


2010-04-06 07:15:53 | 日記
英訳:Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A., Ed.)


『ワインの質は銘柄(木の種類)で決まるのではなく、土地が左右する』(Seciton 70)


quibus exemplis,nisi fallor, manifestum est patriam terramque referre, non uvam,

These illustrations, if I am not greatly mistaken, will go far to prove that it is the land and the soil that is of primary importance, and not the grape,


『ローマでは女はワインを飲むのは厳禁であった。夫に隠れてこっそりとワインを飲んだ妻を撲殺した夫のメケニウスはロマヌスから赦されて無罪となった。』(Section 89)

Non licebat id feminis Romae bibere. invenimus inter exempla Egnati Maetenni uxorem, quod vinum bibisset e dolio, interfectam fusti a marito, eumque caedis a Romulo absolutum.

At Rome it was not lawful for women to drink wine. Among the various anecdotes connected with this subject, we find that the wife of Egnatius Mecenius was slain by her husband with a stick, because she had drunk some wine from the vat, and that he was absolved from the murder by Romulus.

【3.カトーの質素】『ローマの将軍、カトー(Cato)はスペイン戦争の勝利の帰路、下級水兵(remiges)と同じワインしか飲まなかった。』(Section 91)

idem Cato cum in Hispaniam navigasset, unde cum triumpho rediit: Non aliud vinum, inquit, bibi quam remiges,

The same Cato, while on his voyage to Spain , from which he afterwards returned triumphant, would drink of no other wine but that which was served out to the rowers...


『トルクアトゥス(Torquatus)は10リッターものワインを一気飲みすることで名を知られた』(Section 144)


apud nos cognomen etiam Novellius Torquatus Mediolanensis, ad proconsulatum usque praeturae honoribus gestis, tribus congiis --; unde et cognomen illi fuit --;

Among ourselves, too, Novellius Torquatus of Mediolanum , a man who held all the honours of the state from the prefecture to the pro-consulate, could drink off three congii at a single draught, a feat from which he obtained the surname of "Tricongius:"


『酒を食事の前に飲む風習(悪習)は40年前ごろのクラウディウス帝の時から異国の習慣を取り入れて始まった。これは医者が新しいことを得意げに紹介するいつものやり口だ。』(Section 143)

Tiberio Claudio principe ante hos annos XL institutum, ut ieiuni biberent potiusque vinum antecederet cibos, externis et hoc artibus ac medicorum placitis novitate semper aliqua sese commendantium.

They first began, in the reign of Tiberius Claudius , some forty years ago, to drink fasting, and to take whets of wine before meals; an outlandish fashion, however, and only patronized by physicians who wished to recommend themselves by the introduction of some novelty or other.


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