


2012-09-07 09:49:48 | Telegraph (UK)
Intensive exercise for two minutes 'as good as a 90 minute run'
Telegraph: 9:29AM BST 06 Sep 2012
Short bursts of exercise lasting just 150 seconds could help protect against heart disease as much as a 90-minute run or longer but less strenuous workouts, according to new research.


Evidence from a study of men aged 18 to 35 indicated brief but intense exercise was more effective at reducing blood fat levels, which can linger in the body after eating and begin the process of clogging up arteries.


In an experiment led by researcher Stuart Gray, a group of men was asked to sprint, cycle or walk for half an hour.


Those who exercised at peak levels for 30 seconds before resting for four minutes and repeating, saw the fat in their blood drop faster than those who walked at a brisk pace in line with Government guidelines.


The results, reported in the Daily Mail, showed walking cut fat by 11 per cent, compared with not doing any exercise, while short periods of exercise helped reduce fat by 33 per cent – the same effect as a 90-minute run.


Dr Gray, of Aberdeen University, told the British Science Festival that two-minute workouts may be more effective in causing the liver to process more fat from the blood before storing it or burning it off.


He said that, while the high intensity training "won’t necessarily" improve strength, it does boost endurance.


He added that the short duration of the exercise was ‘highly important as time is often cited as the main barrier to taking part in exercise."


However, he said exercising for brief period between resting meant the whole workout took 20 minutes and had to be done regularly.


Dr Gray said: "Although moderate intensity, longer sessions of exercise can help protect the body against cardiovascular disease, the findings of our study showed that higher-intensity shorter intervals of exercise might be a more effective method to improve health and reduce the time commitment to exercise."


どこかその為の場所を訪れて、その為の服装に着替えて、その為に時間を割いて 運動する! というのが好きな時期もありましたが、もうゴチです。


2012-09-07 09:09:38 | Telegraph (UK)
Stock markets soar as Mario Draghi defies Germany and unleashes 'fully effective backstop' for euro
By Louise Armitstead, Chief Business Correspondent
Telegraph: 6:54PM BST 06 Sep 2012
Global stock markets jumped as Mario Draghi defied German opposition and launched an “unlimited” bond-buying programme that he said would provide a “fully effective backstop” to the stricken eurozone economies.


The president of the European Central Bank said the action, called Outright Monetary Transactions (OMTs), would “enable us to address severe distortions in government bond markets” and provide a “fully effective backstop to avoid destructive scenarios”. He added: “The euro is irreversible.”


Traders celebrated a break in the deadlock that has gripped eurozone leaders, despite doubts by economists.


Eurozone stock markets rose to a six-month high, led by Spain’s Ibex, which soared 4.9pc, and Italy’s MIB, which closed up 4.3pc. The French CAC rose 3pc; Germany’s Dax ended up 2.9pc, while in London the FTSE climbed 2.1pc. US markets followed suit, with the S&P 500 closing at its highest since January 2008 and Nasdaq ending the session at its highest since December 2000. Spanish, Italian and Portuguese borrowing costs were pulled sharply lower.


“The framework announced [by the ECB] creates a substantial and credible firewall… this is a game-changer,” Marco Valli, chief eurozone economist at Unicredit, told reporters.


But Karen Woodman, economist at Jefferies, said: “For all of Draghi’s efforts we still don’t really understand how the OMT will differ from the failed Securities Market Programme.”


Mr Draghi said OMT was “very different”: he confirmed the new programme would be unlimited in the amount of bonds it could buy; the ECB would renounce its seniority and be on a par with other creditors; and the bond buying would be “sterilised” by taking an equivalent of money out of the system elsewhere. Addressing German concerns, he said: “We are sure we are acting within our mandate. Action in the primary market would be a violation, not [in the] secondary market.”


But Mr Draghi said the decision by the ECB’s governing council to unleash OMT had not been unanimous. He faced “one dissenting view”, later revealed to be Jens Weidmann, head of the Bundesbank, but said that both he and the bank were “independent”. “I am who I am,” he said.


But he emphasised the programme’s “conditionality”. The ECB will only buy the bonds of sovereigns that had agreed economic reforms with Brussels, via the bail-out funds, the European Financial Stability Facility and European Stability Mechanism.


Mr Draghi said that ECB intervention without action from national governments “would not be effective… we need both legs” for OMTs to work, he said.


He admitted OMTs relied on the first move by individual countries to seek help – in particular Spain, which has resisted help because of the tough conditions. “Now it’s in the hands of Spain, in the hands of the governments of the euro area.”


Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister who was hosting a visit from Angela Merkel yesterday, said he needed time to analyse Mr Draghi’s plan. The German chancellor said she agreed that the ECB had acted within its mandate, but warned that it “cannot replace political action”. The pair had nothing to say on whether Spain would seek a bail-out.


Trevor Greetham of Fidelity said: “In the end this is always going to come down to politics … Does all of this engender full political union or deepen divisions? I expect Europe to muddle along, but its economy won’t fire on all cylinders until these issues are resolved.”
