

徒然草 第八十八段

2021年02月23日 | 徒然草を読む


 或る者が、「これが書の達人として誉れ高い、小野道風が書き写した『和漢朗詠集』です」と言って秘蔵していた。別の者が、「あなた様のお宅に代々伝わる品物ですから、根拠が出鱈目だとインネンを付けるつもりは毛頭ないのでございますが、藤原公任が撰集した歌を、その時代に他界している小野道風が書き写しているので、矛盾していてインチキ臭いのですが」と尋ねた。すると、「お目が高い! だからこそ類い希なる珍品なのでございます」と答え、今までよりも大切に秘蔵したという。


Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/23)

2021年02月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
26746.barely(ほとんど〜でない)You use barely to say that something is only just true or only just the case. 
I can barely hear the TV. Can you turn it up? 
26747.barely(ギリギリで〜 / 辛うじて)If you say that one thing had barely happened when something else happened, you mean that the first event was followed immediately by the second. 
I thought we were going to be late. We barely made it. 
26748.That/It never crossed my mind(考えたこともなかった!)can be used to refer to an extremely large number of things or people
Quitting my job? That never crossed my mind. I love what I do. 
26749.jack of all trades(なんでも屋) If you refer to someone as a jack-of-all-trades, you mean that they are able to do a variety of different jobs. You are also often suggesting that they are not very good at any of these jobs. 
Do you think it’s better to be a specialist or a jack of all trades
26750.wear many hats(いろいろな仕事を担う) to have different roles or tasks to perform 
I wear many hats. I do accounting, marketing, sales, just all kinds of stuff.

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