


2014-03-07 21:31:25 | Telegraph (UK)
Angry outbursts cause fivefold increase in heart attack risk
By Claire Carter, and agencies
Telegraph: 9:31AM GMT 04 Mar 2014
Getting angry can increase your risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke by up to five times researchers say as they suggest prescribing statins and beta blockers to those prone to outbursts


People who lose their temper are nearly five times more likely to have a heart attack and more than three times more likely to suffer a stroke within two hours of an outburst, researchers have found.


In the first study of its kind, experts found the risk of cardiac arrest increases dramatically among people with existing heart problems who get angry many times a day, although the risk can still increase among those who lose their temper less frequently and have better heart health.


To counter the risk, people should be prescribed statins and anti-depressants as well as anger management therapy by doctors who check their levels of rage and frustration.


Harvard School of Public Health looked at thousands of health records to see what effect getting angry had on the risks.


Dr Murray Mittleman suggested doctors should be checking patients' anger levels when making health assessments and prescribe drugs or encourage therapy to reduce the risk.


"It is important to recognise that outbursts of anger are associated with higher risk of heart attacks, stroke and arrhythmia," he said.


"If clinicians ask patients about their usual levels of anger and find that it is relatively high, they may want to consider suggesting either psychosocial or pharmacologic interventions.


"Regular use of statins and beta-blockers are known to lower long-term cardiovascular risk, which in turn lowers the risk from each episode of anger."


He suggested that as well as heart medication, those at risk could be given antidepressants to further reduce the likelihood of dying from a burst of anger.


The study, published in the European Heart Journal, analysed 18 years-worth of data, revealing that the risk of either a a heart attack or stroke increased nearly five times (4.74 per cent) in the two hours after a frustrated outburst.

European Heart Journalに掲載されたこの研究では、18年分のデータが分析され、切れてから2時間以内に心臓発作または脳卒中が起こるリスクが5倍近く(4.74%)に上昇することが明らかにされました。

Meanwhile the risk of stroke increased more than three-fold (3.62 per cent), and the risk of ventricular arrhythmia, a potentially life-threatening irregular heartbeat, also rose.


Dr Elizabeth Mostofsky added said: "Although the risk of experiencing an acute cardiovascular event with any single outburst of anger is relatively low, the risk can accumulate for people with frequent episodes of anger.


"This is particularly important for people who have higher risk due to other underlying risk factors or those who have already had a heart attack, stroke or diabetes.


"For example, a person without many risk factors for cardiovascular disease, who has only one episode of anger per month, has a very small additional risk, but a person with multiple risk factors or a history of heart attack or stroke, and who is frequently angry, has a much higher absolute excess risk accumulated over time."


The study did not directly blame anger as the sole trigger for heart attacks, but suggested it was a contributing factor, and further research is planned to study whether anger can affect the long-term prognosis for heart attack sufferers.


Doireann Maddock, Senior Cardiac Nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: "This research found that peoples risk of heart attack and stroke increased for a short time after they lost their temper.

British Heart Foundationのシニア・カーディアック・ナース、ドイリーン・マドック氏はこう語っています。

"It's not clear what causes this effect. It may be linked to the physiological changes that anger causes to our bodies, but more research is needed to explore the biology behind this.


"The way you cope with anger and stress is also important. Learning how to relax can help you move on from high pressure situations. Many people find that physical activity can help to let off steam after a stressful day."



2014-03-07 21:31:04 | Telegraph (UK)
Saturated fat is not bad for health, says heart expert
By Sarah Knapton, Science Correspondent
Telegraph: 6:40AM GMT 06 Mar 2014
Diets that are low in saturated fat do not lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease or help people live longer, a cardiac scientist claims


NHS guidelines which advise cutting down on high fat foods like butter, cream and chocolate may be putting the public at risk and should be urgently revised, a leading heart scientist has warned.


Diets that are low in saturated fat do not lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease or help people live longer, Dr James DiNicolantonio insists.


He is so concerned about misinterpretation of 'flawed data' that he has called for a new public health campaign to admit 'we got it wrong.'


British health experts and nutritionists backed his comments claiming that for too long 'uncomfortable facts' have been stifled by 'dietry dogma. '


Saturated fat is traditionally found in butter, cheese, fatty meat, biscuits, cakes and sausages.


But Dr DiNicolantonio, claims sugar and carbohydrates are the real culprits driving high cholesterol and the obesity epidemic and suggested that guidelines should be changed urgently.


"A public health campaign is drastically needed to educate on the harms of a diet high in carbohydrate and sugar.


"There is no conclusive proof that a low-fat diet has a positive effect on health. Indeed the literature indicates a general lack of any effect, good or bad, from a reduction in fat intake.


"A change in recommendations is drastically needed as public health could be at risk.


"We need a public health campaign as strong as the one we had in the 70s and 80s demonising saturated fats, to say that we got it wrong."


DiNicolantonio points out that the 'vilification' of saturated fats dates back to the 1950s when research suggested a link between high dietary saturated fat intake and deaths from heart disease.


But the study author drew his conclusions on data from six countries, choosing to ignore the data from a further 16, which did not fit with his hypothesis, and which subsequent analysis of all 22 countries' data.


Nevertheless the research stuck and since the 1970s most public health organisations have advised people to cut down on fat.


"It seemingly led us down the wrong 'dietary road' for decades to follow", said Dr DiNicolantonio, of Ithica College, New York, writing in the BMJ journal Open Heart.


"This stemmed from the belief that since saturated fats increase total cholesterol (a flawed theory to begin with) they must increase the risk of heart disease."


Experts also believed the diet would lead to less obesity and diabetes - when the exact opposite was true, he added.


In 2009 the Food Standards Agency launched a campaign including a hard hitting television advert which showed a kitchen sink becoming clogged with fat, and suggested that it was having a similar effect on the arteries.


The FSA claimed that too much fat in the diet raises cholesterol levels in the blood, which is a risk factor for coronary heart disease, heart attacks, angina and stroke.


NHS guidelines suggest the average man should eat no more than 30g of saturated fat per day and women no more than 20g.


But Dr DiNicolantonio believes the switch away from fat towards carbohydrates has harmed public health. He suggests the rise in high-carb diet is responsible for the increase in diabetes and obesity epidemic in the US.


The best diet to boost and maintain heart health is one low in refined carbohydrates, sugars and processed foods, he recommended.


Brian Ratcliffe, professor of nutrition at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, welcomed his comments.


"For the last three decades, accumulating evidence has not provided strong support for the dietary recommendations regarding reducing fat and saturated fat intake," he said.


"DiNicolantonio does not even touch on the evidence which shows that low-fat diets (admittedly lower than the current recommendations) have been associated with poor mood and even depression.


"Many who adhere to dietary dogma have chosen to ignore the uncomfortable facts that did not fit the hypothesis."


Victoria Taylor, senior heart health dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, advised the public to take a more holistic approach to their diets.

British Heart Foundationのシニア・ハート・ヘルス・ダイエティシャンのヴィクトリア・テイラー氏は、食事についてより包括的アプローチをとることを勧めています。

"Fat is just one element of our diet. To look after our hearts long-term, we should look at our diet as a whole. Eating a Mediterranean-style diet rich in fruit, veg, pulses and fish will help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease."


However professor Tom Sanders, head of diabetes and nutritional sciences division in the School of Medicine at King's College London, said Dr DiNicolantoni's assessment misrepresented the scientific evidence.


"Refocusing dietary advice on sugar and away from fat modification and reduction is not helpful," he said.


Prof Bruce Griffin, Professor of Nutritional Metabolism at the University of Surrey, added: "To suggest that the theory relating saturated fat to increased total cholesterol is flawed, is nonsense, and contradicts 50 years of evidence-based medicine.

更にサリー大学のNutritional Metabolism学部のブルース・グリフィン教授は「飽和脂肪を総コレステロールの増加に関連させる理論に欠陥がある、などとは馬鹿げた話だ。50年間の証拠に基づく医学を否定していますよ」と言いました。

"A more balanced review of the overall evidence would reveal that the risks from saturated fat and refined sugars are not mutually exclusive, but co-exist together in our diet."


The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) is currently reviewing the evidence on dietary carbohydrates and a consultation on new guidelines will begin this summer.


Alison Tedstone, Director of Nutrition and Diet at Public Health England, said: "The totality of the evidence suggests that high saturated fat intake is associated with raising total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) blood cholesterol levels which, over time, could lead to an increased risk of developing heart disease.

Public Health EnglandのDirector of Nutrition and Diet、アリソン・テッドストーン氏はこう語っています。

"It is therefore reasonable to conclude that a reduction in saturated fat intake will lower total and LDL blood cholesterol which, in turn, may reduce the risk of developing heart disease."



2014-03-07 21:30:03 | Telegraph (UK)
Side-effects risk to rise as millions more take statins
By Padraic Flanagan
Telegraph: 5:35PM GMT 02 Mar 2014
Government guidelines advising the wider use of cholesterol-lowering statins will needlessly expose patients to disturbing side-effects, warn doctors


Prescribing statins to millions more people will risk exposing one in five patients to harmful side effects, leading doctors have claimed.


They want the Government drugs watchdog to scrap plans to cut the threshold for statin prescriptions to patients with a 10 per cent risk of developing heart disease to help keep their cholesterol levels in check


The campaigners include Dr Kailash Chand, deputy chairman of the British Medical Association, who suffered debilitating muscle pains while taking statins. He claims the guidelines to increase prescriptions "will only benefit drug companies".

スタチン服用中に筋肉痛に苦しんだ、BMA副会長のKailash Chand医師もその一人です。

Around seven million adults take the drugs at present. Cutting the threshold from 20 per cent will see millions more adults routinely prescribed the pills.


Dr Aseem Malhotra, a cardiology specialist registrar, is writing to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) this week urging the watchdog to reconsider the move.

循環器系専門の研修医、Aseem Malhotra医師は国立医療技術評価機構に今週、薬事機関に基準緩和の動きを考え直すよう迫る書簡を送りました。

He will ask Nice not to rely on evidence from drug company-sponsored trials, which he claims play down the risk of side effects including diabetes, impotence, cataracts, muscle pains, mental impairment, liver problems and fatigue.


Dr Malhotra said the drugs were unnecessary for many, whose problems could be controlled with simple lifestyle and dietary changes. He pointed to research showing that eating an apple a day is as effective as taking statins in preventing strokes and heart attacks.


The expert said patients with established heart disease can benefit from statins, but the "mass medicalisation" of a healthier group is likely to do more harm than good and increase the cost to the taxpayer.


"Widespread prescriptions of these drugs to low-risk groups will contribute to immeasurable extra health care costs."


Dr Malhotra said there was a "huge discrepancy" between reports of side effects from drug company-sponsored trials and independent research.


Pharmaceutical firm studies show side effects in less than one per cent of patients while independent studies have shown them in at least 20 per cent.


According to Dr Malhotra, adverse effected can be minimised in the drug company trials by excluding patients if they fail to tolerate statins during a "run-in" period, or if they have pre-existing health conditions.


Claims of widespread side effects appear to be borne out by statistics showing that up to half of patients voluntarily stop taking statins within a year of prescription.


Dr Malhotra said: "It's time to practise medicine according to what is best for patients, not to feed drug company profits. The drugs may be cheap but the question is how safe they really are.


"We also need full transparency from the board or committee that influences Nice on the question of statins, so that we know who the scientists are and whether they have any ties to the pharmaceutical industry."


Dr Malcolm Kendrick, a GP and author of The Great Cholesterol Con, said clinics had been set up at some hospitals to ensure patients who are suffering side effects continue to take statins.

医師でThe Great Cholesterol Con(偉大なるコレステロール詐欺)の著者、マルコム・ケンドリック医師は、一部の病院は副作用に苦しむ患者にスタチン服用を継続させるためのクリニックを開設していると言います。

"Patients with side effects are now being diagnosed as 'statin-intolerant'," he said. "There's almost an unstoppable momentum behind the drive to keep prescribing these drugs. It's absolute nonsense."


Dr Chand, a 60-year-old GP from Tameside, Greater Manchester, said he suffered side effects after he was prescribed statins five years ago.


"After a few weeks I started getting awful muscle aches which were almost everywhere and which would wake me up at night, " he said.


"Initially I didn't know what was wrong and put the symptoms down to stress. The drug companies were saying this drug was the best thing since sliced bread and should be given to everyone."


But after a year, Dr Chand, a father-of-one, discovered concerns about side effects and took himself off the drugs after a year.


"The only way to find out is to stop taking the pills for a couple of weeks," he said. "Things started to improve and now I have no symptoms at all."


Dr Chand said he was speaking in a personal capacity rather than in his official BMA role in calling for a re-think.


"I'm hugely concerned about the new advice on statins. The only people who will benefit are drug companies.


"Statins are a wonderful drug and have a definite role. They are very worthwhile for those people who have heart disease. But extending their prescription to healthy people is only benefiting pharmaceutical companies.


"I humbly ask Nice to reconsider reducing the threshold to a 10 per cent risk, and to make people aware of the possibilities of side effects."


Fiona Godlee, editor in chief of the influential British Medical Journal, has also backed the call for greater transparency about statins research and alternative approaches to reducing heart disease risk.


Professor Mark Baker, Director of the Centre for Clinical Practice at NICE said the guidance on lowering the threshold for prescribing statins will be published later this month.

NICEのCentre for Clinical Practice所長、マーク・ベイカー教授は、スタチン処方基準軽減に関するガイダンスは今月中に公表されると言いました。

He said: "Drug therapy plays a key role in the management of people with high cholesterol levels to help reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease and this is properly reflected in the draft guideline which provides clear advice, based on the best available research evidence.


"It is the responsibility of GPs to explain the ways in which people can reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease, presenting all the options promoted by this draft guidance, including lifestyle changes, blood pressure control, avoidance of diabetes and lipid lowering and allow patients to make their own decisions.


"It should be noted that this is draft guidance and we are currently consulting with stakeholders to get their views."



2014-03-07 21:29:41 | Etcetera
No Big Deal
Paul Krugman
NYT:FEB. 27, 2014
Everyone knows that the Obama administration's domestic economic agenda is stalled in the face of scorched-earth opposition from Republicans. And that's a bad thing: The U.S. economy would be in much better shape if Obama administration proposals like the American Jobs Act had become law.


It's less well known that the administration's international economic agenda is also stalled, for very different reasons. In particular, the centerpiece of that agenda ― the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership, or T.P.P. ― doesn't seem to be making much progress, thanks to a combination of negotiating difficulties abroad and bipartisan skepticism at home.


And you know what? That's O.K. It's far from clear that the T.P.P. is a good idea. It's even less clear that it's something on which President Obama should be spending political capital. I am in general a free trader, but I'll be undismayed and even a bit relieved if the T.P.P. just fades away.


The first thing you need to know about trade deals in general is that they aren't what they used to be. The glory days of trade negotiations ― the days of deals like the Kennedy Round of the 1960s, which sharply reduced tariffs around the world ― are long behind us.


Why? Basically, old-fashioned trade deals are a victim of their own success: there just isn't much more protectionism to eliminate. Average U.S. tariff rates have fallen by two-thirds since 1960. The most recent report on American import restraints by the International Trade Commission puts their total cost at less than 0.01 percent of G.D.P.


Implicit protection of services ― rules and regulations that have the effect of, say, blocking foreign competition in insurance ― surely impose additional costs. But the fact remains that, these days, "trade agreements" are mainly about other things. What they're really about, in particular, is property rights ― things like the ability to enforce patents on drugs and copyrights on movies. And so it is with T.P.P.


There's a lot of hype about T.P.P., from both supporters and opponents. Supporters like to talk about the fact that the countries at the negotiating table comprise around 40 percent of the world economy, which they imply means that the agreement would be hugely significant. But trade among these players is already fairly free, so the T.P.P. wouldn't make that much difference.


Meanwhile, opponents portray the T.P.P. as a huge plot, suggesting that it would destroy national sovereignty and transfer all the power to corporations. This, too, is hugely overblown. Corporate interests would get somewhat more ability to seek legal recourse against government actions, but, no, the Obama administration isn't secretly bargaining away democracy.


What the T.P.P. would do, however, is increase the ability of certain corporations to assert control over intellectual property. Again, think drug patents and movie rights.


Is this a good thing from a global point of view? Doubtful. The kind of property rights we're talking about here can alternatively be described as legal monopolies. True, temporary monopolies are, in fact, how we reward new ideas; but arguing that we need even more monopolization is very dubious ― and has nothing at all to do with classical arguments for free trade.


Now, the corporations benefiting from enhanced control over intellectual property would often be American. But this doesn't mean that the T.P.P. is in our national interest. What's good for Big Pharma is by no means always good for America.


In short, there isn't a compelling case for this deal, from either a global or a national point of view. Nor does there seem to be anything like a political consensus in favor, abroad or at home.


Abroad, the news from the latest meeting of negotiators sounds like what you usually hear when trade talks are going nowhere: assertions of forward movement but nothing substantive. At home, both Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, and Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in the House, have come out against giving the president crucial "fast-track" authority, meaning that any agreement can receive a clean, up-or-down vote.


So what I wonder is why the president is pushing the T.P.P. at all. The economic case is weak, at best, and his own party doesn't like it. Why waste time and political capital on this project?


My guess is that we're looking at a combination of Beltway conventional wisdom ― Very Serious People always support entitlement cuts and trade deals ― and officials caught in a 1990s time warp, still living in the days when New Democrats tried to prove that they weren't old-style liberals by going all in for globalization. Whatever the motivations, however, the push for T.P.P. seems almost weirdly out of touch with both economic and political reality.


So don't cry for T.P.P. If the big trade deal comes to nothing, as seems likely, it will be, well, no big deal.



2014-03-07 21:29:14 | Etcetera
The Stimulus Tragedy
Paul Krugman
NYT:FEB. 20, 2014
Five years have passed since President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ― the "stimulus" ― into law. With the passage of time, it has become clear that the act did a vast amount of good. It helped end the economy's plunge; it created or saved millions of jobs; it left behind an important legacy of public and private investment.


It was also a political disaster. And the consequences of that political disaster ― the perception that stimulus failed ― have haunted economic policy ever since.


Let's start with the good the stimulus did.


The case for stimulus was that we were suffering from a huge shortfall in overall spending, and that the hit to the economy from the financial crisis and the bursting of the housing bubble was so severe that the Federal Reserve, which normally fights recessions by cutting short-term interest rates, couldn't overcome this slump on its own. The idea, then, was to provide a temporary boost both by having the government directly spend more and by using tax cuts and public aid to boost family incomes, inducing more private spending.


Opponents of stimulus argued vociferously that deficit spending would send interest rates skyrocketing, "crowding out" private spending. Proponents responded, however, that crowding out ― a real issue when the economy is near full employment ― wouldn't happen in a deeply depressed economy, awash in excess capacity and excess savings. And stimulus supporters were right: far from soaring, interest rates fell to historic lows.


What about positive evidence for the benefits of stimulus? That's trickier, because it's hard to disentangle the effects of the Recovery Act from all the other things that were going on at the time. Nonetheless, most careful studies have found evidence of strong positive effects on employment and output.


Even more important, I'd argue, is the huge natural experiment Europe has provided on the effects of sharp changes in government spending. You see, some but not all members of the euro area, the group of countries sharing Europe's common currency, were forced into imposing draconian fiscal austerity, that is, negative stimulus. If stimulus opponents had been right about the way the world works, these austerity programs wouldn't have had severe adverse economic effects, because cuts in government spending would have been offset by rising private spending. In fact, austerity led to nasty, in some cases catastrophic, declines in output and employment. And private spending in countries imposing harsh austerity ended up falling instead of rising, amplifying the direct effects of government cutbacks.


All the evidence, then, points to substantial positive short-run effects from the Obama stimulus. And there were surely long-term benefits, too: big investments in everything from green energy to electronic medical records.


So why does everyone ― or, to be more accurate, everyone except those who have seriously studied the issue ― believe that the stimulus was a failure? Because the U.S. economy continued to perform poorly ― not disastrously, but poorly ― after the stimulus went into effect.


There's no mystery about why: America was coping with the legacy of a giant housing bubble. Even now, housing has only partly recovered, while consumers are still held back by the huge debts they ran up during the bubble years. And the stimulus was both too small and too short-lived to overcome that dire legacy.


This is not, by the way, a case of making excuses after the fact. Regular readers know that I was more or less tearing my hair out in early 2009, warning that the Recovery Act was inadequate ― and that by falling short, the act would end up discrediting the very idea of stimulus. And so it proved.


There's a long-running debate over whether the Obama administration could have gotten more. The administration compounded the damage with excessively optimistic forecasts, based on the false premise that the economy would quickly bounce back once confidence in the financial system was restored.


But that's all water under the bridge. The important point is that U.S. fiscal policy went completely in the wrong direction after 2010. With the stimulus perceived as a failure, job creation almost disappeared from inside-the-Beltway discourse, replaced with obsessive concern over budget deficits. Government spending, which had been temporarily boosted both by the Recovery Act and by safety-net programs like food stamps and unemployment benefits, began falling, with public investment hit worst. And this anti-stimulus has destroyed millions of jobs.


In other words, the overall narrative of the stimulus is tragic. A policy initiative that was good but not good enough ended up being seen as a failure, and set the stage for an immensely destructive wrong turn.
