

Daily Vocabulary(2011/02/16)

2011年02月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
10691.stick one's nose in other people's affairs(他人のことに首を突っ込む)
It is really not her business to be sticking her nose in other people's affairs like that.
10692.feel stigmatized(肩身の狭い思いをする、非難されている感じがする)
I am well aware of how sinngle women often feel stigmatized in the workplace.
10693.faii in line with(~に合わせる、~に同調する、~に従う)
So many single women I've talked to feel pressured to faii in line with the "married with children" standard.
10694.role model(手本)
So even inthis day and age,when there are so many role models for women.
This kind of prejudice still exists.I was kind of surprised to see it here in the U.S.
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