

‘KING’ KOHEI WINS AGAIN 「世界体操選手権 内村選手が5連覇」

2014年11月20日 | 爺英語

Japan's Kohei Uchimura accomplished an unprecedented feat at the World Gymnastics Championships in China on Thursday.
He won a fifth straight title in the men's individual all-around category. No other gymnast has ever won more than three.
Uchimura finished first in the qualifying round before competing against 23 other gymnasts in the finals. His performance was steady throughout the competition. He was the only contestant to gain more than 15 points in all six categories.
Uchimura said he focused on avoiding mistakes. He added he was satisfied with a fifth straight title but unhappy with his performance on the parallel bars and horizontal bar.

unprecedented 先例のない、史上初の
feat       偉業
gymnast  体操選手
qualifying round   予選試合
contestant       競技者、出場者
focused       集中する

Daily Vocabulary(2014/11/20)

2014年11月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
15506.I'm broke(金欠)
I bought 6 pairs of shoes yesterday, so I'm broke now.
15507.every now and then(たまに)
I get headaches, every now and then.
15508.I have a sweet tooth!(私甘党なの)
Can we order 3 desserts? I have a sweet tooth!.
15509.if you were in my shoes(あなたが私の立場だったら)
How would you feel if you were in my shoes?
15510.sleep on it(一晩考えてみたら)
Don't over think. You should just sleep on it.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
