

Happy Retirement Sensei!

2015-03-07 22:15:44 | つながり
Udayani Rose Weerasinghe

I am so sorry that I cannot be at your retirement party in person. I would really love to be able to attend, but it is not possible at this point in time. It’s my pleasure and honor to write a few things to express my deep gratitude to you and your family and to say how much I love you all.
It was 1996, I still remember the time I got a letter from you telling that I was accepted as a Monbusho scholarship student to your laboratory, and also how you welcomed me as a Ph.D student to your laboratory. At the first meeting, I realized how kind and gentle a Professor you are. From then until we left from Japan you always opened your office door for us whenever we needed your advice, help or wanted to discuss something with you. Your mentorship, friendship, trust, and faith in me made all the difference in my research life and life in Japan. Not only did I learn about different analysis, research activities, temperate plants and animals, but also learned Japanese culture, traditions, useful things for daily life and uncountable things from you. Thank you for your understanding and being not only a supervisor for me, but also a close friend and a family member. You gave unstintingly
of your time and energy for directing my Ph.D research work at Wasgomuwa National Park in Sri Lanka. Both
Wasgomuwa and Post-Doctoral study field at Nakoudojima, Bonin Islands were hard and inconvenient but
memorable researches in which I never would have succeeded without your great support. All the work we did together in Sri Lanka at Wasgomuwa National Park (with lots of danger and wild animals), Sinharaja world heritage site (in one of the world few remaining undisturbed rain forests with giant trees) and the feeding trial of the
elephant “Bande” at Kandy were hard, but successful. I really appreciated your visits to Sri Lanka to supervise and help me and Palitha during the period when Sri Lanka was recognized as being an unsafe place to visit due to
terrorist activities.
I never thought that I would meet such a rare teacher with great research experience with both plants and
animal research, and more than that teacher with great humour. Thank you very much for your efforts to create a nice, joyful and peaceful laboratory environment. Can you remember lunch times in your room, cooking
different foods, parties, discussions and field visits together with Hashimoto-san, Ueda-san, Jiang-san, Ito-san and all other colleagues? I always enjoyed being in your laboratory with all the colleagues.
Many of the lessons you taught me, about clarity of thought and expression, I now use in my working place,
where I am mainly dealing with urban catchments-environment conservation.
Me and my family never forget from my first week in Japan until we leave how you, Tomoko-san (I missed her
very…..much), Mikie-san, Yumiko-san and Chieko-san (Nangi) treated us kindly and were always with us in
both happy and sad times. I thank you and your family for your kind loving friendship and great support to me
during and after both pregnancies.
Dear Sensei, thank you very much for your time and dedication to the field of wildlife ecology/conservation for many years. Thank you very much for your continuous guidance, encouragement, valuable advice, kind direction and help of all kind. There are no words to thank you sufficiently. We wish to see you again in Perth, Sri Lanka
or in Japan. You, Tomoko-san and family are welcome here at any time. Good luck for you in the future, for your health and all your work! I wish you a happy fulfilling retirement!
(2000年 東京大学大学院博士課程修了)



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