


2010-04-07 11:11:22 | 日記
Livy, History of Rome (Livius, Ab urbe condita)

(英訳: "Everyman's Library", Translator: Canon Roberts, 1905)




Book2, Section 23


Sed et bellum Volscum imminebat et civitas secum ipsa discors intestino inter patres plebemque flagrabat odio, maxime propter nexos ob aes alienum. Fremebant se, foris pro libertate et imperio dimicantes, domi a civibus captos et oppressos esse, tutioremque in bello quam in pace et inter hostes quam inter cives libertatem plebis esse; invidiamque eam sua sponte gliscentem insignis unius calamitas accendit.

【英訳】 But a war with the Volscians was imminent, and the State was torn with internal dissensions; the patricians and the plebeians were bitterly hostile to one another, owing mainly to the desperate condition of the debtors. They loudly complained that whilst fighting in the field for liberty and empire they were oppressed and enslaved by their fellow-citizens at home; their freedom was more secure in war than in peace, safer amongst the enemy than amongst their own people. The discontent, which was becoming of itself continually more embittered, was still further inflamed by the signal misfortunes of one individual.

その不幸な事件とは、何か? またその結末は?
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