

Daily Vocabulary(2020/02/09)

2020年02月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
24766.without you(あなたなしでは)
We couldn't have won the championship without you.
24767.at home(寛ぐ)if a sports team plays at home, they play at their own sports field OPP away 
You really made me at home.
24768.taste(趣味)the kind of things that someone likes 
Tはんk用阻much。It's beautiful. You have a good taste.
24769.make up with (仲直りする)  
Thanks for your great advise I manage to make up with my girlfriend.
24770.mess around(ふざける)to cause a lot of problems for someone, especially by changing your mind often and not being completely honest   
Can you stop messing around? I'm trying to have a serious conversation. 

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