

村祭|歌詞付き|日本の歌百選|村の鎮守の 神様の

2024年09月12日 | 美しき日本の歌
村祭|歌詞付き|日本の歌百選|村の鎮守の 神様の

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/12)

2024年09月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
32896.prestigious(名高い、権威のある)admired as one of the best and most important 
He associate only with prestigious people. 
32897.robust(強健な、たくましい、がっしりした、強い、強固な、健全な、力のいる、力強い、粗野な、荒っぽい)a robust person is strong and healthy /a robust system, organization etc is strong and not likely to have problems 
The formerly robust economy has begun to weaken. 
32898.typically(典型的に、例によって、決まって、一般(的)に、概して)in a  way that a person or group is generally believed to behave 
 They typically don't limit the number of banks.
32899.ups and downs(浮き沈み) the mixture of good and bad experiences that happen in any situation or relationship 
 We have our ups and downs like all couples. 
32900.short-staffed(人手不足の)having fewer than the usual or necessary number of workers 類義語 short-handed 
The nursing home is so short-staffed that most nurses are working 12 hours a day. 


2024年09月11日 | 爺英語

Now for a spectacular, spiritual, and crowd-pleasing festival right in the heart of Japan's ancient capital. Gozan Okuribi is said to date back more than 300 years. Five mountains surrounding Kyoto serve as a grand stage. The bonfires form shapes such as kanji characters and a boat. People in Japan believe deceased relatives come home during the annual Bon holidays. And this festival is like a farewell before they head back to the spirit world.
(Festivalgoer) “My father will have returned for the first time since he died. I'm glad my family and I could give him a send-off together.”
Police say Friday's festival attracted a crowd of about 47,000. That's up more than 20,000 from last year.

spectacular 壮観な、華々しい、壮大な   very impressive 
deceased 死んだ、亡くなった    the deceased formal the person who has died or the people who have died 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/11)

2024年09月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
32891.skyrocketing (急増する)
if a price or an amount skyrockets, it greatly increases very quickly 
Because they need to keep up with skyrocketing orders worldwide.
The company revised its revenue forecast upward by 20% for this year. 
32893.golden opportunity(絶好の機会、チャンス)a good chance to get something valuable or to be very successful 
 This presents a golden opportunity for us.
32894.my gut tells me(私の直感では) 
 My gut tells me that what7S he says is true.
32895.proportinally(比例的に、比例して、比例関係で,それ相応に )something that is proportional to something else is in the correct or most suitable relationship to it in size, amount, importance etc OPP disproportionate 
The punishment should be proportional to the crime 

奈半の港 2

2024年09月10日 | 土佐日記






Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/10)

2024年09月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
32886.good old days(あの頃は良かったな)the good times in the past 
10 years ago, all we did was travel. Those were the good old days
32887.a pain in the neck/butt/ass(めんどくさい)to be very annoying 
This application process is a pain in the butt
32888.grab food/drink (食事をする/飲みに行く)a clever and funny remark or reply 類義語 joke 
 Do you want to grab some drinks tonight? 
32889.Do you want to _____?(~してくれない?) 
 Do you want to order the beers while I find us a table? 
32890.foldable umbrella(折り畳み傘) 
I brought a foldable umbrella. 

サンタマリアの祈り (ジェームス・ラスト)

2024年09月09日 | JET STREAM
サンタマリアの祈り (ジェームス・ラスト)

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/09)

2024年09月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
32881.significant other(彼氏・彼女・夫・妻・恋人・配偶者)your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend 
I don't know whether I can make the party tonight. Let me talk it over with my significant other
32882.better half(妻・嫁・奥様・(彼氏・夫・恋人・配偶者))old-fashioned used humorously to mean your husband, wife, or partner 
I'd like you to meet my better half, Jackie. 
32883.I'm sorry for your loss (ご愁傷さまです)
I heard your father passed away. I’m very sorry for your loss. 
32884.I'm sorry to hear that (私も残念に思います)
 I’m sorry to hear that. I hope he recovers soon. 
32885.You’re in my thoughts/prayers (あなたのことを思っています・祈っています) a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation 
I heard your uncle passed away yesterday. You and your family are in my thoughts. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/08)

2024年09月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
32876.tell the difference(違いが分かる)
I can tell the difference between British English and Australian English. 
32877.that’s true in(〜でも同じ)saying things that are the opposite of what you mean, in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed 
That’s true in my neighborhood. Everyone is really friendly and knows each other. 
32878.back home(故郷)a clever and funny remark or reply 類義語 joke 
Most of the stores back home are mom-and-pop shops. 
32879.the worst when(〜の時が最悪) 
Tom is the worst when he gets drunk. He gets belligerent and obnoxious. 
32880.belligerent(好戦的な) very unfriendly and wanting to argue or fight 類義語 aggressive 
When police officers questioned him, he became belligerent and tried to hit one of them. 


2024年09月07日 | 読書日記




楠木 新(くすのき あらた)



Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/07)

2024年09月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
32871.pull off(困難なことを成功させる、、見事に成し遂げる)to succeed in doing something difficult 
I never thought we'd win the championship, but we pulled it off.
32872.candy(あめ、砂糖菓子)a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate 
My kids ate so much candy on Halloween that they felt the next morning. 
32873.sugary(砂糖がたくさん入って甘い、甘ったるい) containing sugar, or tasting like sugar 
 My doctor told me to stay away from sugary foods for a while..
32874.icing(アイシング、薄くて硬い氷のよう) a mixture made from very fine light sugar and liquid, used to cover cakes 類義語 frosting 
 When I was a kid, i always licked the icing off my birthday cake first.
32875.stock up(蓄える、ため込む) to buy a lot of something in order to keep it for when you need to use it later 
It's a good idea to stock up on bottled water. 

蝦夷富士の唄 (北海道民謡)

2024年09月06日 | 日本民謡
蝦夷富士の唄 (北海道民謡)

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/06)

2024年09月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
32866.area of expertise(専門分野)to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened, or doing exercise 類義語 perspire 
I'm afraid that's not my area of expertise.
32867.server(接客係)American English someone whose job is to bring you your food in a restaurant 類義語 waiter, waitressコーパスの例 
Before we order, are there any foods you aren't able to eat. I 'll let the server. know. 
32868.relatively(比較的に、相対的に)something that is relatively small, easy etc is fairly small, easy etc compared to other things 
 Today's quiz is relatively easy.
32869.remarkable(驚くべき、著しい) unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise 
 Japanese art had a remarkable influence on Van Gogh.
32870.feat (偉業、功績)something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, strength etc to do 
The Seikan Tunnel is a remarkable feat of engineering. 

文部省唱歌 野菊

2024年09月05日 | 美しき日本の歌
文部省唱歌 野菊

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/05)

2024年09月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
32861.in the clear(心配がない)not guilty of something 
But you are not in the air yet.
32862.cut down on(~を減らす)to reduce the amount of something 
You have to cut down on the sweats.. 
 Cut the ice cream out
32864.overdo((…を)やりすぎる、(…に)度を超す、(…を)使いすぎる、誇張する、大げさに示す、(…を)煮すぎる) to do something more than is suitable or natural 
 You don't have to stop jogging, but you mustn't over do it
32865.legendary (伝説上の、大御所) very famous and admired 
I’m so excited to welcome a legendary singer today.