


2013-01-16 15:30:41 | Telegraph (UK)
Mario Draghi has saved the rich, now he must save the poor
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:57PM GMT 13 Jan 2013
The European Central Bank has washed its hands of any further responsibility for the 27m people across the eurozone listed as unemployed or classified as discouraged workers.


The Governing Council has concluded that nothing more can usefully be done to lift the region out of double-dip recession, a relapse that it failed to foresee and to a great extent caused by allowing all key measures of the money supply to contract in early-to-mid 2012.


It will not take fresh action to offset fiscal tightening this year of 2.3pc of GDP in Spain, 2pc in France, or 1.2pc in Italy -- not to mention draconian retrenchment in the three indentured states of Greece, Portugal, and Ireland -- or take action to cushion the shock of deep reforms.


Japan's premier Shinzo Abe has more or less ordered his central bank to both reflate and target jobs creation. The US Federal Reserve stands ready to inject stimulus until America's jobless rate falls to 6.5pc. Yet the ECB professes itself helpless in the face of 11.8pc unemployment, a post-EMU record and rising each month.


The ECB's Mario Draghi said there is "not much" that monetary policy can do to fight structural unemployment. If it really was "structural", his plea might convince. It is not.


Ireland has one of the world's most flexible labour markets yet its jobless rate has risen from 4.6pc to 14.6pc, and that includes the safety valve of massive job flight to the UK, US, and Australia.


Spain's rate has jumped from 7.8pc to 26.6pc in four years, or 55.8pc for youth. This has occurred very fast precisely because it is easy to sack Spanish workers on short-term contracts.


The European Commission's 400-page report last week on the jobless crisis quietly demolishes the claim that labour rigidities are the elemental cause of the social tornado sweeping across Club Med and parts of Eastern Europe.


It dutifully lists the sorts of things that can be done to help: Nordic flexi-security, or a lower "tax wedge" on labour.


But then goes on to finger a "demand shock" as the real culprit. All else is "less relevant". The report subverts the central claim of Europe's austerity mandarins that labour reform will somehow, magically, deliver recovery before the democracies of these countries take matters into their own hands.


Note the latest surge of the eurosceptic Izquierda Unida to 15.6pc in the Spanish opinion polls, nearing a 'sorpasso' of the Socialists at 23pc. The Left speaks at last.


We learn that Greece's unemployment has just reached 26.8pc. The headline rate for Italy is a deceptively low 11.1pc, but as you can see from this chart in the Commission's report, a further 12pc are discouraged workers who have dropped out of the data. Italy's combined rate is around 23pc.


The share of those out of work for a year or more -- two million in Spain alone -- has jumped from 33pc to 43pc, and is expected to rise further.


A fifth have never had a job in their lives. The longer this goes on, the more hopeless it becomes. Notice how badly Ireland scores in this chart. That surprised me.


The report warned that "new divide" is emerging between the EMU core and those countries "that seem trapped in a downward spiral of falling output, fast rising unemployment and eroding disposable incomes The waive of austerity policies raise important questions about the viability of Europe's welfare states," it said. Indeed.


The Economist Poll of forecasters expects the eurozone to contract 0.2pc this year, with scant growth in 2014.


By then millions of people will have fallen into an "enormous poverty trap," to borrow the words of EU jobs chief Laszlo Andor.


It is why Gustav Horn -- head of Germany's IMK Institute and one of the country's five 'Wise Men' -- called for an end to the contractionary torture last week. "It's a vicious circle. Excess austerity is not reducing debt, it is causing debt to rise," he said.


Dr Horn has concluded that the only viable way to close the gap is for Germany to tolerate an inflationary boom with 4pc wage growth for a while. He is right.


By any measure half of Europe is now in a great depression, less acute than it was for the same bloc of states in the early 1930s (America is another story) but more protracted and ultimately deeper.


Those who have the time should take a look at the Commission's report, packed with fascinating charts.


You will see that very large numbers of people in Baltics, Slovakia, and the Balkans are in dire distress, the human sacrifice of ruling elites determined to defend EMU membership or euro currency pegs at all costs.


"Severe material deprivation" has surged to 31pc in Latvia and 44pc in Bulgaria. The great majority of those in their fifties in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia who lost their jobs in the crisis have not found work again and have little chance of doing so ever again, at least in their own countries. They are the forgotten residue.


Latvia's 12.5pc jobless rate does not begin to tell the story. Another 7pc have dropped off the rolls. Some 10pc of the population has left the country.


Reveroty is underway but ouput is still 12pc below the peak. Would it have been better to let Latvia's currency devalue and spread the pain more evenly, as the IMF privately advised? We will never know. But those selling Latvia as an austerity success story pass lightly over the cost.


Former ECB governor Athanasios Orphanides -- a world expert on deflation --has broken loose, rebuking his ex-colleagues for standing "idly by" as Europe's socio-economic disaster unfolds.


"We are in the middle of a policy-induced recession and monetary policy can do more to contain it, without compromising price stability," he said.


Jacques Cailloux from Nomura says money is still ferociously tight for a string of countries. Their sovereign bond yields have fallen far, but not far enough to keep pace with GDP contraction.


Nor have the gains fed through to the economy. Italian and Spanish companies still pay twice as much to borrow as German rivals. The North-South gap is becoming hard-wired into the system.


He calculates that a string of states need drastic rate cuts this year under the classic 'Taylor Rule' or shortfall in potential output: 150 basis points for France, 230 for Holland, 240 for Ireland, 330 for Portugal, 350 for Spain, and 400 for Italy. For Greece, theoretically 1100, "no amount of easing would appear sufficient.


You cannot cut below zero. That is why you do quantitative easing, a crude proxy. The victim states need dollops to survive. But the ECB is betting instead that a fresh cycle of global growth and "positive contagion" from surging asset prices will lift Europe off the reefs later this year.


History may judge this to be a tragic policy error.


I do not wish to criticise Mr Draghi harshly. He has played a weak hand with great skill, true to his Jesuit training. By securing German assent for his plan to backstop the Spanish and Italian bond markets, he has for now defused the financial crisis. It comes very late, and in the wrong way, but that is not his fault.


Yet, it is worth remembering how we got here, and what this rescue implies.


Berlin was cocksure this time a year ago that it had mastered the crisis, so much so that Wolfgang Schauble and others seemed think it was safe to kick Greece into the Aegean as a salutary example.


The Germans were shaken out of their complacency only when the Spanish banking system went into melt-down in July 2012, and Latin bloc leaders finally rebelled and threatened to wield their Council voting power.


Some like to claim that the "Draghi Put" vindicates EMU crisis strategy. It does no such thing. The Nordic creditor states were forced to allow drastic measures because all else had failed.


I might add that ECB bond purchases amount to fiscal union by stealth, outside democratic control.


Chancellor Angela Merkel has mutualized EMU debt without telling German taxpayers. This may be necessary if the goal is to save the euro -- not a goal of any moral content -- but it is hardly a healthy state of affairs. The Bundesbank's Jens Weidman is right to warn that it will come back to haunt.


That is a story for another day. The horror before our eyes right now is social ruin. Europe's crisis strategy is to the break the back of labour resistance to pay cuts by driving unemployment through the roof. That is what 'internal devaluations' are. It stinks. And the ECB is adding to the cruelty by keeping money too tight.


Mr Draghi deserves his accolades, but his job is not yet done. He has saved the rich. Now he must save the poor. Coraggio.



2013-01-16 12:56:48 | Telegraph (UK)

French capital flight spikes as Hollande hits business
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 10:30PM GMT 13 Jan 2013
France suffered a surge of capital flight over the autumn as president Francois Hollande pushed through a raft of tax rises and stepped up his campaign against the rich.


Fresh data from the Banque de France show a sudden rise in outflows in October and November, registered in the so-called Target2 payments system of the European Central Bank.


Simon Ward from Henderson Global Investors said the net loss of funds was €53bn (£43.8bn) over the two months, roughly the period when Mr Holland unveiled a string of tax rises and suffered a collapse in relations with French business.


A key gauge of the French money supply -- six-month real M1 -- has been contracting at an accelerating rate ever since Mr Holland's election in May.


It has fallen to levels last seen in the depths of the crisis in 2008. France's money data is now flashing more serious warnings than numbers in Italy or Spain. "Taken together, it is clear that there has been a major loss of confidence and funds have been pulling money out of the country," said Mr Ward.


While France is at no serious risk of a debt crisis, it has been bumping along at slump levels for two years with the youth jobless rate rising to a record 27pc.


The economy may have tipped into recession already even before Paris embarks on fiscal tightening of 2pc of GDP this year to meet EU deficit targets. Analysts say the "double whammy" of tax rises and monetary contraction could prove a toxic mix in 2013.


Mr Hollande's 'soak-the-rich' campaign and a 75pc millionaire tax has erupted into controversy since comedian Gérard Depardieu renounced French citizenship and decamped to Russia in protest, egged on Brigitte Bardot.


Yet the bitter stand-off between France's Socialist leader and French business is a greater concern. An alliance of private sector groups issued a "State of Emergency" alert in October.


The employers group MEDEF said business was "in revolt across the country", warning that bankruptcies were accelerating and firms were slashing investment.


"Large foreign investors are shunning France altogether," it said.


Mr Hollande has sought to rein in his industry minister Arnaud Montebourg, who first lashed out at the Peugeot family and then threatened to nationalise ArclerMittal's steel operations in Lorraine, describing Lakshmi Mittal as "unwelcome" in France.


The government has since embraced the "Gallois Plan" calling for a competitiveness shock, but the country faces deep problems after putting off hard decisions for years.


The state's share of the economy has risen to Nordic levels of 55pc of GDP, without Nordic labour flexibility.


The International Monetary Fund warns that France risks being left behind by Spain and Italy as they cut costs and grasp the nettle of deep reform.



2013-01-16 11:46:05 | Telegraph (UK)
US risks AAA over runaway debts as 'political' dangers rise in Europe, warns Fitch
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 3:29PM GMT 15 Jan 2013
Fitch Ratings has threatened to strip the United States of its AAA credit rating if Congress and the White House indulge in a fresh stand-off over the debt ceiling or fail to agree on a credible austerity package.


The agency warned of a toxic mix of fiscal risks coming together over the next two months that could derail recovery and raise serious doubts over America's governing machinery.


"Pressure on the US rating is growing and we're very concerned," said David Riley, the agency's managing director.


Fitch said Washington elites appeared not to have learned the lesson of the last fight over the debt ceiling in August 2011, when brinkmanship by Republicans and Democrats deflated business confidence and damaged America's credibility around the world.


"If there is repeat, we will place the US sovereign rating under review. It raises political concerns are about the predictability of economic polices and and the quality of economic instistutions," he told a credit forum in London.


"Such self-inflicted crises as they stagger towards a new deadline every six months is not typically characteristic of a AAA state."


The debt ceiling is currently fixed by law at $16.4 trillion. Washington will hit the buffers within weeks despite emergency measures to keep the federal government afloat. "It is highly uncertain what would happen if Congress did not raise the debt ceiling before cash balances were exhausted," said Fitch.


The agency slammed the debt-ceiling law as an "ineffective and potentially dangerous mechanism for enforcing fiscal discipline". The legislation relies on the nuclear option of a sovereign default. This ultimately renders the threat "incredible" and does little to compel Congress to rein in runaway spending.


Standard & Poor's has already downgraded the US to AA+. Moody's issued a negative alert after the last debt-ceiling clash. Fitch followed suit in November 2011.


Fitch said the US is keeping its debt burden in check to a certain degree with inflation, negative real interest rates, and economic growth, but Washington will find it ever harder to "honor its obligations in a timely fashion" if it continues to run peace-time deficits of unprecedented scale.


The US dodged a bullet over the new year with a "short-term fix" on the budget but Capitol Hill has yet to tackle a clutch of major fiscal risks in late February and March, including an automatic sequester of spending cuts worth $109bn.


Britain is also in danger of losing its AAA rating after a double-dip recession played havoc with public finances last year, leaving the budget deficit at 8.2pc of GDP. Public debt will now peak later, near 97pc of GDP in 2016. "The Government's supplementary target has weakened fiscal credibility. The UK has very little headroom for fiscal shocks," said the agency, warning that any slippage of economic growth in 2014 will imperil debt dynamics.


The US and the UK have their own sovereign currencies and central banks, allowing them to print money if need be. This reduces credit default risk, switching it into currency risk instead.


The eurozone is an entirely different animal. The European Central Bank's pledge last summer to backstop EMU sovereign debt has greatly reduced the risk of an immediate debt crisis but there is still the slowburn threat of a political dissent in countries that have lost intra-EMU competitiveness, cannot devalue, and face festering unemployment. "The longer the austerity drags on, the higher the political risk," Douglas Renwick's, Fitch's head of European ratings.


While 2012 may have been the year of "peak austerity", a string of countries face belt-tightening as far as 2017. Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland are less than half way through the fiscal pain required to stabilise debt trajectories, a task made harder by the eurozone's near slump conditions.


While households in the UK and the US have steadily cut their debt to disposable income ratio since 2008, there has been almost no improvement in Spain and Portugal. Budget cuts have displaced the strain from the public sector to the private sector - leaving the economy as a whole even more indebted than before.


Greece's household debt ratio has shot up from around 60pc to over 100pc since austerity began as people run down their savings. Mr Renwick said there is a "strong possibility" that eurozone taxpayers will have to take a haircut on their loans to Greece to restore economic viability.



2013-01-16 09:12:43 | Telegraph (UK)
Bundesbank to pull gold from New York and Paris in watershed moment
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:56PM GMT 15 Jan 2013
Germany's Bundesbank is to repatriate gold reserves held abroad to tighten control and combat currency crises in the future, pulling a chunk of its holdings from New York and all its bullion from Paris.


The move marks an extraodinary breakdown in trust between leading central banks and has set off ferment among gold enthusiasts, with some comparing it with France's withdrawal of gold from the US under President Charles de Gaulle as the Bretton Woods currency system crumbled in the early 1970s.


Handelsblatt said the Bundesbank will announce on Wednesday that it intends to relocate the gold to vaults in Frankfurt, said by insiders to include parts of the old archive library. Germany has 3,396 tons of gold worth roughly £115bn, the world's second-largest holding after the US. Most of the reserves were stored abroad for safety during the Cold War.


The bank holds an estimated 45pc of its gold at the US Federal Reserve in New York, and 11pc at the Banque de France, lower than originally thought.


A report by Germany's budget watchdog in October revealed that the bank halved its holding in London a decade ago, a period when the Bank of England was selling part of Britain's gold at the bottom of the market to buy euros.


The gold was purportedly withdrawn because London was charging €500,000 a year in storage costs. The Bundesbank said part of 930 tonnes brought back was melted down for checks, and "not one gram was missing". It currently holds just 13pc of its total holdings at the Bank of England.


The Bundesbank says there is little reason to keep gold in Paris now that Germany is reunified and at peace. The bank will retain some reserves in London and New York for trading and liquidity purposes.


"Gold stored in your home safe is not immediately available as collateral in case you need foreign currency," said Bundesbank board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele late last year.


"Take, for instance, the key role that the US dollar plays as a reserve currency in the global financial system. The gold held with the New York Fed can, in a crisis, be pledged with the Federal Reserve Bank as collateral against US dollar-denominated liquidity. Similar pound sterling liquidity could be obtained by pledging the gold that is held with the Bank of England."


The latest shift in strategy follows criticism by the German Court of Auditors, who said in a confidential report that the gold held abroad had "never been verified physically" and was not under proper control. A growing chorus of lawmakers in the Bundestag has demanded a return of all Germany's gold in case the financial crisis escalates.


Veteran gold trader Jim Sinclair said the Bundesbank's move is a pivotal event in the gold market and the latest warning for investors that they should keep metal bars under their physcial control, rather than relying on paper contracts.


"This sends a message about storing gold near you and taking delivery no matter who is holding it. When France did this years ago it sent panic amongst the US financial leadership. History will look back on this salvo as being the beginning of the end of the US dollar as the reserve currency of choice," he said.


Many analysts say the world is moving towards a de facto gold standard again as China, Russia and other reserve powers boost their holdings to diversify out of dollars and euros.


Unlike Britain, Spain, Switzerland, Holland and others, Germany did not sell any of its gold when bullion was out of fashion. Nor did Italy. The two countries are now sitting on very substantial reserves that are starting to take on political significance.
