

ECBがブンデスバンクに反旗を翻す 2

2008-12-17 22:11:02 | Telegraph (UK)
Yes, the Greenspan easy-money experiment was worse in its deeper effects. (This is not a defence of Anglo-Saxon stupidities). But then Buba/ECB did a 'Greenspan-lite' themselves from 2002 to 2006, fueling the Club Med and East Europe property bubbles.


Hard-money men? Give me a break. They were too loose in the bubble, and have been too tight since this bust began. This is plain error. No amount of ideological bluster can disguise that.


But I digress. The Buba bloc laid out its doctrine and the end of last month. To be precise, it was delivered by Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi from the ECB's executive council, but encapsulates the Bundesbank view.


He said - or implied - that it would be dangerous for the ECB to follow the lead of the Fed (and now the Canadian, British, Swedish, and Swiss central banks) in embarking on radical stimulus.


"There is a risk that policy makers run out of ammunition too early and remain without a means of escape." He likened it to a spaghetti western. The good guys in the cavalry lose if they empty their revolvers too early, and are then surrounded.


This caused consternation. There were audible groans across the City. "Central banks don't run of ammunition. They have a nuclear arsenal," said Erik Nielsen, Europe economist at Goldman Sachs.


Undaunted, Weber and Stark have since been on the circuit promoting this preposterous metaphor. Weber warned against letting interest rates fall below inflation, which sets an effective floor near 2pc right now (no matter that the time-lag effect on inflation is so long as to make it utterly useless as a guide in this fast-moving crisis... but these guys are frankly robots).


They have also been up to their old tricks of trying to tie the hands of the ECB's governing council in advance, signalling to the markets that there will be no January rate cut. This becomes self-fulfilling. The bank cannot then disappoint the market.


Except that this time Orphanides has dropped a neutron bomb on their heads.


"I would like to stress that the view that monetary policy becomes ineffective and cannot contribute further to credit growth when the short-term rate reaches zero, or very low levels, is a fallacy."


"Zero short-term rates are not an obstacle for the further boost of monetary expansion if this is judged to be necessary. Of course, monetary policy is more complicated and difficult in cases where short-term rates are already at low levels. However, this fact does not restrain the effectiveness of monetary policy."


He politely advised the Bundesbankers to stop messing around.


"We're in the middle of an extremely crucial economic phase where economic activity rates are slowing down, financial values are fluctuating and the uncertainty in the financial markets is continuing. It is alarming that, unfortunately, a vicious cycle has been created between the financial system crisis and the slowdown of economic activity in the real economy. This development imposes determined decisions of macroeconomic policy."


The mutiny is gaining shape. Portugal's Vitor Constancio picked up his dagger on Friday, warning of a "significant recession" that will kill inflation.


He said central banks most certainly can cut to zero, and try 'quantitative easing', if need be. "Besides interest rates, central banks have other instruments that are still available and, in this context."


More surprising, Nout Wellink from the Netherlands has inched into the rebel camp. "There are more degrees of freedom for the ECB to react further to what's happening in the economy."


'I myself am more pessimistic with respect to 2010 - or perhaps it's better to say more realistic - than most international organizations. Most start with the assumption that world trade will pick up in the second half of 2009. If you analyze the figures then you see that this is highly unlikely on the basis of the present data for Europe," he said.


So too has Malta's Michael Bonello. "Of course we continue to review the whole range of instruments we have at our disposal. Direct intervention in the credit markets in the shape of quantitative easing could be considered."


So what matters? One many, one vote in the ECB council. Or the unwritten law that the Bundesbank cannot be overuled in EMU because the euro derives its status from the D-Mark legaccy? We will soon find out.


In the Orwellian language of the ECB this yawning rift is described by Jean-Claude Trichet as "consensus". The term is "unanimity" when disputes are kept to level where nobody feels stongly enough to oppose a vote.


Isn't it beautiful?


ECBがブンデスバンクに反旗を翻す 1

2008-12-17 22:10:24 | Telegraph (UK)

European Central Bank rebels defy the Bundesbank
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Dec 16, 2008
The European Central Bank faces a mutiny.


For the first time since the launch of monetary union, an ECB board member has dared to confront the hegemonic Bundesbank bloc in public.


For those of who think the ECB has gravely misread this global crisis and risks repeating the errors of 1930s - and that is the opinion of a few Nobel laureates who have spoken to the subject - this is a glorious moment.


Athanasios Orphanides, the Cyprus governor, has thrown down the gauntlet. His latest speech in Larnaca - only in Greek unfortunately - rebuts the ECB obscurantism that has so shocked economists, and so dismayed those who fear that the ECB's Bruning-Luther drift into debt deflation will reduce Europe to a bonfire of riots and a splintered bedlam of neo-fascists, marxists, and assorted tribal reactionaries.


Who cares about the Cyprus governor? Well, Orphanides is a 17-year veteran of the US Federal Reserve and just about the only member of the ECB council who has published scholarship of world renown.


In other words, he is more than a match for the haughty duo from the Bundesbank - Axel Weber and Jürgen Stark - and everybody in the tight-knit fraternity of central banking knows it. His speech is finally to say to the Old Guard: enough, we have endured your view of the world for long enough, step down, make way.


Yes, Buba was a great bank once. It was a bulwark against the "crass Keynesianism" of the 1970s, but we are not in the 1970s now. We are in a world where an oil shock briefly obscured a immensely powerful debt deflation as the excesses of a 30-year credit addiction finally implode under their own force.


The Bundesbank/ECB misread this. They were distracted by the trivial, and neglected the essential. It led them to commit a shocking blunder by raising rates into the storm in July. The harsh truth is that every generation has to earn respect afresh. No institution can claim hereditary prestige, whether it is Oxford University, the US Supreme Court, or Buba. The current crew in Frankfurt have quite simply blown it.



2008-12-17 22:08:44 | Telegraph (UK)

US interest rates: Mr Bernanke correctly judged the risk of deflation
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:16 Dec 2008
US consumer prices are dropping at the fastest rate since January 1932 on a strict dollar for dollar basis. New house building fell by 18.9pc in November to 625,000, the lowest since records began half a century ago. It is not yet clear whether America is sliding into a deflation trap but the risk is grave enough to justify radical measures as insurance against a potentially disastrous chain of events.


The sort of deflation now spreading across North America, Japan, and parts of Europe is not the benign variety of the late 19th century when prices slid gently for year after year. Debt levels are much higher today, so the deflation effect is that much more dangerous.


The danger is a self-feeding downward spiral as the `real’ burden of debt keeps rising into the slump, as Irving Fisher dissected in his great opus “The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions”.

「現実の」債務負担が不況へ向けて増加する、自律的下方スパイラルが危険なのだ、と偉大な著作『The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions(大恐慌の債務デフレ論)』の中で、アーヴィン・フィッシャーは分析した。

US inflation was minus 1.7pc in November, and minus 1pc in October. This entirely vindicates the brave decision by Ben Bernanke at the US Federal Reserve -- and our our own Mervyn King at the Bank of England -- to “look through” the oil spike earlier this year and keep his focus on the underlying forces at work in the global economy.


While Mr Bernanke may have been caught flat-footed by the onset of the credit crisis in the summer of 2007, he has since moved with impressive speed.


The string of emergency rate cuts this year have now brought America to the brink of zero. They may prevent the current credit crash from metastasizing into a full-blown depression. We do not yet know for sure. It takes a year or so for the effects of monetary policy to feed through the economy even when the banking system is functioning. It will take even longer this time. But matters would undoubtedly be worse if the Fed’s backwoodsmen had succeeded in imposing a liquidation squeeze on the US economy, as they did from 1930 to 1932.


Mr Bernanke has not run out of ammunition yet. He has a nuclear arsenal, and has begun to use it. The Fed is already buying mortgage debt. It has infinite means of injecting stimulus into the economy by `quantitiative easing’, if needs be. It can ultimately print money and hang it on Christmas trees.


Mr Bernanke correctly judged the risk of deflation. His critics did not anticipate this price collapse. The burden in now on them to explain why they are sure that deflation can safely be left to run its malign course.
