


2010-04-20 07:00:14 | 日記
Livy, History of Rome (Livius, Ab urbe condita)

(英訳: "Everyman's Library", Translator: Canon Roberts, 1905)



Book2, Section 30


Consul Romanus nec promovit aciem, nec clamorem reddi passus defixis pilis stare suos iussit: ubi ad manum venisset hostis, tum coortos tota vi gladiis rem gerere. Volsci cursu et clamore fessi cum se velut stupentibus metu intulissent Romanis, postquam impressionem sensere ex adverso factam et ante oculos micare gladios, haud secus quam si in insidias incidissent, turbati vertunt terga; et ne ad fugam quidem satis virium fuit, quia cursu in proelium ierant.

【英訳】The Roman consul kept his army motionless, forbade their raising an answering shout, and ordered them to stand with their spears fixed in the ground, and when the enemy came to close quarters, to spring forward and make all possible use of their swords. The Volscians, wearied with their running and shouting, threw themselves upon the Romans as upon men benumbed with fear, but when they felt the strength of the counter-attack and saw the swords flashing before them, they retreated in confusion just as if they had been caught in an ambush, and owing to the speed at which they had come into action, they had not even strength to flee.



Book2, Section 30

ローマ兵は、逃げるウォルスキ兵を追って Velitrae (ウェリトラエ)までやって来た。敵味方が混乱しながら一団となってウォルスキの陣地になだれ込んだ。そこで老若男女見境無く惨殺され、戦場より遥かに多くの血がながされた。わずかに生き残ったものは、武器を捨てることでようやくわずかばかりの土地をもらい生活を許された。

et castra impetu ceperunt et castris exutum hostem Velitras persecuti uno agmine victores cum victis in urbem inrupere; plusque ibi sanguinis promiscua omnium generum caede quam in ipsa dimicatione factum. Paucis data venia, qui inermes in deditionem venerunt.

【英訳】[The Romans] rushed their camp, drove them (Volscians) out, and pursued them as far as Velitrae, victors and vanquished bursting pell-mell into the city. A greater slaughter of all ranks took place there than in the actual battle; a few who threw down their arms and surrendered received quarter.

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