bn in exports and import substitution last year - would cause the deficit to spike instantly towards 7pc of GDP.


"The yawning fault line in the UK's economic situation will be revealed for all to see. Capital will not be moving from north of the Scottish border to the south. It will be moving out of the UK altogether," he said.


The Bank of England's Ben Broadbent insists that this deficit is benign, a distortion caused by a temporary fall in net income on investments. Our global portofolio of assets generates outsize returns over time. That cushions the deficit.


I fail to see why this is reassuring, and nor does Stephen King, from HSBC. "We don't need to worry because the UK is a giant successful hedge fund," he says, acidly. You might conclude that the dire state of our accounts have been flattered by the global equity boom, and that we are one shock away from a nasty awakening.


Mr Broadbent says we can get away with such a deficit because of global "trust" in British institutions. It is precisely this trust that is breaking down before our eyes. As one Asian hedge fund manager told me, everything that global investors had assumed about the AAA character of British governance and institutions has "suddenly been tested, and will have to be repriced".


We are beyond a discussion about Scotland. The Welsh, English and Northern Irish, as well as the Scots themselves, will slide down together into an economic and constitutional vortex if the Union shatters on Mr Salmond's false prospectus. It is vandalism.



