

Daily Vocabulary(2013/08/07)

2013年08月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
14676.What goes around comes around(因果は巡る、自分がしたことは自分に返って来る)
What goes around comes around、as they say.
14677.do someone wrong(人を不当に扱う)
The simple act of quitting is probably the best form of revenge if you feel your employer did you wrong.
14678.burn one's bridges(元に戻れない状況を作る、背水の陣を敷く)
Don't burn your bridges behind you.
All I need to do is to complete the graoh on page 8.
14680.Do you think you could(~していただけませんか、~できそうですか)
I just can't be as Do you think you could finish the report by tomorrow morning?.
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