


2014-03-22 13:10:47 | Telegraph (UK)
Crimea referendum: EU loads the gun for 'additional and far-reaching' measures against Russia
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: March 17th, 2014
This is the crucial clause 4 from the EU's draft conclusions on Russia sanctions, courtesy of our Brussels Correspondent Bruno Waterfield:

There is still time to reverse current developments. Opportunities exist to avoid a negative spiral. The EU is ready for a constructive dialogue with all sides. The EU remains committed to the objective of developing the EU-Russia relationship, based on mutual interest and respect for international law. The Council regrets that Russia's actions contradict these objectives. The Council urges the Russian Federation not to take steps to annex Crimea in violation of international law.


Any further steps by the Russian Federation to destabilise the situation in Ukraine would lead to additional and far-reaching consequences for relations in a broad range of economic areas between the European Union and its Member States, on the one hand, and the Russian Federation, on the other hand. The European Union calls on Russia to return to developing a strategic partnership with the EU instead of isolating itself further diplomatically and economically.

Today we will get the first 20-40 names on the "shortlist" for the asset freeze from EU foreign ministers, the first of the tit-for-tat sanctions war.


The "long list" of up to 130 names will be on the table of EU leaders on Thursday if Vladimir Putin ramps up irredentist pressures in the Donbass and Kharkov.


Russia equities rallied this morning. We will see how long that lasts. The world has completely changed. Putin has ripped up the post-Cold War script, and may have unleashed emotional forces that he cannot control. He will undoubtedly retaliate against the West, and it will not be pretty.


Whatever comes out of this week's sanctions meetings, there is no going back to the status quo ante. Europe will seek to liberate itself from Russian oil and gas supplies as fast as possible. Fresh investment in Russia will collapse. Putin has grossly misjudged how vulnerable Russia really is to an economic showdown with the G7 but cannot now change course.


Russia will undoubtedly seek to play the China card in the hope of averting long-term ruin. It is a new international order. As Dmitri Trenin from Carnegie Moscow says, we are already in a new Cold War. The last 20 years were merely a truce.


More later.



2014-03-22 13:10:29 | Telegraph (UK)
Tumbling Chinese yuan sets off 'carry trade' rout, triggers derivatives contracts
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 5:54PM GMT 20 Mar 2014
The yuan has lost 3pc since January, a clear break with China's long-standing policy of slow appreciation


China's yuan has suffered its biggest one-week fall in 20 years, nearing key trigger levels that threaten a wave of forced selling and mounting stress for those with dollar debts.


The jitters come amid reports of fire-sales of Hong Kong property by Chinese investors desperate to raise cash, some slashing their prices by 20pc for a quick sale. A liquidity squeeze in mainland China has already led to the collapse of Zhejiang Xingrun real estate this week with $570m of debts, the biggest property failure so far.

中国本土の流動性不足は既に今週、不動産開発会社Zhejiang Xingrunが5億7,000万ドルもの負債を抱えて破綻する事態を招いています。

The yuan weakened sharply on Thursday to 6.23 against the dollar and has now lost 3pc since January, a clear break with China's long-standing policy of slow appreciation.


Geoffrey Kendrick, from Morgan Stanley, said the currency has broken through the 6.20 level where a cluster of structured products are triggered. These are known as losses on target redemption funds. The losses have already hit $3.5bn.

これらはTarget Redemption Fundの損失として有名です。

The latest move creates a potential "non-linear movement" that could push the yuan rapidly to the next level at 6.38, where estimated losses would reach $7.5bn, and from there jump to 6.50.


Mr Kendrick said banks in Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea are heavily exposed, but there could also be a serious fallout for Chinese airlines, shipping and property companies, as well as a nexus of finance built around use of copper and iron as collateral.


Chinese companies have borrowed $1.1 trillion on the Hong Kong markets, a quarter from UK-based banks. There is complex web "carry trade" of positions in which investors borrow in dollars to buy yuan assets, often with leverage. These trades are highly vulnerable to a dollar squeeze as the US Federal Reserve brings forward its plans for rate rises.


Morgan Stanley said the Chinese central bank may have to intervene to shore up the yuan by selling some of its US dollar bonds if the slide goes much further. The authorities spent $80bn in June/July 2012 to defend its currency band.


For now China seems to be weakening the yuan deliberately. Mark Williams and Qinwei Wang, from Capital Economics, said the data flow suggests that the central bank bought $25bn of foreign bonds last month in order to force down the currency. The motive is to teach speculators a lesson and curb hot money inflows.

キャピタル・エコノミクスのマーク・ウィリアムズ氏とQinwei Wang氏は、このデータは、中国人民銀行が先月、人民元操作のために250億ドル相当の外債を買い入れたことを示唆していると言います。

However, suspicions are also are growing that China's authorities have quietly switched to a devaluation policy to buffer the shock to the economy as they attempt to curb excess credit, even though this would risk a clash with Washington. "The more they undershoot their growth target, the more tempting it may look to have a weaker currency to help out," said Kit Juckes, from Societe Generale.


Premier Li Keqiang said on Thursday that China would take steps quickly to "stabilise growth and boost domestic demand", a sign Beijing is worried that tightening may have gone too far. Credit Agricole expects the central bank to slash the reserve requirement ratio for banks by 200 basis points this year.


Morgan Stanley said China is approaching a "Minsky Moment", a turning point when credit bubbles implode under their weight. "There is evidence that this debt growth has become excessive and non-productive. It now takes four renminbi of debt to create one renminbi of GDP growth from a nearly 1:1 ratio in the early and mid-2000s."


"It is clear to us that speculative and Ponzi finance dominate China's economy at this stage. The question is when and how the system's current instability resolves itself," said the bank.


"A disorderly unwind could take Chinese growth down to 4pc in a shorter time frame with potentially disastrous consequences for levered Chinese assets (banks, property) and the entire commodity supply chain," it said.



2014-03-22 13:10:13 | Telegraph (UK)
Budget 2014: Britain's false recovery is a credit mirage, unlike real recovery in the US
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 5:05PM GMT 19 Mar 2014
The UK has a current account deficit running at more than 5pc of GDP, the worst in a quarter of a century and by far the worst of the G7


No vindication can be sweeter for George Osborne than Britain's new role as a global safe-haven, an astonishing reversal from early 2010 when hedge funds were itching to attack the pound.


The cost of default insurance on British debt - measured by credit default swaps - is now below that of the US, France and Japan, and briefly slipped below Germany last week.


Sterling has ratcheted higher to $1.66 against the dollar, a tad too strong for the Monetary Policy Committee. David Bloom, from HSBC, says sterling is all of a sudden the "least ugly" currency in a world where even the Japanese and the Swiss are holding down their exchange rates. "There is nowhere else to go," he said.


Yet he also warns, like other City veterans, that this intoxicating moment is not going to last. "UK growth is surviving on fumes, driven by a consumer credit boom. Britain has an enormous trade deficit," he said.


The Chancellor told the House that Britain is now the growth star of the industrial world, galloping up to 2.7pc this year. The pessimists have had to apologise. Even the lordly IMF is admitting through gritted teeth that it failed to see the mini-boom coming.


Yet growth is not the salient indicator. What may matter more is a current account deficit running at more than 5pc of GDP over recent months, the worst in a quarter of a century and by far the worst of the G7. It is not a "healthy" deficit driven by imports of machinery. It is a consumption spree.


The household savings ratio has drifted down from 8pc two years ago to 5.4pc today. Output per hour has been falling and is now 21 percentage points below the G7 average, the widest productivity gap since 1992, according to the ONS.


America's recovery has an entirely different feel. The shale revolution has slashed energy imports and powered a manufacturing revival. The US current account deficit fell to a 14-year low of 1.9pc of GDP last year. The US budget deficit is already below 3pc, and the US debt ratio has already stabilised.


The brutal reality is that Britain is still running the highest budget deficit of any major country in Europe at 6.7pc of GDP. That is not Mr Osborne's fault. Labour let the public sector run amok. It ran a recklessly loose fiscal policy at the top of the pre-Lehman boom. The deficit mushroomed to 11pc when the storm hit, the legacy from Hell.


The Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts that the deficit will come down to 5.5pc next year, 4.2pc the year after and ending in a surplus by 2018/2019. That is pure conjecture.


The OBR's Robert Chote says a pick-up in business investment - from catastrophic levels - has at last given the economy some momentum. "It's encouraging, but history could be rewritten again," he said. There is a high risk that it will be.


The global credit cycle - already five years old, and long in the tooth - may slow as both China and the US tighten monetary policy. It may roll over altogether. That would leave Britain facing a fresh downturn with borrowing already running at £95bn a year.


It is cheeky for the Chancellor to pose as the stern enforcer of discipline, to proclaim that "we held our nerve". Fiscal tightening of 1pc of GDP each year has been mild by EMU standards. This is, in my view, the correct therapeutic dose. But it is scarcely austerity.


In fairness to Mr Osborne, he admits that the recovery is built on very fragile foundations. "This country still borrows too much, we still don't invest enough, export enough or save enough," he said.


But what has he done about it? It is rich for the Coalition to pivot now towards manufacturing and exports, four years into its term. Historians will ask whether Mr Osborne wasted his chance to wean the economy off shopping malls, relying for too long on the old formula of easy credit to flatter the figures.


Britain has at least avoided the trap of mass unemployment blighting half of Europe. The jobless rate has fallen to 7.2pc. It is 12pc in the eurozone.


The mix of fiscal retrenchment offset by uber-loose money from the Bank of England has been vindicated to a degree, as it was in previous episodes of national trauma after leaving the Gold Standard in 1931 and leaving the ERM in 1992. The Keynesian critique has failed to hit its mark.


What Mr Osborne has failed to do is to alter the fundamental character of the British economy. Why does Britain place number one for access to credit on the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index, but below the OECD average at 28 for starting a new business?


He should have smashed the mould with deep changes in the way British society organises itself. Perhaps he should have launched his industrial policy earlier, exploiting super-low borrowing costs to rebuild Britain's infrastructure, energy and technology base at bottom of the slump. On that the Keynesians were right. It is very late in the day now.


Mr Osborne closed his speech with a large claim: "With the help of the British people, we're turning this country around." The jury is out on that.



2014-03-22 13:09:57 | Telegraph (UK)
Market rally on Russia's annexation of Crimea leaves experts shaking their heads
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:38PM GMT 18 Mar 2014
European diplomats are drawing up plans to punish Vladimir Putin for pushing the crisis to the next level


The relief rally in global stock markets is likely to be tested this week as EU leaders ratchet up sanctions against Russian president Vladimir Putin and embrace Ukraine as part of the West's political bloc, deepening the fundamental rift with Russia.


The death of a Ukrainian officier on Tuesday in Crimea at the hands of Russian soldiers shows how dangerous the situation still is. Ukrainian premier Arseniy Yatseniuk called it a "war crime", while US vice-president Joe Biden denounced the annexation of Crimea as "nothing more than a landgrab".


"There is a sense of shock and disbelief in the Western policy establishment at what is happening," said Professor Alan Riley from City University. "It is only slowly sinking in that the world is changing around us in a very negative way."


European diplomats are already drawing up plans to punish Mr Putin for pushing the crisis to the next level with the annexation of Crimea. The first step will be to extend the EU's asset freeze to a wider circle of Kremlin allies.


"The market reaction is premature," said Bartosz Pawlowski, from BNP Paribas. "The West has been careful not to go in with all guns blazing but sanctions matter. No company investing in Russia can be sure that it will be able to trade with the country in a month's time, or two months, or next year. That must make them think twice."


Mr Pawlowski said a growing number of investors are already trading roubles offshore as a precaution, creating a split market with different prices. Russian companies have $650bn of foreign debt, and some $118bn must be rolled over this year in a hostile market. Borrowing costs have already jumped by 230 basis points for blue-chip firms.


Dmitri Petrov and Peter Attard Montalto, from Nomura, said Russian rhetoric and actions were moving on two parallel tracks, calling into question Mr Putin's claim that he would no go beyond Crimea. "We see the current market optimism as overdone and expect further separatist movements in the eastern part of the country, in particular Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv," they said.


Nomura said that while Monday's sanctions were seen as soft - described by some as a green light for the annexation of Crimea - the next stage is likely to be much tougher and may include a military embargo.


Tim Ash, from Standard Bank, said sanctions will become crippling if extended to the heads of big companies such as Gazprom and Rosneft, as this gives the US Securities and Exchange Commission a tool to prevent Westerners doing business with them. "The US can crack the whip. You don't defy the SEC," he said.


Washington is determined to punish the Kremlin for upsetting the post Cold-War order by violating the 1994 Budapest accord that underpins the world's nuclear non-proliferation policy. Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in exchange for a territorial guarantee. This accord is an anchor of the world's security structure. Insouciant markets seem to be working from the premise that it will be discarded lightly, which may prove a major error of judgment.


Mr Ash said the Crimea was never Mr Putin's chief concern, so it is naive to imagine that Russia's annexation will end the crisis cleanly. "His bigger objective is to ensure the political neutrality of Ukraine. He has not achieved this. Ukraine's association agreement with the EU will be signed on Friday," he said.


The new sanctions list must be agreed by all EU leaders on Thursday, but some action is certain despite caution in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Finland and Cyprus. Diplomats say it is still too early to include Gazprom chief Alexey Miller and other corporate bosses. "That would be really badly received by markets," said Mr Pawlowski.


Mr Putin has vowed to retaliate against any sanctions "aggression" with equally damaging measures. Analysts doubt that he would risk cutting off gas to Germany or Italy but he might try to divide the EU Council by menacing minnows in Eastern Europe. Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania rely on Russia for 100pc of their gas.


Western strategists are looking at the use of "regasification ships" that can supply liquefied natural gas quickly to smaller countries that do not yet have their own LNG terminals.


Europe is less vulnerable to a gas boycott in the spring, and its gas stocks are higher than normal after a mild winter. Germany has 90 to 100 days supply. Eastern states could survive for several months. Poland's new terminal will open this year, eventually meeting half its gas needs. Analyst expect a surge of global LNG supply this year.


The aim is to stiffen the resolve of small frontline states, making it easier to ratchet up the sanctions pressure one notch at a time.


Open Europe said full sanctions would have a "catastrophic impact on the Russian economy", though the screw can be tightened in all kinds of ways short of an outright oil, gas and trade embargo. Europe's exports to Russia are just 1pc of total GDP, while exports to Europe are 15pc. There is ultimately no symmetry.


Mr Riley said Mr Putin's actions have already shattered Russia's credibility as a reliable source of energy, and have guaranteed a rush to build up LNG, shale and other sources. "A lot of things are going to happen. We may even see the German nuclear ban lifted. It is a matter of national security now," he said.



2014-03-22 13:09:37 | Telegraph (UK)
Looming property default in China raises fears of broader crisis
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:51PM GMT 17 Mar 2014
Nomura said the number of ghost towns has spread beyond the well-known disaster stories of Ordos and Wenzhou to at least eight other sites


China faces the biggest property default on record as credit curbs threaten to break the housing boom, leaving a string of "ghost towns" across the country.


The Chinese newspaper Economic Daily News said Xingrun Properties, in the coastal city of Ningbo, is on the brink of collapse with debts of $570m, mostly owed to banks. The local government has set up a working group to contain the crisis.

中国の経済紙、エコノミック・デイリー・ニュースが伝えたところによれば、沿岸の街、寧波のXingrun Propertiesが5億7,000万ドルの負債(大半は銀行からの借入)を抱えて破綻目前だそうです。

"As far as we know, this is the largest property developer in recent years at risk of bankruptcy," said Zhiwei Zhang, from Nomura.

「我々が知る限り、これは近年最大規模の不動産ディベロッパーの破綻リスクだ」と野村證券のZhiwei Zhang氏は言います。

"We believe that a sharp property market correction could lead to a systemic crisis in China, and is the biggest risk China faces in 2014. The risk is particularly high in third and fourth-tier cities, which accounted for 67pc of housing under construction in 2013," he said.


Nomura said the number of ghost towns has spread beyond the well-known disaster stories of Ordos and Wenzhou to at least eight other sites. Three developers have abandoned half-built projects in the 2.5m-strong city of Yingkou, on the Liaodong peninsular. They have fled the area, a pattern replicated in Jizhou and Tongchuan.


Yu Xuejun, the Jiangsu banking regulator, said developers are running out of cash. This risks undermining land sales needed to fund local government entities. "Credit defaults will definitely happen. It's just a matter of timing, scale and how big the impact is," he said.

江蘇の銀行監督当局のYu Xuejun氏は、ディベロッパーは資金切れになりつつあると言います。

Land sales and property taxes provided 39pc of the Chinese government's total tax revenue last year, higher than in Ireland when such "fair-weather" taxes during the boom masked the rot in public finances.


Li Kashing, Hong Kong's top developer and Asia's richest man, has been selling his property holdings in China, including the Duhui Palace in Guangzhou and the Oriental Financial Centre in Shanghai.

香港の一流ディベロッパーでありアジアで最もリッチな人物であるLi Kashing氏は、広州のDuhui Palaceや上海のオリエンタル・フィナンシャル・センターなどの、中国国内の不動産を売却しています。

Nomura said residential construction has jumped fivefold from 497m square metres in new floor space to 2.596bn last year. Floor space per capita has reached 30 square metres, surpassing the level in Japan in 1988 just before the Tokyo market collapsed.


A new study by the International Monetary Fund said the ratio of residential investment to GDP reached 9.5pc in 2012, higher than the peaks in Japan and Korea, and much higher than in the US during the subprime bubble. It also warned that China is running a budget deficit of 10pc of GDP, once the land sales are stripped out, and has "considerably less" fiscal leeway than assumed.


There have long been warnings of a property bust in China. These reached fever-pitch in mid-2012 when a bout of monetary tightening caused house prices to fall briefly.


Prices have since roared back in the tier 1 cites such as Shanghai and Beijing but while these places capture the headlines, they account for just 5pc of total building in China. Prices are falling in 43pc of the tier 3 and 4 cities.


Optimists hope that the country's urbanisation drive will stoke demand for years to come, but this too is in doubt. China's workforce contracted by 3.45m in 2012 and another 2.27m in 2013 as the demographic crisis began to bite. The number of fresh rural migrants to the cities each year has already halved from 12.5m to 6.3m since 2010. Nomura said there could be net outflows by 2016.


The mounting stress in the property sector is a test of President Xi Jinping's vow to impose market discipline, however painful. Beijing allowed the solar group Chaori to default earlier this month, the first failure on China's domestic bond market.


The authorities are trying to wean the economy off excess credit after a $16 trillion spike in loans since 2009 - equal in size to the entire US banking system - but lending curbs are beginning to expose the sheer scale of bad debt in the system.


"It will not be an easy clean-up," said Diana Choyleva, from Lombard Street Research. Shadow banking ground to a halt in February as tougher rules and the fears of default scared away investors.


"We think the yuan is 15pc to 25pc over-valued. The economic data have been getting weaker and the authorities must be realising that the only way to square the financial circle is to allow the currency to help them," she said.


The yuan has fallen 2pc against the dollar since January, weakening sharply on Monday after the central bank widened the trading band. While there are technical reasons for the weakness - including efforts to punish speculators with a pinch of "two-way" risk - investors may soon start to ask whether China is quietly devaluing the yuan to cushion the shock of debt deflation.


Premier li Keqiang warned last week that economy will be allowed to slow further and told industry leaders to brace for defaults. "We are going to confront serious challenges this year."


Kit Juckes, from Societe Generale, said years of double-digit wage growth and slowing productivity gains have eroded China's competitiveness, cutting the trade surplus from 10pc to 2pc of GDP.


The yuan has already weakened from 6.05 to 6.17 to the dollar. Mr Juckes said there could be a wave of forced selling by leveraged traders if it breaks through 6.20-6.25. The question then is whether the central bank would step in to stabilise it. "You start to wonder whether they might not want a weaker currency to give the economy a helping hand," he said.


Any such move would amount to a beggar-thy-neighbour policy, exporting excess capacity and deflation to the rest of the world. Europe is the region most nakedly exposed.
