

Daily Vocabulary(2021/02/28)

2021年02月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
26771.Learn the ropes(コツを覚える)to learn how to do a particular job or task 
I really like it! I'm still learning the ropes but all of my coworkers have been really helpful. 
26772.Get the hang of(コツをつかんできた)to understand the technique of doing something 
It's taking some time but I slowly getting the hang of it. I can stand on the board now. 
26773.Put on hold(保留する・持ち越す)to decide not to do, change, or deal with something now, but to leave it until later 
We decided to put the project on hold until next month. 
26774.Push back(延期する)If you push back against something, such as a change or criticism, you refuse to accept it or try to prevent it. 
The deadline was pushed back to next week. 
26775.Put off(後回しにする)If you put something off, you delay doing it. 
Don't put it off. Do it now! 

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