

Daily Vocabulary(2020/07/06)

2020年07月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
25601.rewarding(やりがいがある)An experience or action that is rewarding gives you satisfaction or brings you benefits. 
I get paid well but it's not rewarding. That's why I'm thinking about switching jobs.
25602.worthwhile(する価値がある)If something is worthwhile, it is enjoyable or useful, and worth the time, money, or effort that is spent on it. 
Running a business can be stressful at times but it is definitely worthwhile. 
25603.more or less(大体)If something is more or less true, it is true in a general way, but is not completely true. 
 I'm more or less satisfied with my job.
25604.You can’t go wrong with(パッと思いついたもの) 
I can’t remember his name off the top of my head 
25605.hole in the wall(汚い感じのお店)  
You might not believe it, but that hole in the wall there serves the best ramen. 

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