情報流通促進計画 by ヤメ記者弁護士(ヤメ蚊)日隅一雄

知らなきゃ判断できないじゃないか! ということで、情報流通を促進するために何ができるか考えていきましょう


2008-09-21 19:25:31 | メディア(知るための手段のあり方)

 自由権規約委員会による第5回日本政府報告書審査は、10年ぶりに、2008年10月中旬(第94会期)にジュネーブで実施される予定となっています。審査は、政府報告書とNGO から提出された報告書などに基づき、日本の規約実施状況を審査するプロセスであり、締約国と規約委員会とが建設的対話を行い、これを通じて規約に定めた人権基準の実施を促進し、改善するために行われます。(日弁連ウェブサイトより)


◆   ◆   ◆

④ メディア関係

A 結論と提言

1 国は、日本では、放送行政を中央官庁たる総務省が司っていることから、放送メディアに対する与党を中心とする政治家の圧力を防ぐことができない。総務省は、放送局に対して、番組内容、編集、演出など番組作成に関して、行政指導すべきではない。

2 国は、放送行政を司る独立行政委員会を設置し、放送局に対する政治圧力を防ぐべきである。

3 国は、放送法改正案から、第53条8の2は削除されるべきである。

B 国際人権(自由権)規約委員会の懸念事項・勧告内容

C 政府の対応と第5回政府報告書の記述

D 日弁連の意見

1 NHK(日本放送協会)従軍慰安婦番組事件などにみる権力によるメディアへの支配介入

 日本国憲法はその第21条において、「1項 集会、結社及び言論、出版その他一切の表現の自由は、これを保障する。2項 検閲は、これをしてはならない。通信の秘密は、これを侵してはならない。」と定められ、集会・結社・表現の自由、検閲の禁止、通信の秘密を保障している。









2 放送法改正案


 今回の法改正案第53条の8の2は、「1項 総務大臣は、放送事業者(受託放送事業者を除く。)が、虚偽の説明により事実でない事項を事実であると誤解させるような放送であって、国民経済又は国民生活に悪影響を及ぼし、又は及ぼすおそれがあるものを行い、又は委託して行わせたと認めるときは、当該放送事業者に対し、期間を定めて、同様の放送の再発の防止を図るための計画の策定及びその提出を求めることができる。2項 総務大臣は、前項の計画を受理したときは、これを検討して意見を付し、公表するものとする。」と規定している。


3 有事法制による放送局の指定公共機関化


4 放送行政の政府からの独立

 1で述べたとおり、放送行政の権限を政府が一括して直接握っている国は、主要国では日本とロシアくらいである。アメリカには連邦通信委員会(FCC)、イギリスには独立テレビ委員会(ITC)、放送基準委員会(BSC)、フランスには、視聴覚最高評議会(CSA)、ドイツでは放送行政は各州に分属し、州メディア庁が行っている。イタリアには、1997 年に独立行政委員会(アウトリタ)が設立された(国の資金と放送局などの資金で構成)。




5 自主的な横断機関の設置(この部分は同時にアップした英語版は字数の問題で割愛しました。英語って文字数いきますね)

 報道被害救済の手段として、マスメディア自身によって設立される報道評議会による救済は、訴訟を始めとする法的手段による救済と比較して ① 簡易・迅速・廉価な救済を得られる可能性が大きいこと、 ② 法的手段による救済の外にあるとされる事案についても救済の可能性があること、 ③ マスメディア内部に自浄作用が発生し、報道被害を事前に防止する可能性が増大することが期待されることなどの利点が挙げられる。



Restriction on Mass Media in Japan: JFBA's Report

2008-09-21 19:23:31 | メディア(知るための手段のあり方)


④ Restriction on Mass Media

A. Conclusions and Recommendations

1. The government is not able to prevent any pressure and influence on broadcasting media imposed by politicians mainly from the ruling party as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) governs the administration of broadcasting.

MIC should not control broadcasting stations via administrative guidance through the production process of programs including the content, editing, and stage-direction.

2. The government should establish an independent administrative committee to watch over broadcasting administration to eliminate political pressure against broadcasting stations.

B. Subjects of Concern and Recommendations of the Human Rights Committee
Nothing is mentioned on this matter.

C. The Government's Response and its Fifth Periodic Report
Nothing is mentioned on this matter.

D. Position of the JFBA

1. An attempt of dominance and intervention by the power into media as manifested in the case of NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)’s program on “comfort women”

The Japanese Constitution stipulates in Article 21 that “Freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press, ad all other forms of expression are guaranteed.
No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated” to guarantee assembly, association, freedom of speech, prohibition of censorship, and secrecy of communication.

However, in reality, domination and intervention into mass media by the power are actually conducted.

On January 29, 2007, Tokyo High Court ruled that NHK altered the content of the draft program under the pressure of some politicians just before it was finalized. The program was dealing with a comfort women issue during World War 2. The program was highlighting the people’s court bringing a charge against the government.

According to the Tokyo High Court’s judgment, after meeting with the government high officials (deputy chief cabinet secretary) NHK executives altered the content of the program against the will of the producer, by instructing him to eliminate the scene of the people’s court handing down the judgment or the scene of victims’ (foreign female)
testification. As the background of this abnormal incident, there is a reality where NHK usually visits almost the half of the Diet members individually to make explanations before the Diet approval on the budget bill in order to facilitate the approval of the bill.

Broadcasting stations are supposed to be independent and free from any
influence by politicians.

In Japan, shortly after World War 2, three major laws pertaining broadcasting were established, and an independent regulatory commission (Radio Regulatory Commission) that was independent from the government and the ruling party was in charge of broadcast administration.
Therefore, the budget plan of NHK was explained by the commission to the Diet, which prevented an intervention from politics.

However, soon after Japan recovered its sovereignty, the ruling party abolished the Radio Regulatory Commission and put the broadcast administration under the General Post Office. This practice was quite exceptional for world leading countries.

As a result, NHK has lost its shield of independent regulatory commission, and its executives have to be directly pressed by politicians, allowing them to intervene into the individual program as finally seen in the case of NHK “comfort women” program.

Furthermore, the MIC issued “broadcast order” to NHK to say “Report on the abduction by North Korea should be prioritized”, giving an instruction to individual matters.

The same can be said to commercial TV stations. In cases of commercial TV
stations, they are subject to strict administration guidance on the production of programs including the content of a program, stage-direction and editing, since the MIC, a central government agency under the influence of the ruling party is the responsible authority to update their licenses. In recent days, the MIC has been picking up minor mistakes of such TV stations and frequently issues “written reprimand” as an administrative punishment, but, to be in line with the principle of freedom of report, the MIC should be more moderate and humble. Under the current circumstances, independence of each commercial TV station from administrative bodies and politicians has been hindered, and as a result, the monitoring function on the intervention of the power within all the commercial TV stations is generally weakening. For instance, in the report on the Tokyo High Court decision on the case where NHK sabotaging its “comfort women” program, the fact that Tokyo High Court recognized that NHK altered its draft program before the program was finalized under the pressure of some politicians was not accurately reported, but the report was deviated to give an impression that the court did not recognize the direct impact from the politicians. Among the major leading countries, Japan and Russia may be the only two countries where broadcasting administrative power is controlled by the government and the ruling party. It is urged that Japan should reestablish the independent regulatory commission in order to secure independency of broadcasting.

2. A bill for the amendment of Broadcast Law

With the critical public opinions against a series of scandals by media as the background, as a part of efforts to try to restrict media, the MIC finally submitted a bill for the amendment of Broadcast Law, after an incident of one information program’s data fabrication happened at a commercial TV station.
On June 19, House of Representatives started the deliberations on the bill.

Article 53 (8)-2 of the amendment of the Law stipulates that 1) When Prime Minister recognizes that a broadcaster (excluding contractors) produces, via broadcasting, makes a false explanation to mislead the viewers into a false fact, which exerts or can exert an adverse effect on national economy or people’s lives, or contracts to do so, Prime Minister can demand the broadcaster to prepare and submit action plan to prevent recurrence of such conduct within the designated period; 2) When the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications accepts such plan, he/she releases the plan with his /her comments after he/her closely examined the plan.

The above provisions, however, use many ambiguous wording including “misleading”, “adverse effect” and “can exert”. Such ambiguity of the provisions actually allows the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications to intervene into the broadcasting content more easily via evaluation on each program. Hence, the bill for the amendment of Broadcast Law is highly problematic in terms of the risk of infringement of the freedom of broadcast, and also there is keen suspicion that the provisions are against Article 21 of the constitution.

3. Making broadcast station as designated public institution by National emergency legislation

By national emergency laws stated that broadcast stations are designated public institutions and they are obligated to conduct necessary measures. Under such laws, there is a risk that the government puts media under its control, infringes the freedom of report including citizen’s right to know, free criticism by media and function of monitor the power and distracts the basis of popular sovereignty ad democracy.

4. Independency of broadcasting administration from the government

As stated in 1, the only countries where the government controlsthe broadcast administration are Japan and Russia among the leading nations of the world. There is Federal Communication Committee (FCC) in USA, Independent TV Committee and Broadcast Standard Committee in UK, CSA in France, and broadcast administration bodies in Germany are located in each state of the country. In Italy, Autorita was established (this body is run by national fund and broadcast stations’ funds). In Asia, a new Broadcast Law was enacted in Korea in 2000 to establish the independent regulatory organization called Korea Broadcast Committee. In Taiwan, in 2006, a National communication and broadcast committee which has strong independency aspects was established.

In addition in Korea, Speech mediation committee was established with the introduction of the right of counterargument. This Committee (consists of judges, lawyers, mass media, intellectuals) was funded by Broadcast development funds.

In Japan, in 1950, an independent regulatory commission was established, but it was abolished and the authorities were transferred to the General Post Office in 1952.
It is urged now that in Japan an independent regulatory commission shall be in charge of broadcast administration.


2008-09-21 17:07:55 | 共謀罪


 東京8区といえば、自民党の石原伸晃議員の選挙区だ。年金問題などさまざまな問題を追及してきた「国会の質問王」保坂議員 対 石原家のプリンス伸晃議員 という構図になるわけだが、選挙区の方々には、市民のために働く人はだれかということをよく考えてほしい。日本の将来が東京8区の皆様の英断にかかっているといっても過言ではないのだから…。




★「News for the People in Japanを広めることこそ日本の民主化実現への有効な手段だ(笑)」(ヤメ蚊)
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