


2008-12-05 17:49:25 | Telegraph (UK)
1930s beggar-thy-neighbour fears as China devalues
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph:04 Dec 2008
China has begun to devalue the yuan for the first time in over a decade, raising fears that it will set off a 1930s-style race to the bottom and tip the global economy into an even deeper slump.


The central bank has shifted the central peg of its dollar band twice this week in a calculated move that suggests Beijing aims to offset the precipitous slide in Chinese manufacturing by trying to gain further export share abroad.


The futures markets are pricing in a 6pc devaluation over the next year. "This is clearly a big shift in policy and we are now on alert," said Simon Derrick, currency chief at the Bank of New York Mellon.


The move follows a Politburo speech by President Hu Jintao warning that China is "losing competitive edge in the world market".


China has allowed a crawling 20pc revaluation over the past three years. Any reversal risks setting off conflict with the incoming team of President-Elect Barack Obama in Washington. Mr Obama called China a "currency manipulator" during the campaign, a term that carries penalties under US trade law.


Outgoing US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson is viewed as a "friend of China". He called for a stronger yuan this week before embarking on a visit to Beijing, but the plea was couched in friendly terms. This soft-peddling may soon change.


Hans Redeker, currency head at BNP Paribas, said China's policy switch could set off a dangerous chain of events. "If they play this beggar-thy-neighbour game, it will cause a deflationary shock for the whole world," he said.


It makes sense for countries with current account deficits such as the UK, US or Turkey to let their currencies fall, but China has the world's biggest trade surplus.


Michael Pettis, a professor at Beijing University, said it was "very worrying" that a pro-devalulation bloc seemed to be gaining the upper hand in the Communist Party. "I really do believe that we are on the brink of a very ugly period for trade relations," he said.


China has relied on exports to North America and Europe as its growth engine, making it acutely vulnerable to the contraction in global demand. Mr Pettis said this recalls the role played by the US in the 1920s, a parallel fraught with danger. "In the 1930s the US foolishly tried to dump capacity abroad, but the furious reaction of trading partners caused the strategy to misfire. China already seems to be in the process of engineering its own Smoot-Hawley," he said, referring to the infamous US Tariff Act in 1930.


China showed restraint during the Asian crisis in 1998, holding the line against domino devaluations across the region. It may yet hold the line this time.


However, this crisis is more serious. The manufacturing sector has seen the steepest decline since the records began, with devastation sweeping the textile, furniture and toy sectors. Civil unrest has begun to rock the Guangdong and Longnan regions.


Beijing has slashed rates and unveiled a fiscal stimulus of 14pc of GDP, but most of the spending comes in the form of instructions to local governments to spend more ミ but without giving them the money. Does China really intend to step in to prop up global demand? The jury is out.



2008-12-05 17:49:00 | Telegraph (UK)

Metal prices fall further than during Great Depression
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:03 Dec 2008
The price of key industrial metals has fallen further over the last four months than occurred during the worst years of Great Depression between 1929 and 1933, according to research by Barclays Capital.


Kevin Norrish, the bank's commodities strategist, said the average fall in the price of copper, lead, and zinc has been roughly 60pc since the peak in July this year. All three metals were traded on the London Metal Exchange in the inter-war years so it is possible to make a comparison.


Prices for the three metals fell 40pc from their highs in 1929 before touching bottom in 1933, with the bulk of the fall in 1930 as the slump spread worldwide. "Lead and zinc have already lost more than they did in the 1930s," he said.


Copper was hit hardest during the Depression, despite the electrification drive in the US and the Soviet Union, falling 70pc at one stage before creeping back in the mid-1930s. The reason was an 85pc fall in US construction, then the biggest user of the metal.


Barclays Capital said the broader equity markets are already discounting the sorts of "savage declines" in corporate profits that were last seen in the Slump. It said (trailing) price to earnings ratios are actually lower now than they were the early 1930s, with moves in credit spreads that suggest investors are anticipating depression-era levels of economic contraction.


The credit markets continued to exhibit signs of extreme stress yesterday. The iTraxx Crossover index measuring default risk on low-grade European bonds punched above 950 for the first time. The investment grade index hit 188. The spreads are now flashing the sort of danger signals seen before the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September.


Each episode of the financial crisis over the last eighteen months has been preceded by a big jump in the iTraxx indexes.




2008-12-05 17:48:27 | Telegraph (UK)

Bank of America warns on Europe's surging debt
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:03 Dec 2008
Bank of America has warned that investors may start to shun the bonds of highly indebted European states as governments are forced to cover surging deficits and bank bail-outs with unprecedented borrowing next year.


"The situation is not pleasant for high-debt countries singled out as bad credits," said Ricardo Barbieri, the bank's European credit chief.


"The real cost of their public debt is going up. It is a little alarming, especially in the case of Italy. The next few months are going to be a period of stress that puts the sustainability of the euro in question," he said.


Bank of America said the total funding required by Europe's governments (including Britain) will rise from ロ755bn this year to ロ960bn in 2009. The crucial figure is a ロ282bn jump in new debt.


"This is a significant increase in supply," said Mr Barbieri. Countries such as Italy ミ which has seen the yield spreads on its bonds widen to 120 basis points above German Bunds ミ may not enjoy any benefit from the fall on bond yields worldwide as recession dampens inflation.


"There could be a vicious circle. The dynamic for high-debt countries can get a lot worse," he said.


Italy's public debt has jumped from 104pc to 107pc of GDP over the past year. France, Germany and now Spain are seeing similar rises ミ but from a much lower base. They do not face the imminent risk of a debt compound trap.


Mr Barbieri said Italy had brought forward some "pre-funding" with an unscheduled debt auction in November, indicating its treasury's concern about a debt glut likely to hit in the first quarter of 2009.


The corporate markets are already under stress in Europe. The iTraxx Crossover index measuring the cost of default insurance on low- to mid-grade company bonds smashed through the once unthinkable level of 1,000.


Holger Schmieding, Bank of America's Europe economist, said it is now clear that the eurozone is in a "downward spiral".

バンク・オブ・アメリカのヨーロッパ・エコノミスト、Holger Schmiedingは、今ではユーロ経済圏が「下方スパイラル」にあるのは明らかだと語った。

The PMI confidence indexes that have proved reliable in the past are pointing to a year-on-year decline in GDP of 2.7pc by early 2009.


"Fortunately we have a very aggressive policy response in the world, so we are not going into depression," he said.



2008-12-05 17:48:11 | Telegraph (UK)

ECB cuts to 2.5pc and mulls "printing money"
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:04 Dec 2008
The European Central Bank has slashed interest rates by three-quarters of a point to 2.5pc in the boldest move since the launch of monetary union and hinted at revolutionary action to head off a severe slump next year as the economic crisis ravages the car, steel, and machine tool industries.


"Tensions have increasingly spilled over from the financial sector to the real economy," Jean-Claude Trichet, the ECB's president, said. He added: "Global and euro-area demand are likely to be dampened for a protracted period of time."


Sweden's Riksbank went even further, stunning the markets with a cut of 175 basis points to 2pc. The Swedish authorities are deeply alarmed by the collapse of vehicle sales at Volvo, as well as the large exposure of Swedish banks to the property crash in Eastern Europe


"We're moving towards a world of zero rates in Europe and the G10 countries, perhaps as soon as the second half of next year," said Michael Klawitter, a strategist at Dresdner Kleinwort.


Mr Trichet said the eurozone is likely to contract by 0.5pc next year amid a "hardening" of the credit markets. This is a dramatic reversal from the ECB's forecast of an economic rebound published in September. The bank has undoubtedly been startled by the latest PMI confidence data, which has a good record as a leading indicator and is now pointing to a brutal contraction of 2.7pc year-on-year in early 2009.


In France, President Nicolas Sarkozy unveiled a ロ26bn (」22bn) stimulus package of tax cuts and state spending to fight unemployment. It includes ロ1bn in loans for the French car industry, which is shutting a string of plants for up a month to clear an unprecedented glut of unsold vehicles. The state will build 100,000 new homes to keep construction alive.


Mr Sarkozy said the goal of restoring France's dilapidated public finances to good order could wait for better times. "Not doing anything now would have cost us much more. We're not going to sacrifice the present for the future. This crisis is an ordeal, a painful ordeal and a terrible ordeal, but we have to keep faith," he said.


Italy needs a stimulus package even more badly but is having to tread with care as markets fret over some ロ200bn of Italian state debt that must be rolled over next year. The yield spread on 10-year bonds has risen to 123 basis points over German Bunds. Giulio Tremonti, Italy's finance minister, insisted yesterday that state bonds were at no risk. "Buy them. They are absolutely solid".


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Mr Trichet signalled for the first time that the bank is considering some form of "quantitative easing" (QE), the term used to describe the emergency measures pioneered by Japan during its Lost Decade and now being adopted by the US Federal Reserve.


"We are supplying liquidity on an unlimited basis. We will continue to look very carefully at the situation of the market and if needed we will take new decisions," he said, when asked about QE measures.


Julian Callow, Europe economist at Barclays Capital, said the ECB had been caught off guard as the crisis gathered pace this year but is now beginning to catch up. "They are still being too hesitant given the gravity of what is happening. Even so, it seems they are now preparing for quantititave easing and undoubtedly have other tricks up their sleeve," he said.


The Maastricht Treaty prohibits the ECB from injecting stimulus by purchasing the government debt of the eurozone's fifteen states debt ミ a method known as "monetizing the deficit", or more crudely as "printing money".


But it can achieve the same effect by mopping up sovereign debt, mortgage securities, or even company debt on the open market, as the Fed has already begun to do. At the moment the ECB accepts some of these assets as collateral in exchange for loans, but it has not yet hit the atomic button by buying them outright with its own freshly-minted fiat money.
