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2024-07-07 | ブログ




文章18 自分らしさとは何か? 一橋大学




Sentence 18 What is your personality?  Hitotsubashi University

"Everyone wants to live in their own way, isn't it?" In other words, you want to be a free and independent way of life, a self with original values that are not imitative. In order to get closer to that ideal self, we want to make progress every day. So what is your individuality?

First of all, people have an [ego] that makes them aware of themselves. In this way, there is a world that surrounds the self, and there is the ego as the subject that recognizes the world. In the object of the world, there is nature, and there are humans as [others]. It is impossible to fully understand the other, but by being aware of the other we learn to act rationally and to objectify ourselves. By recognizing that others are incomprehensible others, that is, by recognizing otherness, objectivity and sociality come to be incorporated into the ego. Furthermore, as we make choices and decisions about life that are different from those of others in society, we become aware of our own [identity]. For example, having a sense of belonging, such as "I am Japanese," or having self-respect, such as "I am a poet," leads to self-awareness, or identity.

Many young people spend a period of [moratorium] at universities, etc. before becoming responsible members of society, and this period is also a good time to search for their own identity. Nonetheless, there are cases where, for some reason, we deviate from the process of establishing the ego. One example is those who become hikikomori because they are mentally ill because they are unable to objectify society and others. They have [frustration] that they can't form their own identity such as self-value in society. It is also an issue for society as a whole to transform such a state of dissatisfaction and tension in a positive direction.



1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 悪天候で足止めされたので,船は3時間遅れて出航した.
(weather, by, prevented, bad), the ship left three hours late.
2) 雪で覆われていると,その山は荘厳に見える.
(looks, with, the mountain, snow, covered, majestic).
*3) 1982年生まれなので,生徒たちは東京オリンピックのことをあまり知らない.
(1982, in, born), the students don't know much about the Tokyo Olympic Games.

2. 日本語に合うように次の各文を完成しなさい.
1) やさしい英語で書かれているので, その本は2,3日で読める.
_________________________, the book can be read in a few days.
2) クリスマスパーティーに招待されたので,彼女はわくわくしている.
_____________________________________________, she is excited.
*3) 注意深く観察すると, その光はUFOではないようだった.
__________________________, the light didn't look like an UFO.
*4) 出口の前で立っている間, 彼がそばにいることに気づかなかった.
____________________________________, I didn't notice that he was beside me.

3. 海洋ほ乳類の呼吸
Marine mammals spend their whole lives at sea. How can they sleep and not die from being under water for too long? Equipped with a unique breathing system, whales and dolphins must keep part of their brain alert to make each breath happen. Their systems require conscious control.


