


2015-04-01 14:35:45 | 業績
1 高槻成紀.1992. 冬を迎えるカモシカ-東北地方のカモシカ駆除について- 生物科学,44:18-24.
2 高槻成紀・斎藤隆.1992. 『哺乳類科学』に思う. 哺乳類科学,32:55-59.
3 高槻成紀.1993. パンダは問題だ. どうぶつと動物園,1993(1):3.
4 高槻成紀.1998. シカ個体数管理の大合唱を聞きながら. 哺乳類科学,38:340-341.
5 高槻成紀.2000 WMOへ一言. Field Note, 65: 5-6.
6 高槻成紀.2000. ほこりをかぶった博物館-博物館と保全生物学の新しい動き-. ウロボロス,5(2):6-7.
7 稲葉慎・高槻成紀・上田恵介・伊澤雅子・鈴木創・堀越和夫.2002. 個体数が減少したオガサワラオオコウモリ保全のための緊急提言. 保全生態学研究,7:51-61.
8 高槻成紀.2002. ごみ埋め立て地の動植物を調べるということ. 「18年間の生き物の移り変わり~処分場事業と動植物の変遷~」:iii-V .
9 高槻成紀.2002. ヒマラヤは「大自然」だろうか. 国立科学博物館ニュース,394: 11-13.
10 高槻成紀.2004. ゾウは守るか助けるか. JICE (Japan International Cooperation Center), 47: 3-4.
11 高槻成紀. 2005. 現行のシカ対策における決定要因と「個体数」の扱いについて. 保全生態学,10:101-106.
12 高槻成紀. 2006. こだわり型の生物学ー「シカの生態誌」の執筆を支えたもの-. UP, 405, 7: 45-50.
13 高槻成紀・前山絵里. 2007. 東京のシカ生息地で起きていることー奥多摩の山の荒廃ー. 生物科学、59: 50-56.
14 高槻成紀. 2007. 骨の在り場. ウロボロス,12(2)
15 高槻成紀. 2008. パンダ貸与、野生動物は土産ではない. 朝日新聞、私の視点, 2008.5.20.
16 高槻成紀. 2009. Mammal Study船出の頃 哺乳類科学, 49: 329-330.
17 高槻成紀・齋藤隆. 2010. 日本哺乳学会を思う:台北大会を終え、「『哺乳類科学』を思う」を回顧しながら 哺乳類科学, 50:105-109.
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2015-04-01 14:35:24 | 業績
1 高槻成紀.1983. W. J. McShea and W. M. Healy[編] (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002) 哺乳類科学,45:1-6.
2 高槻成紀.2001. 川口敏著「死物学の観察ノート」. 科学,71:1497-1499.
3 高槻成紀.2003. Schaller, G. E. 1998. Wildlife of the Tibetan Steppe. The University of Chicago Press. 哺乳類科学,43:157-158.
4 高槻成紀.2004. Maehr et al. (eds.) 2001. Large Mammal Restoration. Ecological and Sociological Challenges in the 21st Century. (仮訳,大型獣の復活-21世紀の生態学的・社会学的挑戦) 哺乳類科学,44:117-118.
5 高槻成紀.2004. 『Oak Forest Ecosystem, Ecology and Management for Wildlife』. 哺乳類科学,44:192-193.
6 高槻成紀 2005. ”Animal Behavior and Wildlife Conservation”, Eds. M. Festa-Bianche(1) and M. Apollonio (2003), Island Press. 仮題;「動物行動と野生動物保全」. 哺乳類科学,45:
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2015-04-01 14:35:03 | 業績
1 Takatsuki, S. 1984. Importance of dwarf bamboos for Sika deer in northern Japan. Wilflife Ecology in Southeast Asia (BIOTROP Special Publication, 21): 39-47.
2 Takatsuki, S. and K. Suzuki. 1984. Status and food habits of Japanese serow. Proceedings of the Biennial Symposium of Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, 4: 231-240.
3 高槻成紀.1985. シカにとってのシバ群落. 草地生態,22:1-4.
4 Takatsuki, S. 1987. The general status of Sika deer in Japan. Deer (British Deer Society), 7: 70-72.
5 高槻成紀・鈴木和男. 1988. カモシカの食性-シロイワヤギとの比較-. 「カモシカの生態と保護に関する基礎的研究」(昭和62年度科学研究費補助金特定研究,1,研究成果報告書):143-149.
6 高槻成紀.1989. 植物および群落に及ぼすシカの影響. 日本生態学会誌,39:67-80.
7 高槻成紀.1989. 金華山島の自然と保護-シカをめぐる生態系-. 生物科学,41:23-33.
8 高槻成紀.1989. 金華山島島嶼生態系とその保護-シカを中心に-. 関西自然保護機構会報,17:11-18.
9 高槻成紀.1989. シカとカモシカの食性の比較. 「狩猟と保護」:105-110.
10 高槻成紀.1991. シカの食糧としてのササ類. Bamboo Journal, 8: 56-63.
11 高槻成紀.1991. カモシカ. 宮城の文化財,88:2-5.
12 Takatsuki, S. 1993. On food habits of Chinese Cervids - a consideration based on the food habits of Sika deer of Japan. (eds. N Ohtaishu and H.-I. Sheng) "Deer of China, Biologu and Management": 187-195, 418pp,
13 高槻成紀.1993. ネパール中部・ランタン谷の草地群落と家畜の影響. プランタ,26:10-19.
14 高槻成紀.1994. 草食獣による植物の絶滅. 科学,64:672-674.
15 高槻成紀.1995. 動物と植物の相互関係調査地金華山島-シカを中心に-. 林業技術,641:19-25.
16 高槻成紀.1995. 林業と野生動物学. 森林科学,15:21-26.
17 橋本幸彦・高槻成紀.1997. ツキノワグマの食性:総説. 哺乳類科学,37:1-19.
18 高槻成紀.1997. 金華山島のシカと植生. みやぎの自然(1997):125-137.
19 高槻成紀.1999. 生物多様性の保全を考える-有蹄類の採食と群落の多様性を例に-. 哺乳類科学,39:65-74.
20 高槻成紀.1999. シカが自然植生に及ぼす影響-シカは害獣か-. 「ニホンジカの個体群管理-ニホンジカ保護管理ワークショップ1998の記録-」:94-101.116p,
21 高槻成紀.2000. シカがおよぼす生態的影響. 生物科学,52:29-36.
22 高槻成紀.2000. ニホンジカの保全 - 岩手県五葉山の事例をもとに - ,環境保全の現状,13. 遺伝,54:56-59.
23 高槻成紀.2000. シカ個体群の爆発と崩壊-自然現象をみる視点について-. 科学,70(12):1091-1099.
24 高槻成紀・井上泰輔・阿部修英・高堂貴.2001. 自然界の贋作. 東京大学コレクション,XII「真贋のはざま-デュシャンから遺伝子まで-」西野嘉章(編);271-290.
25 高槻成紀. 2005. シカの食性と採食行動. 哺乳類科学,45:85-90.
26 高槻成紀. 2007. 有蹄類の生態学研究とスケール. 日本生態学会関東地区会会報, 55: 5-17.
27 高槻成紀. 2008. 果実は人の為ならず. 鳥学大全, 467-473.
28 高槻成紀. 2008. 食性研究についてのひとつの整理 - ニホンジカ研究を中心に. 哺乳類科学, 48:194-197.
29 辻大和・高槻成紀. 2008. 哺乳類の食性の長期研究事例. 哺乳類科学, 48: 221-235.
30 高槻 成紀, 塚田 英晴, 辻 大和, 小池 伸介. 2008. 哺乳類の食べもの:食性研究の「次の一手」. 哺乳類科学, 48: 189-197.
31 高槻成紀. 2009. クマは本当にアンブレラ種か? 保全生態学, 14: 293-296.
32 高槻成紀. 2010. 2009年度大会自由集会記録 哺乳類の食べ物2:2つの動物の食性比較 哺乳類科学, 50:91-92.
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2015-04-01 14:34:41 | 業績



『唱歌「ふるさと」の生態学』, 2014. ヤマケイ新書


「動物を守りたい君へ」2013, 岩波ジュニア新書


「北に生きるシカたち」復刻版 2011, 丸善書店


「捕食者なき世界」2010. ウィリアム・ソウゼンバーグ、野中香方子訳(高槻解説)文藝春秋社 


「野生動物を見る2つの視点」2010. 南正人と共著. ちくまプリマー新書


「ヒトと動物の関係学, 4. 野生と環境」, 2008. 池谷和信・林良博(編)

 高槻は「ヒトに翻弄されるアジアの野生動物 - 有蹄類を中心に」としてモンゴルのモウコガゼルやニホンジカと人間のかかわりを分担執筆しました。

「野生動物と共存できるか」2006. 岩波ジュニア新書 


「ヒトと動物」2002. 林 良博、近藤誠治との共著、朔北社 


「歯から読みとるシカの一生」1998. 岩波書店 


「北に生きるシカたち」1992. どうぶつ社 



「Sika Deer」2009. eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki, K. Kaji. Springer-Japan 

 アメリカのD. R. McCulloughさんはシカの個体群学の大家ですが、彼は日本の研究者によるニホンジカの研究のレベルの高さに感銘を受け、しかしそれらの成果が日本語で書かれていたり、欧米人が目にしない雑誌に書かれているので、もったいないということから、ぜひまとまった英語の本を出そうと考え、高槻と梶光一さんに声をかけて編集をすることになりました。原稿集めから添削、修正に3年くらいがかかったと思います。金華山のシカも紹介されることになりました。

「シカの生態誌」2006. 東京大学出版会 
 長年研究してきたニホンジカについて総括的な書物となりました。ひとつの哺乳類についてこれだけの本が書かれたのはサルを除いてはないといわれています。内容は自分の調べたシカの食べ物や植物との関係が主体ですが、共同研究者の南正人さんや大西信正さんの研究にもページを割いたほか、ニホンジカの遺伝学や日本の哺乳類の歴史や、人間社会と野生動物の問題などにも言及しました。東大出版会のNH(Natural History)シリーズのひとつとなったことを誇らしく感じています。

「哺乳類の生物学,5.生態」1998. 東京大学出版会 


1 高槻成紀.1985.共著 「現代生物学大系,12b,生態B」
2 高槻成紀. 1986. 猟師にきいたシカの話.
3 高槻成紀.1991. 草食獣の採食生態-シカを中心に-. 朝日稔・川道武男(編)「現代の哺乳類学」:119-144.
4 高槻成紀.1991. 胃内容物からみた食性:37-48. 「カモシカ,氷河期を生きた動物」
5 高槻成紀.1992. - 「北に生きるシカたち」
6 高槻成紀.1993. 有蹄類の食性と植物による採食適応. (監修 川那部浩也,編 鷲谷いづみ・大串隆之)「動物と植物の利用しあう関係」:104-128,
7 高槻成紀.1996.共著 - (樋口広芳,編)「保全生物学」
8 高槻成紀.1996.共著 - 「森林の百科辞典」
9 Schulze, E. -D., F. A. Bazzaz, K. J. Nadelhoffer, T. Koike and S. Takatsuki.196. Biodiversity and ecosystem function of temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests. (eds. H. A. Mooney, J. H. Cushman, E. Medina, O. A. Sala and E. -D. Schulze) "Functional Roles of Biodiversity: A Global Perspective",
10 高槻成紀.1997. 東北地方のササと雪. 小島圭二・田村俊和・菊池多賀夫・境田清隆(編)「日本の自然,地域編2,東北」:70-71,
11 高槻成紀.1997. 信仰の島・金華山のシカと植生. 小島圭二・田村俊和・菊池多賀夫・境田清隆(編)「日本の自然,地域編2,東北」:107-109,
12 高槻成紀.1998. 「哺乳類の生物学,5.生態」
13 高槻成紀.1998. - 「自然史の窓,2.歯から読みとるシカの一生」
14 高槻成紀.1998.共著 (沼田真,編)「自然保護ハンドブック」
15 高槻成紀.1999. シカが育てるシバ草原. 「種子散布,助けあいの進化論,2」上田恵介(編著);65-85.
16 高槻成紀.2001.共著 動物との相互関係からみた植物群落. 生態学からみた身近な植物群落の保護大沢雅彦(監修)協会,編集.
17 高槻成紀.2002.共著 - 「五葉山」
18 高槻成紀.2002.共著 野生動物. 「ヒトと動物」;48-171.
19 高槻成紀,共著. 2003. - 「生態学事典」,
20 高槻成紀,共著. 2003. 哺乳類と生態的役割. 「森林の百科」211-224,鈴木和夫,編
21 高槻成紀. 2004. 哺乳類. 「森林保護学」:31-37、朝倉書店
22 高槻成紀,共著. 2005 哺乳類の多様性と標本から読み取ること. 「Systema Natuirae 標本は語る」(大場秀章編):145-186.
23 高槻成紀. 2006. - 野生動物と共存できるか-保全生態学入門-
24 高槻成紀. 2006. - シカの生態誌
25 高槻成紀. 2006. 植物による草食獣の採食に対する生存戦略.「プラントミメティックス~~」監修,甲斐昌一,森川弘道:590-599. プラントミメティックス-植物に学ぶ-. 甲斐昌一・森川弘道. 監修:590-599.
26 高槻成紀. 2007. 「夜の目」代わりのすぐれた道具. 自然の見方が変わる本
27 高槻成紀・山際寿一、編. 2008. 日本の哺乳類学, 2 中大型哺乳類・霊長類.
28 高槻成紀.2008. ヒトに翻弄されるアジアの野生動物 - 有蹄類を中心に. ヒトと動物の関係学, 4. 野生と環境. 池谷和信・林良博(編):111-140.
29 Ohnishi, N. M. Minami, R. Nishiya, K. Yamada, H. Nishizuka, H. Higuchi, A. Nara, M. Suzuki and S. Takatsuki. 2009. Reproduction of female sika deer in Japan, with special reference to Kinkazan Island, northern Japan. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 101-110. Springer, Tokyo.
30 Takatsuki, S. and U. K. G. K. Padmalal. 2009. Food habits of sika deer on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan with reference to local variations, size effects, and comparison with the main island. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 113-123. Springer, Tokyo.
31 Takatsuki, S. and T. Y. Ito. 2009. Plants and plant communities on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan, in relation to sika deer herbivory. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 125-143. Springer, Tokyo.
32 Ito, T. Y. , M. Shimoda, and S. Takatsuki. 2009. Productivity and foraging efficiency of the short-grass (Zoysia japonica) community for sika deer. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 145-157. Springer, Tokyo.
33 Ito, T. Y. and S. Takatsuki. 2009. Home range, habitat selection, and food habits of the sika deer using the short-grass community on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 159-170. Springer, Tokyo.
34 Takatsuki, S. 2009. North-south variations in sika deer ecology as a forest-dwelling cervid. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 217-230. Springer, Tokyo.
35 Takatsuki, S. 2009. Geographical variations in food habits of sika deer: the northern grazer vs. the southern browser. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 231-237. Springer, Tokyo.
36 Takatsuki, S. 2009. What is "natural vegetation? A reconsideration of herbivory by wild ungulates. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 239-247. Springer, Tokyo.
37 Yabe, T. and S. Takatsuki. 2009. Migratory and sedentary behavior patterns of sika deer in Honshu and Kyushu, Japan. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 273-283. Springer, Tokyo.
38 Minami, M., N. Ohnishi, A. Okada, and S. Takatsuki. 2009. Reproductive ecology of sika deer on Kinkazan island, northern Japan: reproductive success of males and multi-mating of females. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 297-296. Springer, Tokyo.
39 Minami, M., N. Ohnishi, N. Higuchi, A. Okada, and S. Takatsuki. 2009. Life-time reproductive success of female sika deer on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 319-326. Springer, Tokyo.
40 Takatsuki, S. 2009. A 20-year history of sika deer management in the Mt. Goyo area northern Honshu. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 365-373. Springer, Tokyo.
41 Minami, M., N. Ohnishi, and S. Takatsuki. 2009. Survival patterns of male and female sika deer on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan. Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations, (eds. D. R. McCullough, S. Takatsuki and K. Kaji): 375-384. Springer, Tokyo.
42 高槻成紀・南 正人. 2010. 野生動物への2つの視点 - ”虫の目”と”鳥の目” ちくまプリマー新書
43 高槻成紀. 2011. 野生動物管理 培風館
44 高槻成紀. 2011. シカの生態学:「リンク学」の提唱 動物応用科学概論
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論文リスト 2010まで

2015-04-01 14:34:11 | 業績
1 Takatsuki, S. 1977.
Ecological studies on effect of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on vegetation, I. Evaluation of grazing intensity of Sika deer on vegetation on Kinkazan Island, Japan.
Ecological Review, 18(4): 233-250.

2 Takatsuki, S. 1978.
Precision of fecal analysis: a feeding experiment with penned sika deer.
Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan, 7: 167-180.

3 高槻成紀.1978.

4 丸山直樹.伊藤健雄・田村勝美・宮木雅美・阿部真幸・高槻成紀・内藤俊彦.1978.

5 Takatsuki, S. 1980.
Ecological studies on effect of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on vegetation, II. The vegetation of Akune Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, with special reference to grazing and browsing effect of Sika deer.
Ecological Review, 19(3): 123-144.

6 Takatsuki, S. 1980.
Food habits of Sika deer on Kinkazan Island.
Science Report of Tohoku University, Series IV (Biology), 38(1): 7-31.

7 Takatsuki, S. 1980.
The effects of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on the growth of Pleioblastus chino.
Japanese Journal of Ecology, 30: 1-8.

8 高槻成紀・鹿股幸喜・鈴木和男.1981.

9 Takatsuki, S. 1982.
A note on the herd size of Sika deer on Kashima Island.
Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan, 9: 54-56.

10 Takatsuki, S. 1982.
Ecological studies on effect of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on vegetation, III. The vegetation of Iyo-Kashima Island, southern Shikoku, with reference to grazing effect of Sika deer.
Ecological Review, 20(1): 15-29.

11 Takatsuki, S. 1983.
Ecological studies on effect of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on vegetation, IV. Shimayama Island, the Goto Island, northwestern Kyushu. Ecological Review, 20(2): 143-157.
12 Takatsuki, S. 1983.
Group size of Sika deer in relation to habitat type on Kinkazan Island.
Japanese Journal of Ecology, 33: 419-425.

13 Takatsuki, S. 1983.
The importance of Sasa nipponica as a forage for Sika deer (Cervus nippon) in Omote-Nikko.
Japanese Journal of Ecology, 33: 17-25.

14 高槻成紀.1983.

15 高槻成紀.1983.

16 高槻成紀.1983.

17 高槻成紀.1983.

18 Takatsuki, S. 1984.
Ecological studies on effect of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on vegetation, V. Nozaki Island, the Goto Island, northwestern Kyushu. Ecological Review, 20(3): 223-235.

19 高槻成紀・川原弘・鳥巣千歳. 1984.

20 Takatsuki, S. 1985.
Ecological studies on effect of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on vegetation, VI. Tomogashima Island, Wakayama Prefecture. Ecological Review, 20(4): 291-300.

21 高槻成紀.1986.

22 Takatsuki, S. 1986.
Food habits of Sika deer on Mt. Goyo.
Ecological Research, 1: 119-128.

23 Takatsuki, S. 1986.
Winter food habits and sexual monomorphism in Japanese serow.
Proceedings of the Biennial Symposium of Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, 5: 396-402.

24 高槻成紀・伊藤健雄.1986.

25 伊藤 健雄, 高槻 成紀.1986.
哺乳類科学, 26: .47-58

26 鈴木 和男, 高槻 成紀.1986.
哺乳類科学, 26:.33-37

27 Takatsuki, S. 1987.
Ecological studies on effect of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on vegetation, VII. Miyajima Island.
Ecological Review, 21(2): 111-116.

28 伊藤健雄・高槻成紀.1987.

29 Takatsuki, S. 1988.
A note on fecal and rumen contents of white-lipped deer on eastern Qinghai-Tibet plateau.
Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan, 13: 133-137.

30 Takatsuki, S. 1988.
A note on the food habits of the Japanese serow at the western foothill of Mt. Zao, northern Japan.
Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan, 13: 139-142.

31 Takatsuki, S. and K. Saka. 1988.
Recovery of Viburnum dilatatum after a die-off of sika deer on Kinkazan Island.
Ecological Review, 21(3): 177-181.

32 Takatsuki, S. 1988.
Rumen contents of Sika deer on Tsushima Island, western Japan.
Ecological Research, 3: 181-183.

33 Takatasuki, S. 1988. Th
e weight contributions of stomach compartments of sika deer.
Journal of Wildlife Management, 52: 313-316.

34 高槻成紀・佐藤仁志.1988.

35 Takatsuki, S. 1989.
Edge effects created by clear-cutting on habitat use by Sika deer on Mt. Goyo, northern Honshu, Japan.
Ecological Research, 4: 287-295.

36 Takatsuki, S. 1989.
Pseudosasa owatarii as a forage for sika deer on Yakushima Island.
Bamboo Journal, 7: 39-47.

37 Takatsuki, S. 1990. Changes in forage biomass following logging in a sika deer habitat near Mt. Goyo.
Ecological Review, 22(1): 1-8.

38 Takatsuki, S. 1990.
Summer dietary compositions of sika deer on Yakushima Island, southern Japan.
Ecological Research, 5: 253-260.

39 Takatsuki, S., S. Miura, K. Suzuki and K. Ito-Sakamoto. 1991.
Age structure in mass mortality in the sika deer (Cervus nippon) population on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan, 15: 91-98.

40 高槻成紀.1991.

41 高槻成紀.1991.

42 高槻成紀.1991.
Bamboo Journal, 9: 9-13.

43 Takatsuki, S. 1992.
A case study on the effects of a transmission-line corridor on Sika deer habitat use at the foothill of Mt. Goyo, northern Honshu, Japan. Ecological Research, 7: 141-146.

44 Takatsuki, S. and S. Nakano. 1992.
Food habits and pasture use of Sika deer at a foothill of Mt. Goyo, northern Japan.
Ecological Review, 22(3): 129-136.

45 Takatsuki, S. 1992.
Foot morphology and distribution of Sika deer in relation to snow depth.
Ecological Research, 7: 19-23.

46 南正人・大西信正・高槻成紀・濱 夏樹.1992.

47 高槻成紀.1992.

48 Takatsuki, S. and S. Ikeda. 1993.
Botanical and chemical composition of rumen contents of Sika deer on Mt. Goyo, northern Japan.
Ecological Research, 8: 57-64.

49 Watanabe, T. and S. Takatsuki. 1993.
Comparison of nitrogen and fiber concentrations in rumen and fecal contents of Sika deer.
Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan, 18: 43-48.

50 Padmalal, U.K.G.K. and S. Takatsuki. 1993.
Comparison of the botanical composition of the rumen and fecal contents of Sika deer on Mt. Goyo.
Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan, 18: 99-104.

51 高槻成紀.1993.

52 Takatsuki, S., K. Suzuki and I. Suzuki. 1994.
A mass-mortality of Sika deer on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
Ecological Research, 9: 215-223.

53 Padmalal, U.K.G.K. and S. Takatsuki. 1994.
Age-sex differences in the diets of Sika deer on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
Ecological Research, 9: 251-256.

54 Takatsuki, S. and T. Gorai. 1994.
Effects of Sika deer on the regeneration of a Fagus crenata forest on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
Ecological Research, 9: 115-120.

55 平吹喜彦・高槻成紀.1994.

56 高槻成紀. 1994.
Bamboo Journal, 12: 15-22.

57 Takatsuki, S., Y. Kobayashi-Hori and T. Ito. 1995.
Food habits of Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) in the western foothill of. Mt. Zao, with reference to snow cover.
Journal of Mammalogial Society of Japan, 20: 11-155.

58 Takatsuki, S. 1995. Short-grass type communities in the Langtang Valley, central Nepal - preliminary observations and considerations for future studies.
Newsletter of Himalayan Botany, 17: 1- 5.

59 Kita, I., M. Eguchi and S. Takatsuki. 1995.
Validity of retrograde corpora lutea of pregnancy as an index of past gestation in sika deer, Cervus nippon.
Journal of Veterinary and Medical Science, 57: 1029-1033.

60 Hara, K. and S. Takatsuki. 1996.
Integrating GIS and remote sensing for evaluation and monitoring of sika deer habitat on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 31, Part B7: 268-270.

61 Hussain, F., M. Ilyas and S. Takatsuki. 1997.
Plant communities of Girabanr Hills, Swat District, northwestern Pakistan.
Ecological Review, 23(4): 247-260.

62 Takatsuki, S. and Y. Hirabuki. 1998. Ef
fects of sika deer browsing on the structure and regeneration of the Abies firma forest on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 6: 203-221.

63 Jiang Zhaowen, S. Takatsuki, Gao Zhongxin and Jin Kun. 1998.
The present status, ecology and conservation of the Mongolian gazelle, Procapra gutturosa: a review.
Mammal Study, 23: 63-78.

64 Takatsuki, S.1998. The twinning rate of sika deer, Cervus nippon, on Mt. Goyo, northern Japan. Mammal Study, 23: 103-107.

65 Weerasinghe, U. R. and S. Takatsuki. 1999.
A record of acorn-eating by sika deer in western Japan.
Ecological Research, 14: 205-209.

66 Weerasinghe, U. R., P. Jayasekara and S. Takatsuki. 1999.
A record of the food retention time of the Asiatic elephant, Elephas maximus.
Mammal Study, 24: 115-119.

67 Jiang, Z. and S. Takatsuki. 1999.
Constraints on feeding type in ruminants: a case for morphology over phylogeny.
Mammal Study, 24: 79-89.

68 Homma, K., N. Akashi, T. Abe, M. Hasegawa, K. Harada, Y. Hirabuki, K. Irie, M. Kaji, H. Miguchi, N. Mizoguchi, H. Mizunaga, T. Nakashizuka, S. Natume, K. Niiyama, T. Ohkubo, S. Sawada, H. Sugita, S. Takatsuki and N. Yamanaka. 1999.
Geographical variation in the early regeneration process of Siebold's Beech (Fagus crenata BLUME) in Japan.
Plant Ecology, 140: 129-138.

69 Takatsuki, S. and Jiang Zhaowen. 1999.
Grazing effects on a grassland community and a plant defense guild in Hulunbeier, northern China.
Biosphere Conservation, 2: 59-64.

70 池田昭七・高槻成紀.1999.

71 原科幸爾・恒川篤史・武内和彦・高槻成紀.1999.

72 Sato, Y., T. Mano and S. Takatsuki. 2000.
Applicability of the point-frame method for quantitative evaluation of bear diet.
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 28: 311-316.

73 Tamate, H. B., A. Okada, M. Minami, N. Ohnishi, H. Higuchi and S. Takatsuki. 2000.
Genetic variations revealed by microsatellite markers in a small population of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
Zoological Science, 17: 47-53.

74 Takatsuki, S. and Y. Matsuura. 2000.
Higher mortality of smaller sika deer fawns.
Ecological Research, 15: 237-240.

75 Takatsuki, S. 2000.
Kidney fat and marrow fat indices of the sika deer population at Mt. Goyo, northern Japan.
Ecological Research, 15: 453-457.

76 Jayasekara, P. and S. Takatsuki. 2000
Seasonal food habits of a sika deer population in the warm temperate forest of the westernmost part of Honshu, Japan. Ecological Research, 15: 153-157.

77 Takatsuki, S., K. Suzuki, and H. Higashi. 2000.
Seasonal up-down movements of sika deer at Mt. Goyo, northern Japan.
Mammal Study, 25: 107-114.

78 鈴木健次郎・恒川篤史・高槻成紀・東 英生.2000.
野生動物の生態研究におけるGPSの利用可能性−金華山島のニホンジカ(Cervus nippon)を事例として−.

79 Takatsuki, S. 2001.
Assessment of nutritional condition in sika deer by color of femur and mandible marrows.
Mammal Study, 26(1): 73-76.

80 高槻成紀.2001.

81 Ueda, H., S. Takatsuki and Y. Takahashi. 2002.
Bark stripping of hinoki cypress by sika deer in relation to snow cover and food availability on Mt Takahara, central Japan. Ecological Research, 17: 545-551.

82 Jiang, ZW, S. Takatsuki, JS Li, W. Wang, JZ Ma and ZX Gao. 2002.
Feeding type and seasonal digestive strategy of Mongolian gazelles in China.
Journal of Mammalogy, 83: 91-98.

83 Jiang, ZW, S. Takatsuki, JS Li, W. Wang, ZX Gao and JZ Ma. 2002. S
easonal variations in foods and digestion of Mongolian gazelles in China.
Journal of Wildlife Management, 66: 40-47.

84 Jayasekara, P., S. Takatsuki, U. R. Weerasinghe, and S. Wijesundara.
 2003. Arboreal fruit visitors in a tropical forest in Sri Lanka.
Mammal Study, 28: 161-165.

85 Hashimoto, Y., M. Kaji, H. Sawada and S. Takatsuki. 2003.
Five-year study on the autumn food habits of the Asiatic black bear in relation to nut production.
Ecological Research, 18: 485-492.

86 Padmalal U.K.G.Kalinga1, Seiki Takatsuki, and Palitha Jayasekara. 2003.
Food habits of sambar Cervus unicolor at the Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka with reference to exotic grass management. Ecological Research, 18: 775-782

87 Werger, M. J.A., T. Hirose, H. J. During, G. W. Heil, K. Hikosaka, T. Ito, U. G. Nachinshonhor, D. Nagamatsu, K. Shibasaki, S. Takatsuki, J. W. van Rheenen, and N. R. P. Anten .2003.
Light partitioning amongspecies and species replacement in early successional grasslands.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 13: 615-626.

88 Ueda, H., S. Takatsuki and Y. Takahashi. 2003.
Seasonal change in browsing by sika deer on hinoki cypress trees on Mount Takahara, central Japan.
Ecological Research, 18: 355-364.

89 Takatsuki, S. 2003.
Use of mires and food habits of sika deer in the Oze Area, central Japan.
Ecological Research, 18: 331-338.

90 Tsuji, Y. and S. Takatsuki. 2004.
Food habits and home range use of Japanese macaques on an island inhabited by deer.
Ecological Research, 19: 381-388.

91 Campos-Arceiz, A. ,S. Takatsuki, and B. Lhagvasuren. 2004.
Food overlap between Mongolian gazelles and livestock in Omnogobi, southern Mongolia.
Ecological Research, 19: 455-460.

92 Sato, Y., T. Aoi, K. Kaji and S. Takatsuki. 2004.
Temporal changes in the population density and diet of brown bears in eastern Hokkaido, Japan.
Mammal Study, 29: 47-53.

93 Inaba, M., M. Odamaki, A. Fujii, S. Takatsuki, N. Sugita, T. Fujita and H. Suzuki. 2005.
Food habits of Bonin flying foxes, Pteropus pselaphon, Layard 1829 on the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Japan.
Ogasawara Research, 30: 15-23.

94 Campos-Arceiz, A. and S. Takatsuki. 2005.
Food habits of sika deer in the Shiranuka Hills, eastern Hokkaido - a northern example among the north-south variations of food habits in sika deer -.
Ecological Research, 20: 129-133.

95 Ito, T. Y., N. Miura, B. Lhagvasuren, D. Enkhbileg, S. Takatsuki, A. Tsunelawa, Z. Jiang. 2005.
Preliminary evidence of a barrier effect of a railroad on the migration of Mongolian gazelles.
Conservation Biology, 19: 945-948.

96 Ito, T. Y. and S. Takatsuki.2005.
Relationship between a high density of sika deer and productivity of the short-grass (Zoysia japonica) community: a case study on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
Ecological Research, 20: 573-579.

97 Ito T. Y., Miura N, Lhagvasuren B, Enkhbileg B, Takatsuki S, Tsunekawa A, Jiang Z. 2005.
Satellite tracking of Mongolian gazelles (Procapra gutturosa) and habitat shifts in their seasonal ranges.
Journal of Zoology, 269: 291-298.

98 Ueda, H.and S. Takatsuki. 2005.
Sexual dimorphism of Apodemus speciosus in wild populations.
Mammal Study, 30: .65-68.

99 Sato, Y., T. Mano and S. Takatsuki. 2005.
Stomach contents of brown bears Ursus arctos in Hokkaido, Japan.
Wildlife Biology, 11: 133-144.

100 Okada, A., H. B. Tamate, M. Minami, N. Ohnishi and S. Takatsuki.2005.
Use of microsatellite markers to assess the spatial genetic structure of a population of sika deer Cervus nippon on Kinkazan Island, Japan.
Acta Theriologica, 50: 227-240.

101 Hirasawa, M., E. Kanda and S. Takatsuki. 2006.
Seasonal food habits of the raccoon dog at a western suburb of Tokyo.
Mammal Study, 31: 9-14

102 Tsuji, Y., S. Fujita, H. Sugiura, C. Saito and S. Takatsuki. 2006.
Long-term variation in fruiting and the food habits of wild Japanese macaques on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
American Journal of Primatology, 68: 1068-1080.

103 Ito, T. Y., N. Miura, B. Lhagvasuren, D. Enkhbileg, S. Takatsuki, A. Tsunekawa and Z. Jiang. 2006.
Satellite tracking of Mongolian gazelles (Procapra gutturosa) and habitat shifts in their seasonal ranges.
Journal of Zoology, 269: 291-298.

104 Jiang, Z, S. Hamasaki, H. Ueda, M. Kitahara, S. Takatsuki, and M. Kishimoto. 2006.
Sexual variations in food quality and gastrointestinal features of sika deer (Cervus nippon) in Japan during winter: implications for feeding strategy.
Zoological Science, 23: 543-548.

105 Takatsuki, S. and H. Ueda. 2007.
Meso-scale variation in winter food composition of sika deer in Tochigi Prefecture, central Japan.
Mammal Study, 32: 115-120.

106 Takatsuki, S., M. Hirasawa and E. Kanda. 2007.
A comparison of the point-frame method with the frequency method in fecal analysis of an omnivorous mammal, the raccoon dog. Mammal Study, 32: 1-5.

107 Tsuji, Y., M. Shimoda-Ishiguro, N. Ohnishi and S. Takatsuki. 2007.
A friend in need is a friend indeed: feeding association between Japanese macaques and sika deer.
Acta Theriologica, 52: 427-434.

108 Ozaki, M., G. Suwa, T. Ohba, E. Hosoi, T. Koizumi and S. Takatsuki. 2007.
Correlations between feeding type and mandibular morphology in the sika deer.
Journal of Zoology, 272: 244-257.

109 Jiang, Z., M. Sugita, M. Kitahara, S. Takatsuki. T. Goto and Y. Yoshida. 2007.
Effects of habitat feature, antenna position, movement, and fix interval on GPS radio collar performance ini Mount Fuji, central Japan. Ecological Research, 23: 581-588.

110 Jayasekara, P., U. Weerasinghe, S. Wijesundata and S. Takatsuki. 2007. I
dentifying diurnal and nocturnal frugivores in the terrestrial and arboreal layers of a tropical rain forest in Sri Lanka.
Ecotropica, 13: 7-15.

111 Kuroe, M., S. Ohori, S. Takatsuki and T. Miyashita. 2007.
Nest-site selection by the harvest mouse Micromys minutus in seasonally changing environments.
Acta Theriologica, 52: 355-360.

112 Tsuji, Y., N. Kazahari-Hasegawa, M. Kitahara, and S. Takatsuki. 2008.
A more detailed seasonal division of nutritional condition of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
Primates, 49: 157-1160.

113 Campos-Arceiz, A., A. R. Larrinaga, U. R. Weerasinghe, S. Takatsuki, J. Pastorini, P. Leimberger, P. Fernando and L. Santamaria. 2008.
Behavior rather than diet mediates seasonal differences in seed dispersal by Asian elephants.
Ecology, 89: 2684-2691.

114 Igarashi, T. and S. Takatsuki. 2008.
Effects of defoliation and digging caused by sika deer on the Oze mires of central Japan.
Biosphere Conservation, 9: 9-16.

115 Watari, Y., S. Takatsuki, and T. Miyashita. 2008.
Effects of exotic mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) on the native fauna of Amami-Oshima island, southern Japan, estimated by distribution patterns along the historical gradient of mongoose invasion.
Bilogical Invasions, 10: 7-17.

116 Kakinuma, K., T. Ozaki, S. Takatsuki, and J. Chuluun. 2008.
How pastoralists in Mongolia perceive vegetation changes caused by grazing.
Nomadic People, 12: 67-73.

117 Ito, T. Y., A. Okada, B. Buuveibaatar, B. Lhagvasuren, S. Takatsuki, and A. Tsunekawa. 2008.
One-sided barrier impact of an international railroad on Mongolian gazelle.
Journal of Wildlife Management, 72: 940-943.

118 Weerasinghe, U., A. Shimizu, P. Jayasekara and S. Takatsuki. 2008.
The role of the soil seed bank in vegetation recovery on an oceanic island severely damaged by introduced goats.
Applied Vegetation Science, 11: 355-364.

119 Campos-Arceiz, A., T.Z. Lin, W. Htun, S. Takatsuki, and P. Leimberger. 2008.
Working with mahouts to explore the diet of work elephants in Myanmar (Burma).
Ecological Research, 23: 1057-1064.

120 Yoshihara, Y., T. Y. Ito, B. Lhagvasuren and S. Takatsuki. 2008.
A comparison of food resources used by Mongolian gazelles and sympatric livestock in three areas in Mongolia.
Journal of Arid Environment, 72: 48-55.

121 Tsuji, Y. and S. Takatsuki. 2008.
Effects if a typhoon on foraging behavior and foraging success of Macaca fuscata on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
International Journal of Primatology, 29: 1203-1217.

122 Yoshihara, Y., B. Chimeddorj, B. Buuveibaata, B. Lhagvasuren, and S. Takatsuki. 2008.
Effects of livestock grazing on pollination on a steppe in eastern Mongolia.
Biological Conservation, 141: 2376-2386.

123 Sato, Y., Y. Kobayashi, T. Urata, and S. Takatsuki. 2008.
Home range and habitat use of female brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Urahoro, eastern Hokkaido, Japan.
Mammal Study, 33: 99-109.

124 Jiang, Z., H. Torii, S. Takatsuki, and T. Ohba. 2008.
Local variation in diet composition of the Japanese serow during winter.
Zoological Science, 25: 1220-1226.

125 田中由紀・高槻成紀・高柳敦. 2008.
芦生研究林におけるニホンジカ(Cervus nippon)の採食によるチマキザサ(Sasa palmata)群落の衰退について.
森林研究, 77: 13-23.

126 Minami, M., N. Ohnishi, N. Higuchi, and S. Takatsuki. 2009.
Early mortality of sika deer, Cervus nippon, on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan.
Mammal Study, 34: 117-122.

127 Takatsuki, S. 2009.
Effects of sika deer on vegetation in Japan: a review.
Biological Conservation, 142:1922-1929.

128 Jiang, Z., S. Hamasaki, S. Takatsuki, M. Kishimot and M. Kitahara, 2009.
"Seasonal and sexual variation in the diet and gastrointestinal features of the sika Deer in western Japan: implications for the feeding strategy.
Zoological Science, 26: 691-697.

129 Campos-Arceiz, A., S. Takatsuki, S. K. K. Ekanayaka and T. Hasegawa. 2009.
The human-elephant conflict in southeastern Sri Lanka: type of damage, seasonal patterns, and sexual differences in the raiding behavior of elephants.
Gajah, 31: 5-14.

130 高槻成紀. 2009.
麻布大学雑誌,19/20: 1-4.

131 Takatsuki, S., S. Fuse and T. Ito. 2010.
A comparison of diet and digestion between sika deer and Japanese serow in northern Japan.
Mammal Study, 35: 257-263.

132 Kitamura, T., Y. Sato and S. Takatsuki. 2010.
Altitudinal variation in the diet of sika deer on the Izu Peninsula: patterns in the transitional zone of geographic variation along the Japanese archipelago.
Acta Theriologica, 55:89-93.

133 "Ozaki, M., K. Kaji, N. Matsuda, K. Ochiai, M. Asada, T. Ohba, E. Hosoi, H. Tado, T. Koizumi,
G. Suwa and S. Takatsuki. 2010..
The relationship between food habits, molar wear and life expectancy in wild sika deer populations.
Journal of Zoology, 280: 202-212.

134 高槻成紀・奥津憲人. 2010.
麻布大学雑誌, 21/22: 1-8.

135 高槻成紀・佐藤雅俊. 2010.
麻布大学雑誌, 21/22: 9-11.
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