

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/24)

2023年03月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
30216.Let's do a duet   (デュエットしましょう)
Let's do a duet . Well、I’d rather just watch for now.
30217.in person(自分で、本人が、(写真などに対し)実物で  )  if you do something in person, you go somewhere and do it yourself, instead of doing something by letter, asking someone else to do it etc 
Oh really? I think I look older in person.
30218.adorable  (崇敬すべき、ほれぼれするような、かわいらしい  someone or something that is adorable is so attractive that they fill you with feelings of love 
Have you seen their new baby - she's simply adorable! 
30219.take after  (…をまねる、…に似る、…を追いかける )to look or behave like an older relative 
Do they take after their mom or dad?
30220.Life has ups and downs   (人生、山あり谷あり ) informal the mixture of good and bad experiences that happen in any situation or relationship 
Life has ups and downs.

