


2013-04-25 14:12:40 | Telegraph (UK)

David Cameron recruits Boris's brother for Number 10
By Robert Winnett, Political Editor
Telegraph: 10:00PM BST 24 Apr 2013
Boris Johnson's younger brother has been promoted to a key Downing Street position overseeing Conservative policy.


Jo Johnson, a Conservative MP, was last night appointed as David Cameron's new head of policy and promoted to become a Cabinet Office minister.


The Prime Minister has also established a new policy advisory board largely comprised of young Conservative MPs tasked with drawing up innovative new ideas to reinvigorate Mr Cameron's Premiership.


Several MPs who have rebelled against the Government, including Jesse Norman and George Eustice, have been appointed to the panel.


The appointments have been made by the Prime Minister to address growing concerns that Downing Street is not "overtly political enough" and has neglected to draw up policies which are popular with many traditional Conservatives.


The head of the Downing Street policy unit has previously been a position filled by a civil servant or political adviser, rather than an MP or minister.


Senior sources said that Mr Johnson's appointment marked the beginning of a more "Thatcher-style" policy unit at the heart of Government.


Mr Johnson will be based in Downing Street and will work on Conservative, rather than Coalition, policy. Nick Clegg already has civil servants and advisers drawing up Liberal Democrat plans to be adopted by the Coalition.


A Conservative source said: "These appointments clearly represent a more political policy operation and a more Thatcher style Downing Street Policy Unit. The Advisory Board will strengthen the connective tissue between Downing Street and the Parliamentary Party, and Jo Johnson will be a great asset in helping the Prime Minister drive Conservative policy priorities throughout Government."


Although overshadowed by his high-profile brother, Jo Johnson, a former journalist for the Financial Times who only entered Parliament in 2010, is regarded as a fast rising Conservative star. Like Mr Cameron, he attended Eton College before Oxford University, where he was a member of the notorious Bullingdon club.


The London mayor's youngest brother, who is married to a Guardian journalist, has been tipped as a potential future Prime Minister and rival for the Conservative leadership to Boris.


Mr Johnson will be assisted in his role by a newly-created Conservative Parliamentary Advisory Board. It can be disclosed that members of the panel will include Jane Ellison, Paul Uppal, Nick Gibb and Jake Berry.

委員会のメンバーとしては、Jane Ellison、Paul Uppal、Nick Gibb、Jake Berryなどが挙げられています。

Peter Lilley, a former Cabinet minister who served under Baroness Thatcher and Sir John Major, has also been appointed to the board.


Two of the leading members of the board will be Mr Norman, who spearheaded the successful rebellion against Coalition plans to overhaul the House of Lords, and Mr Eustice, a former press secretary to Mr Cameron who has criticised his European policies.


The establishment of the advisory board represents an attempt by the Prime Minister to reach out to the Parliamentary party. Earlier this year, Mr Cameron faced the first serious speculation of a potential challenge for the Conservative leadership.


He has faced criticism of being out of touch with many backbench MPs, and a number of disaffected former ministers have criticised his leadership style.



2013-04-25 13:16:12 | Telegraph (UK)

Italy needs Churchillian leader to fight 'war damage' of EU austerity
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:55PM BST 24 Apr 2013
Old ways die hard. Two months after Italian voters rebelled in fury against the establishment, the country's elites have chosen yet another insider to be leader.


Anarchist comedian Beppe Grillo – patron of the Five Star bloc in parliament – called the shadowy manouevres that led to this a "coup d'etat", orchestrated over a "quiet weekend of vomit".


Incoming prime minister Enrico Letta is no doubt a decent, steady, honourable technocrat. He has good intentions. He vowed on Wednesday to lead the charge against austerity in Europe.


Yet it is hard to imagine a man less inclined to throw down the gauntlet and force a radical change in EU policy before Italy's economy chokes to death. He grew up in Strasbourg. He wrote his PhD on EU community law.


He is just as wedded to the EU Project as the man he replaces, ex-EU commissioner Mario Monti, who surrounded himself in Rome with Brussels emigres still on the EU payroll.


Italy's business lobby Confindustria said this week that austerity policies had caused "devastating damage, comparable with a war". This follows its warning that the country faces a "full credit emergency".


One hates to cite Grillo as an authority, but he was more right than wrong to warn on Wednesday that Italy is running out of time. "A firm is closing every minute. By autumn we will have reached the point of no return."


Let me be clear, Italy is not a fundamental basket case. The European Central Bank's wealth survey shows that average household assets are €275,000 (£234,000), compared with €195,000 for Germany, or €170,000 for Holland.


Private debt is lower than in Holland, France, the US, Britain or Japan. Its International Investment Position is near balance, unlike the Iberian disaster stories.


It has a primary surplus of 2.5pc of GDP, meaning it can leave EMU and regain competitiveness at any moment it wishes without facing a funding crisis.


It is often said that Italy's bond yields would surge if it tried, but this muddles "nominal" and "real" rates.


North Europeans might fruitfully ask themselves who really stands to lose most from a showdown as they enforce contractionary policies on Rome.


Italy's elemental problem is that it is in the wrong currency, with a chronically overvalued exchange within EMU and against the dollar and yuan. All else is manageable. How it got to this point is by now a tedious subject. Suffice to say that 15 years of creeping pay deals under the Scala Mobile have left it high and dry, with unit labour costs 30pc out of kilter with Germany.


What risks turning Italy into an EMU-created basket case is the ill-judged austerity policy forced upon it. There was no economic justification for fiscal tightening of 3.2pc of GDP last year. It was overkill. The budget had been near primary surplus for five years. Public debt was stable at around 120pc of GDP.


The situation had become urgent only because EMU had no lender of last resort at that point. The crisis in Greece, Portugal and Ireland was unfairly infecting Italy.


The ECB has since stepped up to its responsibility. But the quid pro quo for Italy itself was slash-and-burn cuts. This grave error shattered political consensus for the reforms that Italy really does need, and has been largely self-defeating in economic terms.


Bank of Italy data show that the economy contracted by 2.4pc last year, national demand fell 5.3pc, and fixed investment fell 8pc. House sales have crashed and the economy has shrunk by 6.9pc since 2007. This is the profile of a country in depression.


To crown it all, public debt jumped from 121pc to 127pc of GDP last year. Italy is a big step closer to a debt compound spiral after the EU's medieval cure than it was before.


It risks moving closer yet as Euroland lurches into a seventh quarter of self-imposed recession. Citigroup expects Italy's GDP to contract by 1.6pc in 2013 and by 1.2pc in 2014, with near zero growth thereafter, ending in debt restructuring anyway.


Without Churchillian leadership, Italy seems doomed to this fate, attempting to restore viability within EMU by means of an "internal devaluation", with youth unemployment pushing above 50pc in Naples and the cities of the Mezzorgiorno.


If Mr Letta thinks EU policy elites are retreating from the austerity, he will be disabused soon. Yes, Commission chief Jose Barroso let slip this week that Europe is "reaching the limits of the current policies" and must do more to secure popular support, but he says such things on and off.


He also insisted that the policy is "fundamentally right" and working in Ireland, a fond hope that the Celtic comeback – less clear than he states – can be replicated in countries with Ireland's flexible labour markets and vibrant exports.


The Commission's position was clear in a joint op-ed last week by currency chief Ollie Rehn. It claimed a string of successes – all dubious – and concluded that "the eurozone has shown a degree of resilience and problem-solving capacity that many observers and policymakers would not have predicted even a year ago".


This is humbug. Only one thing has changed. The ECB has agreed to buy Spanish and Italian bonds if need be, under strict terms. It did so because the euro would have blown apart last summer if Chancellor Merkel had not authorised the bank to act.


The op-ed was co-signed by the Dutch head of the Eurogroup and two top German officials, and that is the point. The policy is being set by the AAA core. The Commission bends to power, and will not move unless the rest of EMU mobilises superior counter-power. All else has become irrelevant in the euro snake pit.


Mrs Merkel has not resiled from austerity, or "balancing the budget" as she says with seductive simplicity. By the time Mr Letta has learnt the hard way what this means, Italy will have lost yet more time to a pre-modern economic belief system.


it is possible that Berlin will warm to monetary stimulus now that Germany itself is flagging, with new orders crumbling, but it would take more than a quarter-point rate cut to repair the broken credit channels in Italy, Spain and Portugal.


If Mr Letta is lucky, he can hope to hold together a fractious "grand coalition" for a few months. It is hard to see how this can reverse the slow rot of debt deflation and job wastage.


The deeper crisis will grind on until the Italian people find a leader willing to play rough.



2013-04-25 11:11:15 | Telegraph (UK)
America, our great protector, is looking the other way
By David Blair
Telegraph: 8:10PM BST 23 Apr 2013
The free-riding nations of Europe are making a big mistake by slashing their defence budgets


In the high summer of the Atlantic alliance, Winston Churchill warned America that the "price of greatness is responsibility". Seventy years on, the US might reasonably have hoped that the countries it was about to liberate when Churchill came to call would have shouldered the responsibility for their own defence.


Remarkably, the opposite is true: not only do the 26 European members of Nato still depend on Washington as the ultimate guarantor of their security, but this reliance is increasing. A revealing New York Times report this week quotes US officials complaining about Europe's "collective military irrelevance" - and arguing that Britain's own position is so bad that it might have to give up on a Trident successor to make ends meet. "Either they can be a nuclear power and nothing else," says a source, "or a real military partner."


Back in 2001, the US accounted for 63 per cent of Nato defence spending. Today, the figure is 75 per cent, with the other members running down budgets in response to the financial crisis and the monumental expense of their welfare systems. Can history provide a more glaring example of free-riding? Rock-solid in the belief that the US will always underwrite their security, Europeans have taken the opportunity to slash defence budgets and buy generous welfare systems instead. Today, most European countries invest barely 1 per cent of national income on their armed forces, leaving America to pick up the burden by spending 4.8 per cent of its own GNP.


The partial exceptions are Britain and (ironically) Greece. Today, these two countries have the biggest defence budgets in Europe as a share of national income: both spend about 2 per cent, which is more than their neighbours but still less than half of America's level.


But the free-riders are taking a huge gamble. You can sleep safely under the shield of a Great Power only if that benevolent titan is prepared to protect you forever. In Washington, however, US officials cannot help but notice what is happening. At a recent briefing, a senior official politely voiced "surprise" that Britain was prepared to do without aircraft carriers - or at least those capable of actually launching air strikes - until the end of the decade. He was also puzzled that an island nation, reliant for its trade on vulnerable shipping lanes, was willing to scrap a new generation of maritime patrol aircraft. Both "capability gaps" would, naturally, be left to America to fill.


Handing over essential tasks to the Americans has become the unofficial mantra of British and European defence ministries. It is, perhaps, the Arthur Clough school of policy: "Westward, look, the land is bright!"


But the Great Power is turning its own gaze westward. Last year, Barack Obama took a decision that history might record as the most significant of his presidency. He declared that US naval strength will now "pivot" towards Asia, with 60 per cent of American sea power to be deployed in the Pacific by 2020. The reasons behind this are obvious: China's rise has landed the US with a new strategic competitor and Washington's friends in Asia require its protection far more than free-riding Europeans.


Moreover, America's new allies are willing to invest in their own defence. As long ago as 2008, Asia's military budgets overtook Europe's. In that year, Asia collectively spent £173 billion on defence, compared with £144 billion among Europe's Nato members. Since then, the gap has only widened. That reflects the performance of Asia's economies versus stagnating Europe. All the more reason, then, for the US to focus increasingly on Asia instead of its old allies.


In his final speech before stepping down as US defence secretary in 2011, Robert Gates displayed the candour of a statesman on the verge of retirement. "If current trends in the decline of European defence capabilities are not halted and reversed, future US political leaders - those for whom the Cold War was not the formative experience that it was for me - may not consider the return on America's investment in Nato worth the cost," he said.


How might this be avoided? Britain has a crucial role to play. The defence and security review of 2010 was designed to keep us above the vital but undefined threshold that makes Britain a worthwhile ally for America, while still making inevitable cuts. The more realistic goal turned out to be ensuring that when we did fall below that line, we would eventually be able to clamber back up again.


In this way, Britain tried to avoid relegation to the free-riders. So we lost our ability to launch strike aircraft from carriers, but we will regain this when the first Queen Elizabeth Class vessel enters service in 2018.


However, the current defence equipment programme assumes that its budget will rise by 1 per cent above inflation after 2015. That may not be a safe bet. True, the Trident issue is something of a red herring: we can maintain the capacity and have a proper military if we really want to spend the money. But there is still a Potemkin village quality about some of our aspirations. The Royal Navy will get two giant carriers, each capable of carrying 36 Lightning II fighters, but only one vessel will be available at any given time - and this will probably have only 12 planes. In theory, Britain will have two platforms capable of embarking 72 fighters; in reality, one will be available with only a sixth of that number of planes.


Put bluntly, Britain is perilously close to joining Europe's free-riders. If that happens, and a future American president then turns decisively towards Asia, the government responsible will have made a great strategic blunder.



2013-04-25 10:08:09 | Telegraph (UK)

Euro may only last five years, says senior German government advisor
By Jeevan Vasagar, Berlin
Telegraph: 3:15PM BST 24 Apr 2013
The euro has a "limited chance of survival" and may only endure another five years, Kai Konrad, one of the German government's closest economic advisers, has claimed.

ユーロが「生き延びる確率は限定的」であり、後5年しかもたないかもしれない、とドイツ政府の上級経済顧問の一人、Kai Konrad博士が主張しました。

In notably outspoken remarks for a senior German figure, Dr Konrad, chairman of a scientific council that advises the finance ministry, said: "Europe is important to me. Not the euro. And I would only give the euro a limited chance of survival."


Asked whether he thought the single currency would last five years, the economist said: "A concrete period is hard to identify as it depends on so many factors. But five years sounds realistic."


This pessimistic judgment by a senior adviser runs counter to the official German government view that the euro must be held together for the sake of unity in Europe. Dr Konrad's remarks came in an interview with the newspaper Welt am Sonntag, on the debt crisis in Europe.


The economic adviser warned that: "No country can pile up debt without running the risk that their investors will pull the plug. It's in each [country's] interests to keep their own debts as small as possible.


"Where the limit lies has to be individually decided. That depends among other things on economic growth and the growth of population."


Dr Konrad said that countries should have the freedom to get into debt, provided they carried the "sole responsibility" for these debts. He made his blunt remarks about the future of the euro, when the interviewer suggested that he was advocating a return to the nation state,


The German chancellor Angela Merkel has always insisted that she wants to preserve the single currency and maintain the eurozone in its current form.


In a speech to the Bundestag two years ago, she told German MPs: "Nobody should take for granted another 50 years of peace and prosperity in Europe ... that's why I say: If the euro fails, Europe fails."


The German government's official line is that the euro is essential for the prosperity of an export-oriented nation.


Rather than accept the break-up of the euro, the German government is demanding tighter, Europe-wide controls over national budgets.


Finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble recently warned against increasing liquidity to promote economic growth, though he has also acknowledged that the soaring unemployment of southern Europe needs to be addressed.


Mr Schaeuble said in an interview for the economic weekly Wirtschaftswoche: "We are dealing with almost an economic schizophrenia. Everyone says we have deficits that are too large and a high level of liquidity would make everything more dangerous. And then some say, but we have too little growth, and so we need more liquidity."



2013-04-25 09:32:48 | Telegraph (UK)
Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann attacks FTT
Telegraph: 4:25PM BST 24 Apr 2013
The head of the German central bank or Bundesbank has warned that a planned European financial transactions tax could have unexpected negative implications for monetary policy.


"From a monetary policy point of view, the financial transactions tax in its current form is to be viewed very critically," Bundesbank president Jens Weidmann told a banking congress in Dresden.


The EU has drawn up plans for a Financial Transactions Tax (FTT), a levy of 0.1pc on a trade in shares and bonds and of 0.01pc for derivative instruments in a move that could raise €30bn (£25.5bn) to €35bn a year.


The FTT is being pushed forward by 11 EU states led by Germany and France under enhanced cooperation procedures, and no deadline has yet been set for it to come into effect.


"Regulation is not an end in itself, and the costs and usefulness of any planned measure must be weighed against each other," the German central bank chief said. "Some effects cannot be seen immediately but can turn out to be explosive. An example of this is the planned financial transactions tax."


The tax had been fundamentally agreed "but the unforeseen side effects can be substantial", Mr Weidmann warned.


In its current form, the FTT would cover asset-backed money market transactions or so-called repurchase or repo agreements.


The repo market plays a central role in equalisation of liquidity between commercial banks, Mr Weidmann said.


"If it doesn't function properly, the transactions are deflected onto the Eurosystem [European system of central banks], and central banks will continue to be heavily involved in liquidity equalisation between banks well after the crisis," Mr Weidmann argued.


"This shows how important it is to examine a regulatory measure before it is implemented. And this takes time," he said.


Separately, Mr Weidmann called upon France to set an example to other eurozone countries in matters of budget policy.


Countries should not be "too flexible" in interpreting Europe's tighter budget rules and "here France has an important role to play with regard to the credibility of the rules and confidence in the sustainability of public budgets", Mr Weidmann said.


Contrary to its initial targets, Paris will not be able to bring its public deficit back below the 3pc of GDP ceiling agreed by the EU, but run up a deficit ratio of 3.7pc instead.


France is negotiating with the EU Commission for a possible postponement of its budget targets.


(Edited by Andrew Trotman)