


2020年07月15日 | 爺英語

Next, a little something from the competitive world of supercomputers.
For the first time in nine years, the bragging rights to the fastest machine on the planet go to Japan.

Fugaku claimed the top spot in the biannual rankings in its debut. The results were announced on Monday.
The supercomputer was developed by the RIKEN research institute and electronics firm Fujitsu. It won four of six major categories, including speed.
It's capable of hundreds of quadrillions of operations per second – that's about three times more than the U.S. supercomputer that won last time.
The other categories Fugaku topped are performance in computational methods for industrial use, artificial intelligence applications, and big data analytics.
RIKEN officials are confident the machine can help improve society.
In fact, it's already tackling one of the most testing issues of our times.
(Matsumoto Hiroshi / President, RIKEN)
"We're using Fugaku for various simulations to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus."

brag     自慢する If you brag, you say in a very proud way that you have something or have done something. 
biannual   年に2回の、半年ごとの   A biannual event happens twice a year. 
quadrillion    1,000兆  the number represented as one followed by 15 zeros (1015)  
tackle     (問題などに)取り組む If you tackle a difficult problem or task, you deal with it in a very determined or efficient way. 
testing issue     困難な問題  

Daily Vocabulary(2020/07/15))

2020年07月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
25646.scenic(風光明媚な)A scenic place has attractive scenery. 
I live scenic views out in the country.
25647.downstream(下流)Something that is moving downstream is moving towards the mouth of a river, from a point further up the river. Something that is downstream is further towards the mouth of a river than where you are
There is a village two milometers downstream from here.. 
25648.make-believe(ごっこ遊び)You use make-believe to refer to the activity involved when a child plays a game in which they pretend something, for example that they are someone else. 
My daughter is always play make-believe with her friend.
25649.hide-and-seek(かくれんぼ)Hide-and-seek is a children's game in which one player covers his or her eyes until the other players have hidden themselves, and then he or she tries to find them. 
My son always likes to hide behind the curtain when we play hide-and-seek.
25650.must-see (必見の)considered to be essential to visit or see   
I will show you all the must-see places in Sapporo. 

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