

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/16)

2022年03月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
28366.chew someone out(~を厳しく叱る )to talk angrily to someone in order to show them that you disapprove of what they have done
She chewed him out for driving drunk. 
28367.lecture(説教する) an act of criticizing someone or warning them about something in a long serious talk, in a way that they think is unfair or unnecessary
I got lectured by my parents last night. 
Actually, I may have drunk a whole glass of spoiled milk. 
28369.rot(腐る)to decay by a gradual natural process, or to make something do this 
The garden was full of rotten carrots. 
28370.moving(感動させる、哀れな) making you feel strong emotions, especially sadness or sympathy
It was the most moving film, I have ever seen. 

