Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Shinshu Agematsu Akazawa Forest train

2014-05-24 19:12:13 | Walking Trip
I would like to inform Akazawa Forest train.

Go to Nakatsugawa by JR, and change train to Agematsu.
2hr20min from Nagoya, I arrive at Agematsu station.
In front of the station, ride a bus to Akazawa nature forest.
About 30 minutes bus riding, arrive at Akazawa nature forest.

This forest breeze Japanese cypress for Ise shrine.
This forest has many nature Japanese cypress.
Oldest tree is 300 years.
Japanese cypress has 5 kinds.
They are Hinoki, Sawara, Nezuko, Asunaro, Koyama.
Hinoki and Asunaro is suited for wooden house.

Forest train was finished at 38 years ago.
This train start again 26years ago.
Round trip is only 2.2km, 800yen.
Riding ticket is wooden paper, and you receive the memorial Plate made of Hinoki.

Time schedule is 30min span.
Before riding, I visit the forest train museum.
Steam locomotive is displayed at this museum.

Current Diesel train leades 4 passenger cars.

The train seat is free, I select front car.
Driving is 20minutes.
At Maruyama station, 5 minutes break.
You can get off this station and go to river.
This train drive near Hinoki forest.
Forest bathing is good for your health.
You can see Hinoki and river.

Next is walking forest course.
Forest course is 8 course.

First is Nakadate course.
This course is along Forest train and river side road.
I take a break at crystal-clear brook.
This brook is cold and fresh water.
Deep area is Emerald green.
I sit down a rock in the brook, and read a book.
It is a refreshing time.

After walking, I go to Therapy museum.
This museum has Japanese cypress leaves.
They are Hinoki, Sawara, Nezuko, Asunaro, Koyama's leaves.

Next is Mountain stream walking course.

Final visit is Forest museum.
This museum has Hinoki, Sawara, Nezuko, Asunaro, Koyama's cut woods.

Akazawa nature forest is far from Agematsu station.
But lots of cars are arriving, and some buses are coming.

Akazawa nature forest's best season is from April to Octover.
Please visit this forest for Forest bathing.

That's it.

