

Daily Vocabulary(2024/09/30)

2024年09月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
32986.show up (約束や集まりに現れる)to arrive, especially at the place where someone is waiting for you 類義語 turn up /to make it possible to see or notice something that was not clear before 
Marcia showed up to class late again today.
32987.suspicious(疑わし) thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest 
.I'm a little suspicious of the guy in sunglasses. 
32988.exaggerate(誇張する)to make something seem better, larger, worse etc than it really is 
 Don’t exaggerate. Tell me what really happened.
32989.mislead(判断を誤らせる、誤解させる) to make someone believe something that is not true by giving them information that is false or not complete 
 I’m sorry I misled you.I'm not really a millionaire
32990.whie lie (罪のないうそ、儀礼的なお世辞)a lie that you tell someone in order to protect them or avoid hurting their feelings 
I didn't think a little white lie would turn into such a big problem. 

